duminică, 10 martie 2013
marți, 19 februarie 2013
Magic Turtle Cake!
Peeled, and thinly sliced kiwis (as many as it takes to cover shell)
Bananas, thinly sliced, lengthwise
Coconut flesh (1/2 cup)
Coconut water (1/4 cup)
Dates, pitted (1/2 cup)
1. Put coconut flesh, coconut water, and dates into a blender, and blend on high until you get an "icing" like consistency (not too liquidy, if it is too thin, add more dates)
2. Start with layered bananas on the bottom, followed by some coconut date "icing", followed by thinly sliced kiwi rounds, and then some more "icing", and then more banana slices. Continue this pattern, moving slowly into the center until you get a 1/2 circle shape on your plate.
3. Next, layer the 1/2 circle with thinly sliced kiwi rounds to make the green colour of the turtle shell.
4. Make the head, feet, and tail, simply by carving out individual kiwis to get the shapes as pictured in the picture below.

Have you ever tried to REMEMBER some fact, theory or information you had been taught in school or in a class or heard from passing by? Sometimes we can remember it & many times we can't. Is it perhaps because the times we can remember, it is because we were AWARE, in the MOMENT & our KNOWING came through when we were learning? So the knowledge becomes us. When we learn & are not focused, aware & in the moment, we very quickly can forget. We don't KNOW, we can just recite perhaps. The difference between knowledge & information depends upon AWARENESS while you are learning & then in APPLYING what you learn, so you experience it & then you know. Have you ever noticed this? Elizabeth Peru
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SOUL & BODY SPRAYS : Refreshing, uplifting, zesty & clearing. Hand blended by myself using my favourite essential oils & all natural ingredients. Incl. GODDESS, MEDITATION, NEMESIS, FOCUS & LIFE FORCE. Shipping Worldwide. SEE LINKElizabeth Peru
his weekend is the Aquarius New Moon and Chinese New Year 2013 is the year of the Snake.
According to Lori Reid, in her book on Chinese astrology, the snake is the philosopher and mystic of the Chinese astrological signs — perceptive, intuitive, even psychic. Enigmatic snakes can be secretive, Lori writes, but are undeniably attractive, because after all, who can resist a mystery?
Previous snake years were: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001. The last water snake year was 60 years ago, 1953. Famous snakes: Mae West, Howard Hughes, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
According to Native American lore snake medicine people are very rare and their initiation involves living through multiple snake bites which invests them with the power to transmute all poisons: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. Snake medicine is creative power and embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction and ascension into higher states of consciousness.
There are many correlates between Chinese and Native American snake symbolism!
The 2013 Year of the Snake coincides with the element of water, making the psychic/intuitive snake energy even more powerful. It is interesting to note that this year — in Western Astrology — also has an emphasis on the water element with many planets traversing signs in water, and a special grand sextile aspect pattern this summer that will fall in the two feminine elements of water and earth. Snake medicine indeed!
~ Blue Moon Astrology
According to Lori Reid, in her book on Chinese astrology, the snake is the philosopher and mystic of the Chinese astrological signs — perceptive, intuitive, even psychic. Enigmatic snakes can be secretive, Lori writes, but are undeniably attractive, because after all, who can resist a mystery?
Previous snake years were: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001. The last water snake year was 60 years ago, 1953. Famous snakes: Mae West, Howard Hughes, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
According to Native American lore snake medicine people are very rare and their initiation involves living through multiple snake bites which invests them with the power to transmute all poisons: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. Snake medicine is creative power and embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction and ascension into higher states of consciousness.
There are many correlates between Chinese and Native American snake symbolism!
The 2013 Year of the Snake coincides with the element of water, making the psychic/intuitive snake energy even more powerful. It is interesting to note that this year — in Western Astrology — also has an emphasis on the water element with many planets traversing signs in water, and a special grand sextile aspect pattern this summer that will fall in the two feminine elements of water and earth. Snake medicine indeed!
