vineri, 30 noiembrie 2012
It is very good to go astray sometimes. It is not always good to remain good, so don't be worried about that.
It is as it should be. Nature takes its own course. Simply remain with the moment. Live the moment with your total being involved in it, committed to it, absorbed in it. Become drunk with the moment, and then whatsoever happens will be good.
Even if it is not good, it will be good. At least eventually it will prove to be good. Even if you go wrong sometimes, finally you will find that that was also part of being right. It was needed. Life is really a mystery, and the mystery is because of this paradox.
~ Osho
It is very good to go astray sometimes. It is not always good to remain good, so don't be worried about that.
It is as it should be. Nature takes its own course. Simply remain with the moment. Live the moment with your total being involved in it, committed to it, absorbed in it. Become drunk with the moment, and then whatsoever happens will be good.
Even if it is not good, it will be good. At least eventually it will prove to be good. Even if you go wrong sometimes, finally you will find that that was also part of being right. It was needed. Life is really a mystery, and the mystery is because of this paradox.
~ Osho
joi, 29 noiembrie 2012
The ego is afraid to love because in love, life comes to a peak. But whenever there is a peak of life there is also a peak of death -- they go together. In love you die and you are reborn. The same happens when you come to meditate or to pray, or when you come to a Master to surrender. The ego creates all sorts of difficulties, rationalisations not to surrender: 'Think about it, brood about it, be clever about it.' When you come to a Master, again the ego becomes suspicious, doubtful, creates anxiety, because again you are coming to life, to a flame where death will also be as much alive as life.
~ Osho
~ Osho
Love yourself, love immensely, and in that very love your pride, your ego and all that nonsense, will disappear. And when it has disappeared your love will start reaching to other people. And it will not be a relationship but a sharing. And it will not be an object/subject relationship but a melting, a togetherness. It will not be feverish, it will be a cool passion. It will be warm and cool together. It will give you the first taste of the paradoxicalness of life.
~ Osho
~ Osho
Man lives in ego. Ego is only a mask, not your being. Ego is not your reality, it is your acting. Ego is not your truth it is your belief. In a drama, when someone is cast as Rama he doesn’t become Rama, in the same way you are cast here as something which you are not. A vast drama goes on.
When you were born you didn’t come with a name. A name was given to you and you became that name. You didn’
When you were born you didn’t come with a name. A name was given to you and you became that name. You didn’
t come with any knowledge when you were born. You were taught and made to study, you went to school, to college. Many thoughts were poured into your brain. You were thrown into knowledge. Then you began to think it is your knowledge. Nothing in all this is yours. Everything is borrowed, everything is stale leftovers. Your name is not yours, your knowledge is not yours.
The intelligence that you think is yours is not yours – it too has been constructed from others. If someone says you are very beautiful you fall for it. And if someone says you are simply incomparable you fall for that. If anyone praises you, you wrap it up to keep it.
If anyone insults you you’re hurt. Your personality is constructed from others opinions. It is the creation of other hands. Others have brought their brushes and painted you. And if you accept this as your being you will never be able to know yourself.
The intelligence that you think is yours is not yours – it too has been constructed from others. If someone says you are very beautiful you fall for it. And if someone says you are simply incomparable you fall for that. If anyone praises you, you wrap it up to keep it.
If anyone insults you you’re hurt. Your personality is constructed from others opinions. It is the creation of other hands. Others have brought their brushes and painted you. And if you accept this as your being you will never be able to know yourself.
The devil is the fallen human being. God is the risen human being. God is the ultimate possibility of your beatitude; The devil is your ultimate fall. There is nobody like devil existing somewhere. You will never meet him unless you become him. And you will never encounter God unless you become God.
" Learn about the myth of "the mind-body connection" and how diet can powerfully impact mental health and cognitive performance, including a discussion of strategies for improving memory and cognitive function at any age using "Primal principles" and how to slow (maybe even reverse) the process of brain aging. We'll also address common issues like chronic anxiety, depression and ADD/ADHD, what modern day mechanisms might be at play and how a Primal diet and certain added nutrients can better address mental, emotional and cognitive issues. Few individuals seem to make the connection between physical and mental health. As long as one is able to find one's self above ground in the morning, get up out of bed and power through a work day it is commonly assumed that one is healthy. Being thin and active in most people's minds is tantamount to good health (or just not being "sick"), even while the same person may also suffer anxiety related issues, depression or have trouble mentally focusing at work or at school. We all see the world through the lens that is our blood sugar (the extent to which one might be dependent on this), our hormones and neurotransmitters and yet forget that it is our diets that must entirely supply the raw nutrients needed for these critically influential physiological catalysts. Mental health issues and cognitive challenges are nearly ubiquitous today. According to the work of respected nutritional pioneers such as Weston Price these same mental and brain health issues were nearly unheard of in many primitive and traditional societies consuming a diet consistent with that of our more distant evolutionary ancestors. Modern research findings offer added understanding and a new layer to ancestral dietary principles that can lead us toward the promise of optimal brain functioning, emotional liberation and the cultivation of a potentially ageless mind. By applying many of these "Paleo" principles today and modifying them to our more modern circumstances we can re-cultivate and improve upon the healthy Primal Mind that is our birthright and the key to our future as a species."
"And this is where I want to tie it up, with this notion of the felt presence of immediate experience. This transcends the culture, the machines, the drugs, the history, the momentum of evolution. It's all you will ever know and all can ever know. It's the felt presence of immediate experience. Everything else arrives as rumor, litigant, advocant, supposition, possibility. The felt moment of immediate experience is actually the mind and the body aware of each other, and aware of the flow of time, and the establishment of being through metabolism." - Terence McKenna
miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012
Altered States of Consciousness
"You attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will manifest. Pay attention to your emotions. Think about your desires. Don't think about what you don’t want. When you notice yourself feeling bad, you’ve caught yourself thinking about something you don’t want. Turn your focus back towards what you do want and your emotional state will improve rapidly. Be the director of your thoughts. As you do this repeatedly, you’ll begin to see your physical reality shift too, first in subtle ways and then in bigger leaps." - Steve Pavlina
You demand, and through demand you create misery. And demand is possible only if you are attached. You cannot demand with persons who are strangers to you. Only with attachment demand comes in. That is why all attachments become hellish.
Be non-attached. That means be flowing, accepting, whatsoever life brings. Don’t demand and don’t force. Life is not going to follow you. You cannot force life to be according to you. It is better to flow with the river rather than pushing it. Just flow with it! Much happiness becomes possible. There is already much happiness all around you, but you cannot see it because of your wrong fixations.
Be non-attached. That means be flowing, accepting, whatsoever life brings. Don’t demand and don’t force. Life is not going to follow you. You cannot force life to be according to you. It is better to flow with the river rather than pushing it. Just flow with it! Much happiness becomes possible. There is already much happiness all around you, but you cannot see it because of your wrong fixations.
The solitary person is in a negative space. He is feeling lonely, he is hankering for the other. He is in a deep sadness because he does not know how to be with himself, he does not know how to enjoy himself, he does not know how to celebrate himself. All that he knows is relationship, so whenever he is in relationship he feels at ease. Whenever he is with somebody he can forget himself. To be with somebody is something like alcohol, it is an intoxicant. It is simply drowning yourself, your worries, anxieties, your very existence in the other. And the other is doing the same with you. That's what people call relationship. Each is using the other as a means to avoid himself.
Solitude is totally different. It is not loneliness, it is aloneness. It is aloneness. It is not negative, it is utterly positive. It is not the experience that the other is absent but the experience that 'I am present.' It is so overwhelming an experience of one's own presence that everything else fades from the ind and one starts feeling ecstatic. The sheer joy of breathing, the sheer joy of being, the sheer joy of participating in existence is enough. It is a wonder to be, the wonder of wonders.
