luni, 31 decembrie 2012

“What happens when we fall in love is probably one of the most difficult things in the whole universe to explain. It’s something we do without thinking. In fact, if we think about it too much, we usually end up doing it all wrong and get in a terrible muddle. That’s because when you fall in love, the right side of your brain gets very busy. The right side is the bit that seems to be especially important for our emotions. Language, on the other hand, gets done almost completely in the left side of the brain. And this is one reason why we find it so difficult to talk about our feelings and emotions: the language areas on the left side can’t send messages to the emotional areas on the right side very well. So we get stuck for words, unable to describe our feelings.” — Robin Dunbar, Evolutionary psychologist, on what’s happening in our brains when we experience love

duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

“Perfect love casts out fear. Where there is love there are no demands, no expectations, no dependency. I do not demand that you make me happy; my happiness does not lie in you. If you were to leave me, I will not feel sorry for myself; I enjoy your company immensely, but I do not cling.”
Apparently, a galactic superwave is not engulfing our planet, as LaViolette proposed. We are not confronting immediate cataclysmic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as Hancock sensationally predicted in his bestsellingFingerprints of the Gods. We are, also, not suddenly attaining collective enlightenment as Calleman, Arguelles, and John Major Jenkins conceived. Our pineal glands are not being instantaneously flooded with DMT, as Wilcock concocted. We have not reached the Eschaton or Singularity, where time collapses as we construct the final technological object at the end of history and complete the Great Work of alchemy, as McKenna playfully projected. We are not ascending out of our bodies into the astral plane. But does this mean that this threshold was meaningless? Not at all.
Most people do not see their beliefs. Instead, their beliefs tell them what they see. This is the simple difference between clarity and confusion. ~~Matt Kahn
“When you no longer believe everything you think, you step out of thought and see clearly that the thinker is not who you are.” — Eckhart Tolle
‎"Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
each person should discover what is the best arrangement for him. For three months each person should experiment with his work, with his sleep and with his diet, and should find out what are the most healthy, most peaceful and most blissful rules for him.
‎"So the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary impulses, creativity, abstraction, and meaning. Conscious evolution is the ability of human beings to consciously participate in that process; we are a species that is conscious of our consciousness. We can actually accelerate the process through meditation, through the ability to find stillness through loving actions, through compassion and sharing, through understanding the nature of the creative process in the universe and having a sense of connection to it. So that's conscious evolution." Deepak Chopra
Mind can be either the source of bondage or the source of freedom. Mind becomes the gate for this world, the entry; it can also become the exit. Mind leads you to the hell; mind can lead you also to the heaven. So it depends how the mind is used. Right use of mind becomes meditation, wrong use of the mind becomes madness. Mind is there with everyone. The possibility of darkness and light both are implied in it. Mind itself is neither the enemy nor the friend. You can make it a friend you can make it an enemy. It depends on you -- on you who is hidden behind the mind. If you can make the mind your instrument, your slave, the mind becomes the passage through which you can reach the ultimate If you become the slave and the mind is allowed to be the master, then this mind which has become master will lead you to ultimate anguish and darkness. All the techniques, all the methods, all the paths of yoga, are really concerned deeply only with one problem: how to use the mind. Rightly used, mind comes to a point where it becomes no-mind. Wrongly used, mind comes to a point where it is just a chaos, many voices antagonistic to each other -- contradictory, confusing, insane. The madman in the madhouse and Buddha under his bodhi tree -- both have used the mind; both have passed through the mind. Buddha has come to a point where mind disappears. Rightly used it goes on disappearing; a moment comes when it is not. The madman has also used the mind. Wrongly used, mind becomes divided; wrongly used, mind becomes many; wrongly used it becomes a multitude. And, finally, the mad mind is there, you are absolutely absent. Buddha's mind has disappeared, and Buddha is present in his totality. A madman's mind has become total, and he himself disappeared completely. These are the two poles. You and your mind, if they exist together, then you will be in misery. Either you will have to disappear or the mind will have to disappear. If the mind disappears, then you achieve truth; if you disappear, you achieve insanity. And this is the struggle: who is going to disappear1 You going to disappear or the mind? This is the conflict, the root of all struggle. These sutras of Patanjali will lead you step by step towards this understanding of the mind -- what it is what types of modes it takes, what types of modifications come into it, how you can use it and go beyond it. And, remember, you have nothing else right now -- only the mind. You have to use it. Wrongly used, you will go on falling into more and more misery. You are in misery. That is because for many lives you have used your mind wrongly. And the mind has become the master; you are just a slave, a shadow following the mind. You cannot say to the mind, "Stop" You cannot order your own mind; your mind goes on ordering you and you have to follow it. Your being has become the shadow and the slave, an instrument. Mind is nothing but an instrument, just like your hands or your feet. You order your feet -- your legs, they move. When you say "Stop" they stop. You are the master. If I want to move my hand, I move it. If I don't want to move, I don't move it. The hand cannot say to me, "Now I want to be moved." The hand cannot say