~ Blue Moon Astrology
Unconditonal Love is Loving Without Attachment
There are many kinds of love but all love that is true is different expressions of the same love, which is Divine love. Whatever love that you feel and express, it is actually the love of the Creator being expressed through you. Who you really are is a messenger of Divne love. Life is a journey for us to discover more of who we really are so that we can evolve to higher forms of expressing love until we can fully love unconditionally. That is when we can fully allow the love of the Divine to flow through us uninhibitedly.
Unconditional love is love that is free. You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated. When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection. You love fearlessly and freely WITHOUT needing anything back. The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love. It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results. Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth. fearlessly, but always without attachment. ♥
There are many kinds of love but all love that is true is different expressions of the same love, which is Divine love. Whatever love that you feel and express, it is actually the love of the Creator being expressed through you. Who you really are is a messenger of Divne love. Life is a journey for us to discover more of who we really are so that we can evolve to higher forms of expressing love until we can fully love unconditionally. That is when we can fully allow the love of the Divine to flow through us uninhibitedly.
Unconditional love is love that is free. You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated. When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection. You love fearlessly and freely WITHOUT needing anything back. The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love. It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results. Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth. fearlessly, but always without attachment. ♥
on one’s religious and/or spiritual beliefs, the end-all-be-all of
spiritual realization is either “God” or “Emptiness.” These goals of
spiritual living seem quite different, so how can both be the absolute
destination of one’s divine journey? If we look closer at the topic of
duality versus nonduality, we begin the see that all paths are touching
on the brink between the dual experience of human existence and the
transcendent, nondual experience of spiritual union most often described
as “Oneness.”
It is common knowledge that in judeo-christian
doctrine, God is comprised of three primary attributes: omniscience,
omnipotence, and omnipresence. If we look into these three descriptions
of the Divine, we are but a breath away from comprehending how God and
Emptiness are signposts pointing to the same human experience.
1. Omniscience (All-knowing)
The first attribute of God is that He is all-knowing, meaning there is
not anything within the Universe secret to Him. He knows all,
understands all, and has calculated all of Nature. There is nothing
outside of God’s grasp, nothing hidden. Neither the conscious nor
unconscious can hide from His knowledge. Nothing is mysterious and so He
is the ultimate mystery. To experience this aspect of God, one would
gain insight into the nature of everything. Sound like Enlightenment?
You bet.
2. Omnipotence (All-powerful)
The second
attribute of God is that He is all-powerful, pointing to the causal
nature of God, that He is the initial and perpetual creative force in
everything. For God to have all the power and ability in existence, then
God also has the power of all choice. Yet life and death still occur,
affirming that the natural cycles are a choice of the Almighty. Even our
own ability to choose is a choice of God. Similar to the Tao, God is
seen this way as the ultimate reality of Nature itself. because he is
all-powerful, Nature must be His will. This is a perfect relation to the
natural, elemental forces described by wisdom traditions of the East.
3. Omnipresence (All-present)
The third attribute of God is that He is all-present, of course hitting
home the idea that there is no place God does not dwell. He is in all
things, because there is ultimately no separation between God and
creation. God both is and is not creation. This is where duality and
nonduality come into play. Duality is this or that, black or white, good
or bad; the function of cognition and rationality. Nonduality is
creative and flowing, a confluence of all Reality; it is Oneness. So
nondual realization is to be able to rest in the absolute Truth that God
Is All and All Is God. Though we are subject to the duality of a
separate body and mind, we can still realize our nature as One with God
in moments of transcendent experience (click Here for meditation
So how does this all bridge God and Emptiness?
Because the fullness of God is the same as the Emptiness of nothing. One
points to everything and the other points to nothing, but each is
singularly total. God and Emptiness are both without separation, without
contrast. The goal of spiritual practice is to see clearly this nondual
reality while also existing in the dual experience of our humanity.
Once the nondual is realized, once God and Emptiness are One, the dual
reality of life opens into endless Space. This is Oneness.
We are this Thing and this Thing is Us. We are One.
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