Bliss makes real solitude. Then solitude becomes a temple, bliss becomes the deity in it. And that's what meditation is all about: the art of changing loneliness into aloneness, the alchemy of changing solitariness into solitude.
~~Osho ♥ ♥
Solitude is totally different. It is not loneliness, it is aloneness. It is aloneness. It is not negative, it is utterly positive. It is not the experience that the other is absent but the experience that 'I am present.' It is so overwhelming an experience of one's own presence that everything else fades from the ind and one starts feeling ecstatic. The sheer joy of breathing, the sheer joy of being, the sheer joy of participating in existence is enough. It is a wonder to be, the wonder of wonders.
Bliss makes real solitude. Then solitude becomes a temple, bliss becomes the deity in it. And that's what meditation is all about: the art of changing loneliness into aloneness, the alchemy of changing solitariness into solitude.
~~Osho ♥ ♥
marți, 27 noiembrie 2012
If we watch ourselves too closely, we become more separate from our surroundings. If we don't watch ourselves at all, we never realize we're a part of this whole thing.

“With self-awareness you grow more intelligent. In awareness you learn, in self-awareness you learn about yourself. Of course, you can only learn what you are not. To know what you are, you must go beyond the mind. Awareness is the point at which the mind reaches out beyond itself into reality. In awareness you seek not what pleases, but what is true.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj
In this holographic world, everyone and everything is a mirror, and you are always seeing yourself and talking to yourself. If you choose, you can now look at what emotionally affects you as an alarm, a clue to uncover your shadow, a catalyst for growth that gives you an opportunity to reclaim a hidden aspect of yourself. What aspects are reflecting back to you?"
“We’re connected to each other in ways that are very hard to understand and anticipate. But we are using these connections to strengthen the world in ways we can get excited about. We can strengthen the invisible ties that hold us and bind us together. The unique things that make humanity move forward are now present right before us. What’s interesting is there is this whole category of people who complain that this new generation of people who grew up living in front of screens, always connected to something, are giving up something of life. I think they are completely wrong. The story of humans is connectivity. Verbal, and now with computers, and it is the construction of all that, that this connection is a blessing. It is that platform that will create the great set of new wealth in the world and all the new opportunities for us.” - Eric Schmidt
Change occurs in ones life when one is willing to change. We can never force people into changing or growing; they must be ready within their own being from where they are at to consciously choose to move into higher vibrational ways. The ego is like a frightened little child, an entity in it's own right and if we are not ready to release an old destructive pattern, then it will resist with everyt
hing that it has until it fully goes through the lesson and reaches a point of break down. Forcing change upon others will end up being a battle of the egos instead of a connection with Higher Self that can truly serve humanity through non-resistance and unconditonal love. It is not a matter that one does not wish to fully evolve, it is just that we all are at very different stages of growth, karma, awareness and lessons on earth. Where someone is at in their growth right now, may have been where you were at several lifetimes ago, and for that lifetime you needed to learn the lessons from that level of consciousness. We also must understand that when we see things in others that we judge, we are also seeing the same thing in ourselves and it may be a message to look deeper within the self and see what pattern mirroring this other person may be hindering our own growth at this point.
The only true person we can help evolve is ourselves, our own journey and BEING the embodiment of love and light. By evolving ourselves we allow a gateway for others to 'see' what is possible if they choose to release the stuggle and resistance to growth. This is how a way-shower assists others in growing higher, through their own living embodiment of being the change they wish to see. Those who are not ready to make the shift, may need to go through their lessons, death and rebirth in order to grow from it and transcend it. Trying to change them not only hinders your own growth but it also repels those you are trying to help further from their own lessons in growth and expansion through the lesson. We must release our own ego, struggle and judgement of others growth and connect with compassion to fully evolve ourselves.
Our connection to the heart will assist us in knowing when and how to help others through service and in the most productive way. When you have a true connection with Higher Self, you will know when to assist and when to step back and let spirit handle the details. There is so much that cannot be broken down and comprehended through the mind alone. We must move into the heart and feel unconditonal love and compassion for all beings including ourselves for where we are at in our growth cycle. This practice alone will create a positive shift in the world we live in. Remember.... It is ok to be where you are at... being evolved is not about being 'perfect'... it is about allowing more LOVE into your heart no matter where you are at. As you accept who you and others are fully, you allow a space for the NEW to enter and thus evolve simutaniously on earth.
~ Abigail Wainwright
The only true person we can help evolve is ourselves, our own journey and BEING the embodiment of love and light. By evolving ourselves we allow a gateway for others to 'see' what is possible if they choose to release the stuggle and resistance to growth. This is how a way-shower assists others in growing higher, through their own living embodiment of being the change they wish to see. Those who are not ready to make the shift, may need to go through their lessons, death and rebirth in order to grow from it and transcend it. Trying to change them not only hinders your own growth but it also repels those you are trying to help further from their own lessons in growth and expansion through the lesson. We must release our own ego, struggle and judgement of others growth and connect with compassion to fully evolve ourselves.
Our connection to the heart will assist us in knowing when and how to help others through service and in the most productive way. When you have a true connection with Higher Self, you will know when to assist and when to step back and let spirit handle the details. There is so much that cannot be broken down and comprehended through the mind alone. We must move into the heart and feel unconditonal love and compassion for all beings including ourselves for where we are at in our growth cycle. This practice alone will create a positive shift in the world we live in. Remember.... It is ok to be where you are at... being evolved is not about being 'perfect'... it is about allowing more LOVE into your heart no matter where you are at. As you accept who you and others are fully, you allow a space for the NEW to enter and thus evolve simutaniously on earth.
~ Abigail Wainwright
"In these times of great change, our advise to you is keep your ideas about truth fluid, for as you grow, you change and you alter your perceptions, and therefore, what is accepted as your truth changes right along with you. Know that what you accept as a new truth today, might vanish tomorrow as another, higher truth comes upon you. That is spiritual growth, dear ones. Welcome it with open hearts and minds. These years can be so exciting for you! Those who are not willing to change their truth do not grow and become locked in the past. The present eclipses them and soon leaves them behind to live in an old and unchanging reality. Observe those who persistently cling to their past, who are unable or unwilling to move into the present time, and they will appear to age right before your eyes."
"Are you always trying to get somewhere other than where you are? Is most of your doing just a means to an end? Is fulfillment always just around the corner or confined to short-lived pleasures, such as sex, food, drink, drugs, or thrills and excitement? Are you always focused on becoming, achieving, and attaining, or alternatively chasing some new thrill or pleasure? Do you believe that if you ac
quire more things you will become more fulfilled, be good enough, or psychologically complete? Are you waiting for a man or woman to give meaning to your life? In the normal, mind-identified or unenlightened state of consciousness, the power and infinite creative potential that lie concealed in the now are completely obscured by psychological time. Your life then loses its vibrancy, its freshness, its sense of wonder. The old patterns of thought, emotion, behaviour, reaction, and desire are acted out in endless repeat performances, a script in your mind that gives you an identity of sorts but distorts or covers up the reality of the now. The mind then creates an obsession with the future as an escape from the unsatisfactory present." - Eckhart Tolle
“The greatest prison that people live in is the fear of what others think… All you have to do is dictate the norms of society, of what’s acceptable and what’s not, and you have yourself an army of people who suppress each other with these norms. This is how the Elites find it so easy to control the rest of the population.”