to me, "Now I will move whatsoever you do. I am not going to listen to you." And if my hand starts moving in spite of me, then it will be a chaos in the body. The same has happened in the mind. You don't want to think, and the mind goes on thinking. You want to sleep. You are Lying down on your bed, changing your sides; you want to go to sleep, and the mind continues, the mind says, "No, I am going to think about something." You go on saying, "Stop" and it never listens to you. And you cannot do anything. Mind is also an instrument, but you have given it too much power. It has become dictatorial, and it will struggle hard if you try to put it in its right place. Buddha also uses the mind, but his mind is just like your legs. People go on coming to me and they ask, "What happens to the mind of an enlightened one? Does it simply disappear? He cannot use it?" It disappears as a master, it remains as a slave. It remains as a passive instrument. A Buddha wants to use it, he can use it. When Buddha speaks to you he will have to use it, because there is no possibility of speech without the mind. The mind has to be used. If you go to Buddha and he recognizes you, that you have been before also, he has to use the mind. Without mind there can be no recognition; without mind there is no memory. But he uses the mind remember, this is the distinction -- and you are being used by the mind. Whenever he wants to use it, he uses it. Whenever he doesn't want to use it, he doesn't use it. It is a passive instrument; it has no hold upon him. So Buddha remains like a mirror. If you come before the mirror, the mirror reflects you. When you have moved, the reflection has gone; the mirror is vacant. You are not like a mirror. You see somebody, the man has gone, but the thinking continues, the reflection continues. You go on thinking about him. And even if you want to stop, the mind won't listen. Mastery of the mind is yoga. And when Patanjali says "cessation of the mind", this is meant: cessation as a master. Mind ceases as a master. Then it is not active. Then it is a passive instrument. You order, it works; you don't order, it remains still. It is just waiting. It cannot assert by itself. The assertion is lost; the violence is lost. It will not try to control you. Now just the reverse is the case. How to become masters? And how to put mind to its place, where you can use it; where, if you don't want to use it, you can put it aside and remain silent? So the whole mechanism of the mind will have to be understood. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Magnesium Deficiency Triggers or Causes The Following Conditions: Anxiety and Panic attacks- Magnesium (Mg) normally keeps adrenal stress hormones under control. Asthma- Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with Mg deficiency. Blood clots- Mg has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the blood thin-much like aspirin but without the side effects. Bowel disease- Mg deficiency slows down the bowel causing constipation, which could lead to toxicity and malabsorption of nutrients, as well as colitis. Cystitis- Bladder spasms are worsened by Mg deficiency. Depression-Serotonin, which elevates moods, is dependent on Mg. A Mg-deficient brain is also more susceptible to allergens, foreign substances that can cause symptoms similar to mental illness. Detoxification- Mg is crucial for the removal of toxic substances and heavy metals such as aluminum and lead. Diabetes- Mg enhances insulin secretion, facilitating sugar metabolism. Without Mg insulin is not able to transfer glucose into cells. Glucose and insulin build up in the blood causing various types of tissue damage. Fatigue- Mg-deficient patients commonly experience fatigue because dozens of enzyme systems are under-functioning. An early symptom of Mg deficiency is frequently fatigue. Heart disease- Mg deficiency is common in people with heart disease. Mg is administered in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart muscle requires Mg. Mg is also used to treat angina, or chest pain. Hypertension- With insufficient Mg, spasm of blood vessels and high cholesterol occur, both of which lead to blood pressure problems. Hypoglycemia- Mg keeps insulin under control; without Mg episodes of low blood sugar can result. Insomnia- Sleep-regulating melatonin production is disturbed without sufficient Mg. Kidney Disease- Mg deficiency contributes to atherosclerotic kidney failure. Mg deficiency creates abnormal lipid levels and worsening blood sugar control in kidney transplant patients. Liver Disease leading to liver failure- Mg deficiency commonly occurs during liver transplantation. Migraine- Serotonin balance is Mg-dependent. Deficiency of serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression. Musculoskeletal conditions- Fibrositis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, eye twitches, cramps and chronic neck and back pain may be caused by Mg deficiency and can be relieved with Mg supplements. Nerve problems- Mg alleviates peripheral nerve disturbances throughout the whole body, such as migraines, muscle contractions, gastrointestinal spasms, and calf, foot and toe cramps. It is also used in treating central nervous symptoms of vertigo and confusion. Obstetrics and Gynecology- Mg prevents Premenstrual Syndrome; prevents dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses); is important in the treatment of infertility; and alleviates premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy. Intravenous Mg is given in obstetrical wards for pregnancy-induced hypertension and to lessen the risk of cerebral palsy and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Mg should be a required supplement for pregnant mothers. Osteoporosis- Use of calcium with Vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption without a balancing amount of Mg causes further Mg deficiency, which triggers a cascade of events leading to bone loss. Raynaud’s Syndrome- Mg helps relax the spastic blood vessels that cause pain and numbness of the fingers. Tooth decay- Mg deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth. Material excerpted from Dean, Carolyn. The Miracle of Magnesium (2003 Ballantine Books: New York, NY), 2003. pp. 5-7. NOTE: Not all people can consume Magnesium by mouth, so utilizing a magnesium chloride oil or lotion allows you to get the magnesium needed daily without the loose stool.

sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2012

Everything is an illusion nothing is real... Everything is a programme to which we have been programmed to think and say... The only thing that has a pulse within is love... Now ask yourself through this program we are transcending through... how much do you judge others through the illusion as nothing is real? Over to you...
Descend into the deep quiet pool of yourself, beyond Ego's door, into the vast inner space of your Self. Probe the depths of your own consciousness where answers lie waiting in your own undiscovered country. ~ Kuan Yin
Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself, that’s what maturity is all about. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
There is always something in a situation that can cheer you up, but you have to discover and understand it yourself. There is no point in me telling you how to cheer up. It is up to you to find the intrinsic cheerfulness which exists in you. You have to actually experience it. If somebody simply puts an idea in your head, it is not good enough. You can cheer yourself up much better than somebody talking you into something. -Chögyam Trungpa
Filled with hope, the man touched his soul and followed his dreams. Life took on a wonderful new course. Love, light and peace
Filled with hope, the man touched his soul and followed his dreams. Life took on a wonderful new course. Love, light and peace.
Existence is available for those who are available to existence. And then I tell you, there is no boredom. Life is infinite delight. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
‎"A harmonious inner awakening is characterized by a sense of joy and mental illumination that brings with it an insight into the meaning and purpose of life." Roberto Assagioli
“That” which is eternal, cannot be observed by consciousness or known by it. Unless you meditate on this point, the puzzle will not be solved.” — Nisargadatta Maharaj
‎"Understanding is a kind of ecstasy" - Carl Sagan
“Let the dream unroll itself to its very end. You cannot help it. But you can look at the dream as a dream, refuse it the stamp of reality.” — Nisargadatta Maharaj
DMT is a reliable method for crossing in to a dimension that human beings have debated the existence of for 50.000 years. Is there an invisible nearby world inhabited by active intelligences with which human beings can communicate? You bet. And if you don’t think so, then tell me you don’t think so after you’ve smoked 75mg DMT. Otherwise we just don’t have anything to talk about.” — Terence McKenna

