miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

There is much spiritual fluff out there, distortion of truth stating to suppress emotions such as anger. When you are angry...that is what you are feeling: angry. So why deny it? Why suppress what is coming to the surface, See it for what it is, feel it in its intensities and than allow what anger brings... the fire within to move. It is the shaker, the catalyst to move you out of your situation. Make that move and then clear it and move on. If it comes back, that's ok too. There are situations in our life that when they arise, clearing anger in one shot is impossible. Clearing anything is multi layered like an onion. As you clear, you have to clear the next layer until you reach the root to clear it fully. So if anger comes up again, feel angry. It does not serve to pretend to be all 'light and love," for that is inauthentic. It's funny to hear supposed spiritual people state, "looks like your judging the situation because you are angry" And tha
t usually follows with a tone of superiority, a judgemental look upon the face. When was the last time they truly looked within the soul of the other to understand their pain? They sit there from there comfortable angle in their self proclaimed 5D land and pose these judgements on others. They can look at the most excruciating pain that one is going through and say "oh its not a big deal, be neutral about it." and then 5 minutes later go on for a half an hour about there superficial 'boy issues' (but its ok, because its a 5D relationship apparently) There is a vast amount of inauthentic spiritual fluff, quoting 'spiritual' truths while not honouring the individuals personal journey and struggles. We need to honour the emotions, feel them and when they are ready clear them. People that are in the helping field, a lot of this is ego mind based, "Look how spiritual I am, I help people." but at times, it comes from a place of judgement and superiority. This does serve when we do not allow people the space to feel, express and release. If you are a self proclaimed spiritual being really look within and see where this is really coming from. Its time for authenticity if we are to really serve, to see though peoples BS and follow your own guidance. Go and be angry if it serves, release it and get back to being love. ~ Angie Mammoliti

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