— David Icke
— David Icke
The question is not whether one has to live through all the dreams and fantasies or not. You are living in them. You are already in them. And it is not a question of choice -- you cannot choose.
Can you choose? Can you drop your dreams? Can you drop your fantasies? If you try to drop your dreams you will have to substitute them with other dreams. If you try to change your fantasies they will chan
Can you choose? Can you drop your dreams? Can you drop your fantasies? If you try to drop your dreams you will have to substitute them with other dreams. If you try to change your fantasies they will chan
ge into another type of fantasy -- but they will remain dreams and fantasies.
So what is to be done? Accept them. Why be against them? This tree has red flowers, that tree has yellow flowers. So it's okay. You have certain dreams -- yellow dreams. Somebody else has other dreams -- blue dreams, red dreams. So it's okay. Why fight with dreams, why try to change them? When you try to change them, you believe them too much. You don't think they are dreams, you think they are real and that changing them will be significant. If dreams are dreams, why not accept them?
The moment you accept them, they disappear. This is the secret. The moment you accept them they disappear -- because the dreaming mind exists through rejection. The very phenomenon of a dreaming mind is rejection.
You have been rejecting many things -- that's why they pop up in your dreams. You are moving on a street. You look at a beautiful woman or man. Desire arises. Suddenly you drop it: This is wrong! You reject it. Tradition, culture, society, morality: This is not good!
You can look at a beautiful flower, nothing is bad in it. But when you look at a beautiful face something immediately goes wrong -- you reject it. Now this face will become a dream. The rejected becomes the dream. Now this face will haunt you. Now in the night this face will come around you.
Now this body will be hovering. The desire that you have rejected will become a dream. Desires that you have repressed will become dreams and fantasies. So how to create a dream? The secret is: reject. The more you reject, the more dreams will be there. Those who go to the hills, those who reject life, they are filled with too many dreams. Their dreams become so real, hallucinatory, that they cannot make any distinction as to whether this is a dream or a reality.
Don't reject, otherwise you will create more dreams. Accept. Whatsoever happens to you, accept it as part of your being. Don't condemn it. The moment you become more accepting, dreams will dissolve. A person who accepts his life totally becomes dreamless, because the very base has been cut.That is one thing. Secondly, the whole is nature -- the whole I say. Not only the trees, not only the clouds -- the whole. Whatsoever has happened has happened because of nature. There is nothing unnatural -- cannot be. Otherwise, how could it have happened? EVERYTHING is natural.
So don't create a division: this is natural and this is unnatural. Whatsoever is, is natural. But the mind lives on distinctions, divisions. Don't allow divisions; accept whatsoever is, and accept without any analysis.
— Osho
So what is to be done? Accept them. Why be against them? This tree has red flowers, that tree has yellow flowers. So it's okay. You have certain dreams -- yellow dreams. Somebody else has other dreams -- blue dreams, red dreams. So it's okay. Why fight with dreams, why try to change them? When you try to change them, you believe them too much. You don't think they are dreams, you think they are real and that changing them will be significant. If dreams are dreams, why not accept them?
The moment you accept them, they disappear. This is the secret. The moment you accept them they disappear -- because the dreaming mind exists through rejection. The very phenomenon of a dreaming mind is rejection.
You have been rejecting many things -- that's why they pop up in your dreams. You are moving on a street. You look at a beautiful woman or man. Desire arises. Suddenly you drop it: This is wrong! You reject it. Tradition, culture, society, morality: This is not good!
You can look at a beautiful flower, nothing is bad in it. But when you look at a beautiful face something immediately goes wrong -- you reject it. Now this face will become a dream. The rejected becomes the dream. Now this face will haunt you. Now in the night this face will come around you.
Now this body will be hovering. The desire that you have rejected will become a dream. Desires that you have repressed will become dreams and fantasies. So how to create a dream? The secret is: reject. The more you reject, the more dreams will be there. Those who go to the hills, those who reject life, they are filled with too many dreams. Their dreams become so real, hallucinatory, that they cannot make any distinction as to whether this is a dream or a reality.
Don't reject, otherwise you will create more dreams. Accept. Whatsoever happens to you, accept it as part of your being. Don't condemn it. The moment you become more accepting, dreams will dissolve. A person who accepts his life totally becomes dreamless, because the very base has been cut.That is one thing. Secondly, the whole is nature -- the whole I say. Not only the trees, not only the clouds -- the whole. Whatsoever has happened has happened because of nature. There is nothing unnatural -- cannot be. Otherwise, how could it have happened? EVERYTHING is natural.
So don't create a division: this is natural and this is unnatural. Whatsoever is, is natural. But the mind lives on distinctions, divisions. Don't allow divisions; accept whatsoever is, and accept without any analysis.
— Osho
Ordinarily, anger is not bad. Ordinarily, anger is part of natural life; it comes and goes. But if you repress it, then it becomes a problem. Then you go on accumulating it. Then it is not a question of coming and going; it becomes your very being. Then it is not that you are sometimes angry; you remain angry, you remain in rage, and you just wait for somebody to provoke it. Or even a hint of prov
ocation, and you catch fire and you do things for which, later on, you will say, ’I did it in spite of me.’
Analyse this expression — ’in spite of me’. How can you do anything in spite of you? But the expression is exactly right.
Repressed anger becomes a temporary madness. Something happens which is beyond your control. If you could have controlled, you would have controlled it still — but suddenly it was overflowing. Suddenly it was beyond you. You couldn’t do anything, you felt helpless — and it came out. Such a person may not be angry, but he moves and lives in anger.
If you look at people... stand by the road and just watch... you will find two types of people. Just go on watching their faces. The whole humanity is divided into two types of people. One is the sad type, who will look very sad, dragging somehow. Another is the angry type — just bubbling with madness, ready to explode at any excuse.
Anger is active sadness; sadness is inactive anger. They are not two things.
Watch your own behaviour. When do you find yourself sad? You find yourself sad only in situations where you cannot be angry. The boss in the office says something and you cannot be angry; it is uneconomical. You cannot be angry and you have to go on smiling — then you become sad. The energy has become inactive. You come home, and with your wife you find a small thing, anything irrelevant, and you become angry.
People enjoy anger, they relish it, because at least they feel they are doing something. In sadness, you feel that something has been done to you. You have been at the passive end, at the receiving end. Something has been done to you and you were helpless and you could not retort, you could not retaliate, you could not react.
In anger, you feel a little good. After a big bout of anger, one feels a little relaxed... feels good. You are alive. You also can do things.
The people you see on the streets who have become sad, so permanently that the face has taken a certain mould, are the people who are so helpless, so down the rung of the ladder, that they can’t find anybody to be angry with. These are the sad people. Up higher on the rung you will find angry people. The higher you go, the angrier are the people you will find. The lower you come, the sadder are the people.
In India, go and see the untouchables, the lowest class. They are sad. Then go to the brahmins — they are angry. A brahmin is always angry; for any small thing he will go mad. He is a brahmin. An untouchable is simply sad because there is nobody else below him on whom he can throw his anger. Anger and sadness are both faces of the same energy... repressed.
Patience comes when you are neither angry nor sad. Patience is a great phenomenon. When you are neither angry against anybody nor sad against anybody — sadness and anger both have gone; your energies have settled, centered; you are at home.... Patience means you have come back home. Now nothing distracts, nothing disturbs. You are so happy, so blissful inside, that everything else is irrelevant.
— Osho
Analyse this expression — ’in spite of me’. How can you do anything in spite of you? But the expression is exactly right.
Repressed anger becomes a temporary madness. Something happens which is beyond your control. If you could have controlled, you would have controlled it still — but suddenly it was overflowing. Suddenly it was beyond you. You couldn’t do anything, you felt helpless — and it came out. Such a person may not be angry, but he moves and lives in anger.