vineri, 28 decembrie 2012

Now this makes sense, considering how some people "read" books, articles or "watch" videos, but can't take the information in or distort what was being said to begin with (not realizing that they're doing it). Also ties in with the nonsense comments on Facebook by some people. People can only take in what they are "programmed" to take in due to their emotional attachments and addictions.: "[...]Emotions constantly regulate what we experience as reality. The research suggests that the nervous system scans the outer world for material that it is prepared to find by virtue of its already laid circuits, its internal patterns of past experience including early imprinting in infancy. The superior colliculus in the midbrain, another nodal point, controls the muscles that direct the eyeball, and controls which images are permitted to fall on the retina. This means that an emotional center of the brain literally controls what we see. - For example, when the tall European ships first approached the early Native Americans, it was such an “impossible” vision in their reality that their highly filtered perceptions couldn’t register what was happening, and they literally failed to “see” the ships. Similarly, the cuckolded husband may fail to see what everyone else sees because his emotional belief in his wife’s faithfulness is so strong that his eyeballs are directed to look away from the incriminating behavior obvious to everyone else. (Pert 1999, 148) - I have recently witnessed a great deal of this activity in various people reading The Wave who simply read what they are programmed to read, and not what is really being said. One of the chief clues of STS control is that a person twists what they read. In the past, before I understood the nature of fourth-density control, when I witnessed this phenomenon I would think that the person was deliberately twisting my words. Now, I realize clearly that it is not deliberate. They have not yet come to themselves and overcome the Predator’s mind and admitted the possibility that their very thoughts may be manipulated or controlled. Until they do, they are not ready to admit they “have sinned against heaven”. Because Heaven is the essence of the Creator within, and sinning against it is to allow it to be used as a transducer for food for the STS lunch bunch. The fact is, we read and understand what we are programmed to believe, regardless of what we are actually reading. Like the alcoholic who finally admits he is an alcoholic, we must admit that we are an addict to our emotional beliefs. Now, what we have been talking about in terms of these chemical systems of the body is plainly and simply information transmission systems. Information can be unconscious, occurring below the level of awareness. We see this happening all the time in the autonomic nervous system. The mind is not material, yet it has an interface system with the body, and this is the neurochemical network. The mind of the body is the Predator’s mind, connected to strings like a marionette, with the strings in the hands of the fourth-density puppet masters – the Control System. For the Darwinists, the body is nothing but energy and matter with hardwired reflexes caused by electrical stimulation; it operates in a more or less mechanical, reactive fashion with little option for change. Intelligence is merely the byproduct of the survival of the fittest genes. The concept of the body as an unintelligent bundle of cells run on electricity as the pinnacle of mindless evolution is a product of an ultimately godless, mechanical universe peopled by clock-like organisms. Unfortunately, this happens to be the way it is for most human beings. They are computers running programs controlled by someone or something other than themselves. We can no longer think of emotions as necessarily of the soul. While it is likely that the consciousness can enter into the emotional process, for most people this never happens. Their emotions are simply cellular signals involved in the process of translating information into physical reality – generally an unpleasant one which can include all kinds of illnesses, aches, pains and transpersonal suffering. [...] Information transcends time and space. It is, as Gregory Bateson has said, “the difference that makes a difference.” Consciousness exists prior to the physical realm which is, literally, an out-picturing of consciousness. Denying the realities of the real world – denying the reality of the naturalness of the existence of darkness, is the same as being manipulated to have negative emotions while, at the same time being taught to suppress them. It will still exist and it will back up in your system and become the chief part of your reality because, like blocked emotions, it cannot be released so that positive emotions can take its place. Now please note: I am not saying that we are to have, express, or embrace negative emotions; just as I have never said, nor have the Cassiopaeans ever said that we are to “embrace the darkness.” Those who want to assure themselves of this fact need to go back and reread “Stripped to the Bone” in Wave 3 while making sure that their manipulated emotional beliefs are set aside. That whole chapter is about the fact that we must choose an orientation that includes seeing the darkness and giving it the free will right to exist, since it is the free will choice of darkness to be darkness. However, to graduate to STO 4D, one must increase their STO polarization by choosing to divest themselves of darkness, even while allowing others the choice to embrace it. And, in the same way, we must find appropriate ways to divest ourselves of the manipulated negative emotions that are backed up in our systems, as in practicing Éiriú Eolas, and learn how to use our reason and will to make sure that we only have positive emotions. With an increase of information, the navigator steers the ship by constantly adjusting the tiller in response to the information. Constant feedback is required for the navigator to do the job and that is why knowledge must be combined with self-monitoring so as to have a more intelligent grasp of what is happening in your physical system and in its relation to the reality that you are experiencing. The faster and tighter the feedback loop, the more intelligence is available to your system. The body itself is a metaphor of your unconscious state. As more of it becomes conscious, there are fewer and fewer unexpected elements cropping up in your life. The body is a battlefield for the wargames of the mind. And these games are, very likely, planned and executed from higher densities. As above, so below. To think otherwise is to suffer the stress of separation from our source, to experience lack of unity. And what is it that flows between us all, linking and communicating, coordinating and integrating all of the cosmos? Knowledge. Just as neuropeptides flow among the cells of the body, causing all the receptors to vibrate in response to information, so does knowledge act on our consciousness the way the strings of a resting violin will vibrate when another violin is played. Knowledge produces resonance among different people who are unique, but unified in their diversity. With knowledge we can truly feel what others feel – not just assume that they feel what we feel. The oneness of life is based on the simple fact that with knowledge, we are all vibrating together. Knowledge protects." - Laura Knight-Jadczyk, "Debugging the Universe" (The Wave 8)
“We attribute to ourselves qualities that we do not possess because if we possessed them, our lives would exactly mirror our image of ourselves. Our lies about what is really happening in our lives are what we use to "patch up" our ego with rationalizations and justifications, all of which conceal from us the fact that we cannot really do anything because we have no Being.” ― Laura Knight Jadczyk, The Secret History Of The World: And How To Get Out Alive

