joi, 22 noiembrie 2012

'My body and the Universe come from the same source, obey the same rhythms, flash with the same storms of electromagnetic activity. My body can't afford to argue over who created the Universe. Every cell would disappear the second it stopped creating itself. So it must be that the Universe is living and breathing through me. I am an expression of everything in existence. At this moment, you are se
amlessly flowing with the cosmos.'

'There is no difference between your breathing and the breathing of the rain forest, between your bloodstream and the world's rivers, between your bones and the cliffs of Dover. Every shift in ecosystem has affected you at the level of your genes. The Universe remembers its evolution by leaving a record written in DNA. This means that your genes are the focal point for everything happening in the world. They are your line of communication with nature as a whole. The Universe thinks and works through you...'

- Deepak Chopra

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