If you look at people... stand by the road and just watch... you will find two types of people. Just go on watching their faces. The whole humanity is divided into two types of people. One is the sad type, who will look very sad, dragging somehow. Another is the angry type — just bubbling with madness, ready to explode at any excuse.
Anger is active sadness; sadness is inactive anger. They are not two things.
Watch your own behaviour. When do you find yourself sad? You find yourself sad only in situations where you cannot be angry. The boss in the office says something and you cannot be angry; it is uneconomical. You cannot be angry and you have to go on smiling — then you become sad. The energy has become inactive. You come home, and with your wife you find a small thing, anything irrelevant, and you become angry.
People enjoy anger, they relish it, because at least they feel they are doing something. In sadness, you feel that something has been done to you. You have been at the passive end, at the receiving end. Something has been done to you and you were helpless and you could not retort, you could not retaliate, you could not react.
In anger, you feel a little good. After a big bout of anger, one feels a little relaxed... feels good. You are alive. You also can do things.
The people you see on the streets who have become sad, so permanently that the face has taken a certain mould, are the people who are so helpless, so down the rung of the ladder, that they can’t find anybody to be angry with. These are the sad people. Up higher on the rung you will find angry people. The higher you go, the angrier are the people you will find. The lower you come, the sadder are the people.
In India, go and see the untouchables, the lowest class. They are sad. Then go to the brahmins — they are angry. A brahmin is always angry; for any small thing he will go mad. He is a brahmin. An untouchable is simply sad because there is nobody else below him on whom he can throw his anger. Anger and sadness are both faces of the same energy... repressed.
Patience comes when you are neither angry nor sad. Patience is a great phenomenon. When you are neither angry against anybody nor sad against anybody — sadness and anger both have gone; your energies have settled, centered; you are at home.... Patience means you have come back home. Now nothing distracts, nothing disturbs. You are so happy, so blissful inside, that everything else is irrelevant.
— Osho
“You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows no death, no birth, it is only your body that is born and dies, but you are not aware of your consciousness. You are not conscious of your consciousness, and that is the whole art of meditation; becoming conscious of consciousness itself.” - Osho
luni, 26 noiembrie 2012
Transending the Illusion of Separation
Separation: The place at which a division or parting occurs.
The route of all delusion here in our world, is indisputably the illusion of separation. All separation is merely a psychological misconception, and thus the ultimate illusion. An illusion that when confused with Reality, renders one in a state of painful insecurity and justified indifference t
Separation: The place at which a division or parting occurs.
The route of all delusion here in our world, is indisputably the illusion of separation. All separation is merely a psychological misconception, and thus the ultimate illusion. An illusion that when confused with Reality, renders one in a state of painful insecurity and justified indifference t
o others. It renders one in excessive need for self priority before the consideration of humanity’s collective presence on our planet. It is in this muddied perspective that results in the birth of one’s ego, the definitive mental illness. It is the epitome of societal conditioning. It is in this vulnerability that corporations, the government, and organized religion will sweep in to offer artificial relief from this pain. A privileged aristocracy of illusionists that have conjured the false reality of division to sustain the idea that your servitude is necessary to experience oneness. They sustain your oppression through misconceptions of unity such as nationality, religion, sex, race, age, clothing style, musical taste, etc. Labels that sustain our confusion and delusion of severance. A system that ultimately acts as an anti cosmos of hate and annihilation.
Let us assess this physically. You view your environment, with the ability to differentiate objects based upon the space between them. This does not render them separated though. Our five senses are limited in their ability alone to perceive, so we have created devices that increase the capability of our senses to better grasp our knowledge of the universe. Through these tools and general application of the scientific method to all that is observable, we have achieved the understanding that all that is perceivable is literally physically connected. How could one ever experience a lack of contentment with the knowledge that they are one with all, and that all evolution is a personal testament to the very life that inhabits their body. In relinquishing the vanity of individuality, “I” becomes “we”, and “mine” becomes “ours”. We are mine, and I am ours. There is no self beyond our physical vessel. To believe we are separate from our environment merely because we are not rooted to the ground as trees, is ignorance. Allow your psyche to reconstruct itself with this knowledge. In syncing our perception with with reality as it truly is, we awaken from our nightmare of egotism. Apart from nothing, vain attempts to sustain one’s individuality decay gracefully as the universe opens it’s eyes to witness it’s all encompassing magnificence.
We celebrate our knowledge of interconnection through intimacy, both mental and physical. Genuine empathy is achieved through the realization of interconnection, the indisputable collective energy that is all life and courses through all things. This harmony is achieved psychologically through understanding that we can relate to all things based on mutual drive to create and progress. No longer must you feign interest in relating based upon petty consumer similarities to build relationships with others. We do not need to accept convenient delusions for the false security they yield. You will only discover true security in the understanding that you are one with all. You are consciousness inhabiting the physical, consuming the physical to sustain consciousness. You will discover that love is anything but rare, when you realize that nature and all of humanity is your soul mate. Life is collective and existence is purpose, the will of the cosmos.
- Paul John Moscatello
Let us assess this physically. You view your environment, with the ability to differentiate objects based upon the space between them. This does not render them separated though. Our five senses are limited in their ability alone to perceive, so we have created devices that increase the capability of our senses to better grasp our knowledge of the universe. Through these tools and general application of the scientific method to all that is observable, we have achieved the understanding that all that is perceivable is literally physically connected. How could one ever experience a lack of contentment with the knowledge that they are one with all, and that all evolution is a personal testament to the very life that inhabits their body. In relinquishing the vanity of individuality, “I” becomes “we”, and “mine” becomes “ours”. We are mine, and I am ours. There is no self beyond our physical vessel. To believe we are separate from our environment merely because we are not rooted to the ground as trees, is ignorance. Allow your psyche to reconstruct itself with this knowledge. In syncing our perception with with reality as it truly is, we awaken from our nightmare of egotism. Apart from nothing, vain attempts to sustain one’s individuality decay gracefully as the universe opens it’s eyes to witness it’s all encompassing magnificence.
We celebrate our knowledge of interconnection through intimacy, both mental and physical. Genuine empathy is achieved through the realization of interconnection, the indisputable collective energy that is all life and courses through all things. This harmony is achieved psychologically through understanding that we can relate to all things based on mutual drive to create and progress. No longer must you feign interest in relating based upon petty consumer similarities to build relationships with others. We do not need to accept convenient delusions for the false security they yield. You will only discover true security in the understanding that you are one with all. You are consciousness inhabiting the physical, consuming the physical to sustain consciousness. You will discover that love is anything but rare, when you realize that nature and all of humanity is your soul mate. Life is collective and existence is purpose, the will of the cosmos.
- Paul John Moscatello
There really is a new world forming ♥ There is oneness is us all and in everything, however a divide of two worlds of thinking and living is so now apparent. The world I am in is a world of peace, so much love, and so abundant where jealousy, judgement, control, hatred does not exists in my surroundings and day to day experiences. You can tune into this world at anytime. It is there for you all when you are ready to let go of the games you have been addicted to since birth. Transcendency is all that is required from wherever you are at in the life you are living through mind. ♥
Lunar Eclipse & the Intense Energies As We Step into December - 11/24/2012
As we prepare for the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, November 28, there is a lot of rearranging, letting go and physical manifestations occurring. Secrets, especially within families, are being revealed, clearing the old energies out of wherever they are hiding. They simply cannot hide anymore, especially within ou
As we prepare for the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, November 28, there is a lot of rearranging, letting go and physical manifestations occurring. Secrets, especially within families, are being revealed, clearing the old energies out of wherever they are hiding. They simply cannot hide anymore, especially within ou
rselves. If you are hiding something to protect others or yourself, it is best to come clean, because these energies can eat you up inside. And if they are within others, it is best to call a spade a spade, as they say.
