sâmbătă, 24 noiembrie 2012


1. Meditate on pineal gland and visualize it glowing in white golden light and feel it tingling in the center of your brain, Raise kundalini, do om meditation, sun gazing, chakra meditation, and listen to binaural beats or isochronic tones made to simulate/activate the pineal gland (preferably isochronic ton
es.) Do this Everyday.

2a. Try to avoid all things fluoride. Such as: Tap water, cooking with tap water, fluoridated toothpaste, inorganic fruits and vegetables, showers with out filter, and any sodas and artificial food and drinks, and red meat.

2b. Thing you can do about it. Only drink spring, distilled, or reverse osmosis purified water (If you want to do RO or distilled since it has no minerals by some wayback water and add a couple tablespoons to your water.) Buy a shower filter, go to whole foods and buy organic fruits, veggies, and toothpaste without fluoride.

3. Pineal gland detoxers and stimulants. Supplements: Chlorella spirualina, blue-green algea, Cilantro, iodine, Vitamin C, Niacin, ginseng, borax, shilajit, D3, mucuna, cystine, calcium benzonite clay, chlorophyll, blue skate liver oil, monoatomic elements/ORMES, and Zeolite. Foods: raw cacao, goji berries, watermelon, bananas, Honey, Coconut Oil, hemp seeds, seeweed, and noni juice.

4. Natural Entheogens (not for everyone.) Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushooms, peyote, changa, cannabis, salvia, DMT and more.

5. Crystals. amethyst, moldavite, quartz, herkimer diamond, and more, a simple search for crystals that help activate/stimulate the pineal gland..

Everyone is different so I recommend doing your own research and finding what works for you

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