marți, 27 noiembrie 2012

Change occurs in ones life when one is willing to change. We can never force people into changing or growing; they must be ready within their own being from where they are at to consciously choose to move into higher vibrational ways. The ego is like a frightened little child, an entity in it's own right and if we are not ready to release an old destructive pattern, then it will resist with everyt
hing that it has until it fully goes through the lesson and reaches a point of break down. Forcing change upon others will end up being a battle of the egos instead of a connection with Higher Self that can truly serve humanity through non-resistance and unconditonal love. It is not a matter that one does not wish to fully evolve, it is just that we all are at very different stages of growth, karma, awareness and lessons on earth. Where someone is at in their growth right now, may have been where you were at several lifetimes ago, and for that lifetime you needed to learn the lessons from that level of consciousness. We also must understand that when we see things in others that we judge, we are also seeing the same thing in ourselves and it may be a message to look deeper within the self and see what pattern mirroring this other person may be hindering our own growth at this point.

The only true person we can help evolve is ourselves, our own journey and BEING the embodiment of love and light. By evolving ourselves we allow a gateway for others to 'see' what is possible if they choose to release the stuggle and resistance to growth. This is how a way-shower assists others in growing higher, through their own living embodiment of being the change they wish to see. Those who are not ready to make the shift, may need to go through their lessons, death and rebirth in order to grow from it and transcend it. Trying to change them not only hinders your own growth but it also repels those you are trying to help further from their own lessons in growth and expansion through the lesson. We must release our own ego, struggle and judgement of others growth and connect with compassion to fully evolve ourselves.

Our connection to the heart will assist us in knowing when and how to help others through service and in the most productive way. When you have a true connection with Higher Self, you will know when to assist and when to step back and let spirit handle the details. There is so much that cannot be broken down and comprehended through the mind alone. We must move into the heart and feel unconditonal love and compassion for all beings including ourselves for where we are at in our growth cycle. This practice alone will create a positive shift in the world we live in. Remember.... It is ok to be where you are at... being evolved is not about being 'perfect'... it is about allowing more LOVE into your heart no matter where you are at. As you accept who you and others are fully, you allow a space for the NEW to enter and thus evolve simutaniously on earth.

~ Abigail Wainwright

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