The 11/11 Gateway helped us inch our way along by shining a Light where we are still holding onto the old, as well as preparing us for the powerful portals of completion on 12/12/12 and 12/21/12. Do know that while humans are fond of dates and many believe that on those dates we will be completely crystalline and in the 5th Dimension, it happens gradually. Portals are merely opportunities to step forward in vibration and consciousness. And consciousness is nothing unless we integrate it into our everyday life. One simply cannot dwell in the higher dimensions if they haven’t shifted within.
The Fifth Dimension isn’t a place; it is a vibration, and some are already holding that dimension and some are moving into higher dimensions, while others choose to remain in the consciousness of 3D. Dimensions are consciousness; not places. We utilize the energies of the Full and New Moons, Eclipses, Solstices and Equinoxes, and other “special dates,” to join in the energies, for whatever we give our energy to, we multiply. Many take part in group meditations and ceremonies, as well as go to certain sacred places on Earth and it is just as effective to be in your own home, meditating, doing Ceremony or by simply lighting a candle, for we are all One and our energy is in all places. Wherever we are is sacred ground. For remember, there are no rules or “supposed-to’s” in the New. Each one is guided as to what their highest purpose is and what to do.
As we continue to bring in the Light, there may be old memories that surface, old wounds, drama, forms of escapism, and physical manifestations as we continue to purify. Some of the physical adjustments may be quite severe at this point; especially if there hasn’t been complete release beforehand. These include digestive track issues, skin eruptions, headaches, solar plexus pain, anxiety, depression, a sense of complete loss and despair, forgetfulness, disorientation, fuzzy eyes, feeling like you’re getting sick, pains that come and go in differ parts of your body, and others that are individually perfect for wherever a person is in their Ascension. There is no judgment in this; all is exactly as it is designed to be. So don’t compare yourself to others; just know that however you experience this time is perfect for you. These experiences are further magnified by the recent solar flares and winds. Give thanks for all of it, for it is all about clearing ourselves to be nothing but Light…our true essence; a complete integration of Soul. Know also that our animals and children are experiencing much of this as well, and of course, Gaia.
What to do? Stay hydrated, get outside, meditate, take Rescue Remedy, drink coconut water, and take long baths or showers to wash away what is coming to the surface; do whatever self-care you are guided to take. Follow your body’s desires as far as diet goes and take extra vitamins. Follow your Guidance 100% without allowing your intellect to get in the way. Be of Divine Service, holding others in a space of Love without the need to rescue or save.
We are in the powerful time between eclipses, and it is intense, as each milestone we pass, we are put more in touch with our job at hand. With all of this, we also are experiencing more Love, Peace and Oneness, and are getting glimpses as to what we are doing as part of the One Divinity. While we are so fond of putting everything in a category, we are being asked not to. Let go of who you describe yourself to be; whether it is a wife, healer, teacher, husband, mother, Lightworker or any other way you label yourself. Know that you are an ever-evolving Being of Light, and that is more than enough; and this frees you to be more (not do more).
Know too that your Soul is much more than you think or can conceptualize. Your Soul is the huge expression of Divine Source.
Remember also that we’ve just passed through an alignment with the Pleiades which activated a lot of hidden agendas and released a flurry of dark energies. You may have experienced being attacked verbally, either to your face or behind your back, and this is to put you on notice to stand in your Truth, while not placing any attention on the negative. This does a lot to push you forward in your rightful place as Light Being.
We have walked through the 11/11 Gateway and Portal. As we have done this, we are awakening more and more and many others, who have been dawdling, are awakening too. We have entered a new phase; another rung on the Ascension Ladder. Many may experience this as a lightening up; a clarity and a release energetically and physically. How does your life look? Has it shifted dramatically or do you feel it’s about to? Are you getting more in touch with how you would like to experience life and what you would like your life to look like? We are releasing any servitude to struggle, fear and competition, as we clear the old 3D programs that hold us back in lack. The truth is that we can go anywhere, be anything without the fear of losing it all. Most don’t believe this, and yet when you take that step into Freedom, you realize you do not fall into the abyss of separation.
We have released so much that we are now positioned to take another step into our Power, as we have increased our consciousness through the 11/11 Gateway and the Solar Eclipse of 11/13, and now are integrating much of that energy. Remember, the Gateway remains open and continues to pump out high dimensional energy for the benefit of all. Much like Reiki, this energy may be used to move forward, transition or stay behind; it is everyone’s choice according to their Soul Plan. The Eclipse coming up this week has the potential for us to step up into the Universal Soul of Divine Source (let that soak in for a few seconds; feel it; see it). What this does is it takes us into further expansion as well as clears us more of the old that has been hiding within. So take a look if any fear or judgment is still in there, deep inside you. Do you still hold resentment about anyone or anything in your life? Do you still feel like you’re a victim of circumstance? Are there still those that you could forgive, including yourself?
You might feel very alone and lost as you have let go of so much. This is an illusion and a reality. The illusion is that you’re alone. You’re not; you’re connected to the Universal web of Love and you’re just on your own unique timeline. If you feel lost, that is fine as well, for this indicates that you’ve let go of so much and the New is slowly being created according to your Soul Plan. Stay focused on Soul Essences, Divine Service and Loving Kindness, for your new life is created from these. Remain true to yourself, no matter how others in your world act or treat you. Love prevails.
At the same time of the Lunar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde ends. How is that for synchronicity? We can take action in areas in which we have felt confused and we can speak our truth without fear. So with the Lunar Eclipse and this movement forward, we take another step into our Mastery. What are you empowering; what are your inner thoughts and feelings; what are they telling you and how are they guiding you? Remember, you attract what you are.
The Truth of you is that you are Divine, are boundless and are a creator. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you different.
http:// newsletter.asp?NID=12
The 11/11 Gateway helped us inch our way along by shining a Light where we are still holding onto the old, as well as preparing us for the powerful portals of completion on 12/12/12 and 12/21/12. Do know that while humans are fond of dates and many believe that on those dates we will be completely crystalline and in the 5th Dimension, it happens gradually. Portals are merely opportunities to step forward in vibration and consciousness. And consciousness is nothing unless we integrate it into our everyday life. One simply cannot dwell in the higher dimensions if they haven’t shifted within.
The Fifth Dimension isn’t a place; it is a vibration, and some are already holding that dimension and some are moving into higher dimensions, while others choose to remain in the consciousness of 3D. Dimensions are consciousness; not places. We utilize the energies of the Full and New Moons, Eclipses, Solstices and Equinoxes, and other “special dates,” to join in the energies, for whatever we give our energy to, we multiply. Many take part in group meditations and ceremonies, as well as go to certain sacred places on Earth and it is just as effective to be in your own home, meditating, doing Ceremony or by simply lighting a candle, for we are all One and our energy is in all places. Wherever we are is sacred ground. For remember, there are no rules or “supposed-to’s” in the New. Each one is guided as to what their highest purpose is and what to do.
As we continue to bring in the Light, there may be old memories that surface, old wounds, drama, forms of escapism, and physical manifestations as we continue to purify. Some of the physical adjustments may be quite severe at this point; especially if there hasn’t been complete release beforehand. These include digestive track issues, skin eruptions, headaches, solar plexus pain, anxiety, depression, a sense of complete loss and despair, forgetfulness, disorientation, fuzzy eyes, feeling like you’re getting sick, pains that come and go in differ parts of your body, and others that are individually perfect for wherever a person is in their Ascension. There is no judgment in this; all is exactly as it is designed to be. So don’t compare yourself to others; just know that however you experience this time is perfect for you. These experiences are further magnified by the recent solar flares and winds. Give thanks for all of it, for it is all about clearing ourselves to be nothing but Light…our true essence; a complete integration of Soul. Know also that our animals and children are experiencing much of this as well, and of course, Gaia.
What to do? Stay hydrated, get outside, meditate, take Rescue Remedy, drink coconut water, and take long baths or showers to wash away what is coming to the surface; do whatever self-care you are guided to take. Follow your body’s desires as far as diet goes and take extra vitamins. Follow your Guidance 100% without allowing your intellect to get in the way. Be of Divine Service, holding others in a space of Love without the need to rescue or save.
We are in the powerful time between eclipses, and it is intense, as each milestone we pass, we are put more in touch with our job at hand. With all of this, we also are experiencing more Love, Peace and Oneness, and are getting glimpses as to what we are doing as part of the One Divinity. While we are so fond of putting everything in a category, we are being asked not to. Let go of who you describe yourself to be; whether it is a wife, healer, teacher, husband, mother, Lightworker or any other way you label yourself. Know that you are an ever-evolving Being of Light, and that is more than enough; and this frees you to be more (not do more).
Know too that your Soul is much more than you think or can conceptualize. Your Soul is the huge expression of Divine Source.
Remember also that we’ve just passed through an alignment with the Pleiades which activated a lot of hidden agendas and released a flurry of dark energies. You may have experienced being attacked verbally, either to your face or behind your back, and this is to put you on notice to stand in your Truth, while not placing any attention on the negative. This does a lot to push you forward in your rightful place as Light Being.
We have walked through the 11/11 Gateway and Portal. As we have done this, we are awakening more and more and many others, who have been dawdling, are awakening too. We have entered a new phase; another rung on the Ascension Ladder. Many may experience this as a lightening up; a clarity and a release energetically and physically. How does your life look? Has it shifted dramatically or do you feel it’s about to? Are you getting more in touch with how you would like to experience life and what you would like your life to look like? We are releasing any servitude to struggle, fear and competition, as we clear the old 3D programs that hold us back in lack. The truth is that we can go anywhere, be anything without the fear of losing it all. Most don’t believe this, and yet when you take that step into Freedom, you realize you do not fall into the abyss of separation.
We have released so much that we are now positioned to take another step into our Power, as we have increased our consciousness through the 11/11 Gateway and the Solar Eclipse of 11/13, and now are integrating much of that energy. Remember, the Gateway remains open and continues to pump out high dimensional energy for the benefit of all. Much like Reiki, this energy may be used to move forward, transition or stay behind; it is everyone’s choice according to their Soul Plan. The Eclipse coming up this week has the potential for us to step up into the Universal Soul of Divine Source (let that soak in for a few seconds; feel it; see it). What this does is it takes us into further expansion as well as clears us more of the old that has been hiding within. So take a look if any fear or judgment is still in there, deep inside you. Do you still hold resentment about anyone or anything in your life? Do you still feel like you’re a victim of circumstance? Are there still those that you could forgive, including yourself?
You might feel very alone and lost as you have let go of so much. This is an illusion and a reality. The illusion is that you’re alone. You’re not; you’re connected to the Universal web of Love and you’re just on your own unique timeline. If you feel lost, that is fine as well, for this indicates that you’ve let go of so much and the New is slowly being created according to your Soul Plan. Stay focused on Soul Essences, Divine Service and Loving Kindness, for your new life is created from these. Remain true to yourself, no matter how others in your world act or treat you. Love prevails.
At the same time of the Lunar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde ends. How is that for synchronicity? We can take action in areas in which we have felt confused and we can speak our truth without fear. So with the Lunar Eclipse and this movement forward, we take another step into our Mastery. What are you empowering; what are your inner thoughts and feelings; what are they telling you and how are they guiding you? Remember, you attract what you are.
The Truth of you is that you are Divine, are boundless and are a creator. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you different.
duminică, 25 noiembrie 2012
7 Laws of Hermes Trismegistus
1. Law of Mentalism:
“All is Mind; the Universe is mental.”
The universe works great as a divine thought. It is the mind of a Higher Being that ‘thinks’ and so is everything that exists. It is the whole. All creation began as an idea of the divine mind would continue to live and move and have their being in the divine consciousness.
The matter is how the neurons of a great mind, a conscious universe, and that ‘thinks’. All knowledge ebbs and flows of our mind because we are connected to a divine mind that contains all knowledge.
2. The Law of Correspondence:
“What is above is like what is underneath. And what is below is like what’s up”
The perspective changes according to the reference. The prospect of the earth usually prevents us from seeing other areas above and below us. Our attention is so concentrated in the microcosm that we do not realize the immense macrocosm around us.
The correspondence principle tells us that what is true is also true in the macrocosm in the microcosm and vice versa. So we learn the great truths of the cosmos by observing how they manifest in our own lives.
3. Law of Vibration:
"Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates”
In the whole universe is vibratory motion. The whole is manifested by this principle. All things move and vibrate with its own system of vibration. Nothing is at rest. Galaxies to subatomic particles, everything is moving.
All material objects are made of atoms and the wide variety of molecular structures is not rigid or fixed, but fluctuates according to the temperatures and harmony. The matter is not passive or inert, as we may look at a material level, but full of movement.
4. Law of Polarity:
“Everything is dual, everything has two poles, everything has its opposite. The like and unlike are the same. The extremes meet. All truths are half-truths. All paradoxes may be reconciled”
The polarity reveals the duality, opposites representing the key to power in the system airtight. More than that, are just the opposite extremes of the same thing. Everything becomes identical in nature. The positive (+) and negative (-), electric current, is a mere convention.
The light and dark are also manifestations of light. The musical scale of the sound, the hard versus the flexible, sweet versus salty. Love and hate are simply manifestations of the same thing, different degrees of feeling.
5. Law of Rhythm:
“Everything has ebb and flow, everything has its tides, everything rises and falls, the rhythm compensates”
One can say that the principle is expressed by creation and destruction. It’s the rhythm of the rise and fall, the conversion potential and kinetic energy to the kinetic potential. The opposite move in circles.
It is expanding to reach the highest point, and after reaching its greatest strength, becomes inert mass, a new cycle starting over again, this time in reverse. The law of rhythm cycle ensures that each seeks its completion.
6. Law of Gender:
“Gender is in everything, everything has its Masculine and Feminine principles, gender manifests on all planes of creation”
The principles of attraction and repulsion not exist by itself, but only one depending from each other.Everything has a male and a female component regardless of physical gender. Nothing is 100% male or female, but a balancing of these genres.
There is a receptive female energy and male energy projective, that the Chinese wisdom calls the yin yang.None of the two poles is able to create without the other. It is the manifestation of maternal desire to desire father.
7. Law of Cause and Effect:
“Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, there are many planes of causation but none escapes the Law”
Nothing happens by chance, because there is no chance, since chance is just a term given to a phenomenon which exists and does not know the origin, ie it does not recognize the law which applies.
This principle is one of the most controversial because it also implies that we are all responsible for our actions. However, this principle is accepted by all the philosophies of thought, from ancient times. Also known as karma.
1. Law of Mentalism:
“All is Mind; the Universe is mental.”
The universe works great as a divine thought. It is the mind of a Higher Being that ‘thinks’ and so is everything that exists. It is the whole. All creation began as an idea of the divine mind would continue to live and move and have their being in the divine consciousness.
The matter is how the neurons of a great mind, a conscious universe, and that ‘thinks’. All knowledge ebbs and flows of our mind because we are connected to a divine mind that contains all knowledge.
2. The Law of Correspondence:
“What is above is like what is underneath. And what is below is like what’s up”
The perspective changes according to the reference. The prospect of the earth usually prevents us from seeing other areas above and below us. Our attention is so concentrated in the microcosm that we do not realize the immense macrocosm around us.
The correspondence principle tells us that what is true is also true in the macrocosm in the microcosm and vice versa. So we learn the great truths of the cosmos by observing how they manifest in our own lives.
3. Law of Vibration:
"Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates”
In the whole universe is vibratory motion. The whole is manifested by this principle. All things move and vibrate with its own system of vibration. Nothing is at rest. Galaxies to subatomic particles, everything is moving.
All material objects are made of atoms and the wide variety of molecular structures is not rigid or fixed, but fluctuates according to the temperatures and harmony. The matter is not passive or inert, as we may look at a material level, but full of movement.
4. Law of Polarity:
“Everything is dual, everything has two poles, everything has its opposite. The like and unlike are the same. The extremes meet. All truths are half-truths. All paradoxes may be reconciled”
The polarity reveals the duality, opposites representing the key to power in the system airtight. More than that, are just the opposite extremes of the same thing. Everything becomes identical in nature. The positive (+) and negative (-), electric current, is a mere convention.
The light and dark are also manifestations of light. The musical scale of the sound, the hard versus the flexible, sweet versus salty. Love and hate are simply manifestations of the same thing, different degrees of feeling.
5. Law of Rhythm:
“Everything has ebb and flow, everything has its tides, everything rises and falls, the rhythm compensates”
One can say that the principle is expressed by creation and destruction. It’s the rhythm of the rise and fall, the conversion potential and kinetic energy to the kinetic potential. The opposite move in circles.
It is expanding to reach the highest point, and after reaching its greatest strength, becomes inert mass, a new cycle starting over again, this time in reverse. The law of rhythm cycle ensures that each seeks its completion.
6. Law of Gender:
“Gender is in everything, everything has its Masculine and Feminine principles, gender manifests on all planes of creation”
The principles of attraction and repulsion not exist by itself, but only one depending from each other.Everything has a male and a female component regardless of physical gender. Nothing is 100% male or female, but a balancing of these genres.
There is a receptive female energy and male energy projective, that the Chinese wisdom calls the yin yang.None of the two poles is able to create without the other. It is the manifestation of maternal desire to desire father.
7. Law of Cause and Effect:
“Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, there are many planes of causation but none escapes the Law”
Nothing happens by chance, because there is no chance, since chance is just a term given to a phenomenon which exists and does not know the origin, ie it does not recognize the law which applies.
This principle is one of the most controversial because it also implies that we are all responsible for our actions. However, this principle is accepted by all the philosophies of thought, from ancient times. Also known as karma.
The witnessing soul is like the sky. The birds fly in the sky but they don't leave any footprints. That's what Buddha says, that the man who is awakened lives in such a way that he leaves no footprints. He is without wounds and without scars; he never looks back -- there is no point. He has lived that moment so totally that what is the need to look back again and again? He never looks ahead, he never looks back, he lives in the moment.
Beauty is not an objective quality; it does not belong to things. It is the loving eye that imparts it, that creates it.
Beauty is a creation of love.
Ordinarily people think they have fallen in love because the other person is so beautiful. The reality is just the opposite: the other person looks so beautiful because they have fallen in love; love is fundamental. Beauty is a creation of love, not vice versa. Hence, when you are in love the person appears beautiful; when you are not in love, suddenly the same person looks very ordinary.
He was ordinary before love; he becomes ordinary again when love has disappeared.
But between these two he was tremendously beautiful – love was creating it.
Look with the eyes of love, and the whole existence becomes beautiful. Look with hate, and everything becomes ugly. It all depends on you, on what kind of world you want to live in. If you want to live in hell, create more and more hate and you will be in hell. If you want to be in heaven, create more and more love and you are in heaven, because love will go on imparting beauty to each and every thing that surrounds you.
This same world becomes divine looked at through the eyes of love.
Beauty is a creation of love.
Ordinarily people think they have fallen in love because the other person is so beautiful. The reality is just the opposite: the other person looks so beautiful because they have fallen in love; love is fundamental. Beauty is a creation of love, not vice versa. Hence, when you are in love the person appears beautiful; when you are not in love, suddenly the same person looks very ordinary.
He was ordinary before love; he becomes ordinary again when love has disappeared.
But between these two he was tremendously beautiful – love was creating it.
Look with the eyes of love, and the whole existence becomes beautiful. Look with hate, and everything becomes ugly. It all depends on you, on what kind of world you want to live in. If you want to live in hell, create more and more hate and you will be in hell. If you want to be in heaven, create more and more love and you are in heaven, because love will go on imparting beauty to each and every thing that surrounds you.
This same world becomes divine looked at through the eyes of love.
spiral of lifetime expecting life with different results
"Because we suggest a model of time with a spiral structure, events keep gathering themselves into tighter and tighter spirals which lead inevitably to a final time. Like the center of a black hole, the final time is a necessary singularity, a place where something happens which breaks down the physical laws established in the previous epoch." - Terence McKenna
Osiris’s name translates as “Seat/Throne of The Eye.” This is the Eye of Perception, of awareness, of consciousness. The hieroglyph of the eye in Osiris’ name is also the determinative for “to do, to make, to take action.” Consciousness acts out of the seat of the Soul/Self. Perception is required for the Soul/Self to function in reality. Osiris is the actual substance and being of the soul, the g
round of existence. Soul/Self is the central point at which existence exists, the “captain's seat” from which perception is projected and to which it is aimed.
Within the nature of Osiris lies the mystery of being itself. To become Osiris is to be distilled to pure soul, ruler of the inner reality, the Hidden Land. You are linked to the immortal continuity of humankind.
Osiris is that part of you which survives death and decay, that part of you which is anchored in eternity. "Now I am Osiris." Egyptian mythology identifies your psyche with your eternal soul within. The mystery of the nature of being is the core mystery in their texts. At the core of the mystery is Osiris. Osiris is the ground of existence in which you are centered. Osiris is the totality of the plane of eternity from which the newborn emerges and to which the dead return. One of Osiris’ many names is Wennofer, “Beautiful Being,” or “Joy of Existence.” Osiris is the uniqueness of each human soul and he is universal because each unique soul is part of the same eternal substance.
Within the nature of Osiris lies the mystery of being itself. To become Osiris is to be distilled to pure soul, ruler of the inner reality, the Hidden Land. You are linked to the immortal continuity of humankind.
Osiris is that part of you which survives death and decay, that part of you which is anchored in eternity. "Now I am Osiris." Egyptian mythology identifies your psyche with your eternal soul within. The mystery of the nature of being is the core mystery in their texts. At the core of the mystery is Osiris. Osiris is the ground of existence in which you are centered. Osiris is the totality of the plane of eternity from which the newborn emerges and to which the dead return. One of Osiris’ many names is Wennofer, “Beautiful Being,” or “Joy of Existence.” Osiris is the uniqueness of each human soul and he is universal because each unique soul is part of the same eternal substance.
Ramona Louise Wheeler
it's easy, we all have the power to create the reality we desire...we just have to be positive and not ignore injustices and seeking solutions to any challenge that is imposed on us, with love, wisdom and humility! we know the answers. Know yourself and see the beauty of everything around us. little by little, if we do things well, open paths to achieve great things. There is more from it than the material deception, You'll see!
sâmbătă, 24 noiembrie 2012
1. Meditate on pineal gland and visualize it glowing in white golden light and feel it tingling in the center of your brain, Raise kundalini, do om meditation, sun gazing, chakra meditation, and listen to binaural beats or isochronic tones made to simulate/activate the pineal gland (preferably isochronic ton
es.) Do this Everyday.
2a. Try to avoid all things fluoride. Such as: Tap water, cooking with tap water, fluoridated toothpaste, inorganic fruits and vegetables, showers with out filter, and any sodas and artificial food and drinks, and red meat.
2b. Thing you can do about it. Only drink spring, distilled, or reverse osmosis purified water (If you want to do RO or distilled since it has no minerals by some wayback water and add a couple tablespoons to your water.) Buy a shower filter, go to whole foods and buy organic fruits, veggies, and toothpaste without fluoride.
3. Pineal gland detoxers and stimulants. Supplements: Chlorella spirualina, blue-green algea, Cilantro, iodine, Vitamin C, Niacin, ginseng, borax, shilajit, D3, mucuna, cystine, calcium benzonite clay, chlorophyll, blue skate liver oil, monoatomic elements/ORMES, and Zeolite. Foods: raw cacao, goji berries, watermelon, bananas, Honey, Coconut Oil, hemp seeds, seeweed, and noni juice.
4. Natural Entheogens (not for everyone.) Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushooms, peyote, changa, cannabis, salvia, DMT and more.
5. Crystals. amethyst, moldavite, quartz, herkimer diamond, and more, a simple search for crystals that help activate/stimulate the pineal gland..
Everyone is different so I recommend doing your own research and finding what works for you
2a. Try to avoid all things fluoride. Such as: Tap water, cooking with tap water, fluoridated toothpaste, inorganic fruits and vegetables, showers with out filter, and any sodas and artificial food and drinks, and red meat.
2b. Thing you can do about it. Only drink spring, distilled, or reverse osmosis purified water (If you want to do RO or distilled since it has no minerals by some wayback water and add a couple tablespoons to your water.) Buy a shower filter, go to whole foods and buy organic fruits, veggies, and toothpaste without fluoride.
3. Pineal gland detoxers and stimulants. Supplements: Chlorella spirualina, blue-green algea, Cilantro, iodine, Vitamin C, Niacin, ginseng, borax, shilajit, D3, mucuna, cystine, calcium benzonite clay, chlorophyll, blue skate liver oil, monoatomic elements/ORMES, and Zeolite. Foods: raw cacao, goji berries, watermelon, bananas, Honey, Coconut Oil, hemp seeds, seeweed, and noni juice.
4. Natural Entheogens (not for everyone.) Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushooms, peyote, changa, cannabis, salvia, DMT and more.
5. Crystals. amethyst, moldavite, quartz, herkimer diamond, and more, a simple search for crystals that help activate/stimulate the pineal gland..
Everyone is different so I recommend doing your own research and finding what works for you
vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012
“You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows no death, no birth, it is only your body that is born and dies, but you are not aware of your consciousness. You are not conscious of your consciousness, and that is the whole art of meditation; becoming conscious of consciousness itself.”
Misery makes you more and more impotent, hollow, it is a kind of negative emptiness. One simply feels useless, meaningless; one does not live, but only vegetates. But that is the story of millions of people: they all live in misery, and to live in misery is to live in hell.
Hell is not somewhere else -- it depends on you. You can live in it right now or you can transcend it. It is our choice; but
Hell is not somewhere else -- it depends on you. You can live in it right now or you can transcend it. It is our choice; but
the choice is such that you cannot make it once for ever, you have to make it every moment. You cannot make it once and then go to sleep. You have to be alert, watchful, because each moment these two alternatives are present: to be miserable or to be blissful. And you become whatsoever you choose.
Choosing blissfulness brings strength, rootedness, centeredness, gives you an inner plentitude, a fullness. Not that misery disappears -- the world goes on living in misery, and you are in the world and you are surrounded by miserable people and they are all like dark clouds, not even a silver line in them -- but it no more touches you, it no more influences you. It no more has any impact on you. You remain in the world of misery and miserable people and yet you are above it.
Life can never be just a bed of roses. The roses come with thorns, because life is a duality. It is night and day, birth and death, summer and winter; it is happiness, unhappiness.
Remember, by being blissful I don't mean being happy. Happiness is another polarity of unhappiness. The happy person is bound to become unhappy sooner or later; the unhappy person will become happy again -- it is a vicious circle. It is like a wheel: you go on moving in the same circle again and again.
Blissfulness is a transcendence: seeing the duality of life, seeing the constant conflict of polarities in life, one becomes only a witness. The world remains the same but you are no more the same; you live in the same world but you are a totally different person. You are reborn.
That's exactly the definition of sannyas: a rebirth.
― Osho
Choosing blissfulness brings strength, rootedness, centeredness, gives you an inner plentitude, a fullness. Not that misery disappears -- the world goes on living in misery, and you are in the world and you are surrounded by miserable people and they are all like dark clouds, not even a silver line in them -- but it no more touches you, it no more influences you. It no more has any impact on you. You remain in the world of misery and miserable people and yet you are above it.
Life can never be just a bed of roses. The roses come with thorns, because life is a duality. It is night and day, birth and death, summer and winter; it is happiness, unhappiness.
Remember, by being blissful I don't mean being happy. Happiness is another polarity of unhappiness. The happy person is bound to become unhappy sooner or later; the unhappy person will become happy again -- it is a vicious circle. It is like a wheel: you go on moving in the same circle again and again.
Blissfulness is a transcendence: seeing the duality of life, seeing the constant conflict of polarities in life, one becomes only a witness. The world remains the same but you are no more the same; you live in the same world but you are a totally different person. You are reborn.
That's exactly the definition of sannyas: a rebirth.
― Osho
"When a person has lied for a long time, the time comes when he can no longer distinguish between what is false and what is true. People convince themselves of their own lies, becoming victims of their own inventions as they begin to direct their lives by standards of behavior, ideas, feelings, or instincts which do not correspond to their inner reality. What is truly serious in this matter is that
the individual loses all points of reference regarding what comprises truth, and what comprises lies. He becomes used to considering as true only that which is convenient for his personal interests; everything that is in opposition to his self-esteem or in conflict with already established prejudices, he considers false.
A person lies in order to avoid difficult problems, to evade responsibility, or to avoid damage to his self-esteem. So the individual constantly lies to himself and to others, and becomes entangled in an illusory world born out of his personal fantasy. He forms concepts, ideas, judgments, aversions, and attachments that have no relation to actual events, but are only the reflection of a life full of lies and listening to lies, since everyone lies.
One of the most powerful reasons for lying is to create a good image of oneself, and to prevent others from seeing us as we really are beneath the mask of appearances. Each mask is a lie, and there are thousands in each individual's collection of disguises. It is necessary to be conscious of this phenomenon of lying, and to realize its magnitude and frequency, as well as the enormous damage it causes.
People are always infused with all kinds of fantastic ideas about themselves, the world, people, love, idealism, society, etc. Led by his eagerness to evade a disagreeable reality, man gives free rein to his imagination and is inclined to believe the first agreeable lie he encounters along the way. The individual projects his personal illusions onto a cold and immutable reality, and thus deceiving himself, he endeavors to contemplate reality through rose-colored glasses.
"Disillusion" is a painful process and can be prolonged, depending on how much time the individual takes to realize he is living artificially and that this condition is a product of his internal dreams. Great courage is required to face reality and to destroy the mirage of a pleasant dream."
- from "The Stellar Man" by John Baines
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