joi, 27 decembrie 2012


They say the subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious. Usually, people are more influenced by their innate subconscious desires or intent than a rational and planned decision. This aspect of human nature is heavily influenced by your daily activity. How Corporations Influence Your Subconscious In Western society, the subconscious mind of the individual is often subject to a number of heavy influences, through entertainment media especially. Television, movies, and music create a profound subconscious effect on the human mind that influences and dictates the choices that they will make to at least some degree. If you see a certain car advertisement, whether or not you rationally decide your stance on it, you are being pre-programmed to at least accept or acknowledge any claims made by the advertisement itself. Likewise, the choice of television shows and dramatic elements appearing on TV have a psychological influence on those who watch them. According to statistics, by age 18 the average American youth will have seen over 200,000 simulated acts of violence. The glorification of drug and alcohol use also predisposes an individual to rationally accept and sometimes consent to these actions. The human self image is psychologically manipulated. When you compare yourself to a famous individual or a person who is depicted as ‘successful’, you may be setting yourself up to subconsciously feel less valuable from the comparison. This subconscious act creates people who are wildly insecure about their physical and mental image. Romance and sex are also psychologically implanted through advertisements and drama. The use of sex appeal to sell products is obvious. Similarly, dramatic scenes of love and romantic feelings often prey on the human desire to feel loved, and will program an individual to act or react to those situations in certain ways. Displays of sexual suggestiveness, and simulated depictions of sexual relations in media, all contribute to influencing increased sexual activity in young people. Not only that, but they also lead to unhealthy obsession with sex into later years, generally resulting in pornography usage. Its not just television and movies either. With Internet advertising, viral videos depicting most of these things in horrific detail, and video games, a horde of negative media pervades over society. This power of subconscious influence guides and decides the goals, desires, and opinions of each individual. A blurring of reality with fiction occurs in this scenario, where the individual is influenced to orient themselves in alignment with these false goals and aspirations that are implanted into them through these media. In extreme cases, their ability to distinguish reality from fiction is impaired, and culminates in some explosive form. If you add drugs to the entire equation (legal or illegal), you may end up with self destruction. Unplug Yourself from Subconscious Influence Of course, if you are at least aware of the psychological programming, you can intellectually dissent, despite the fact that its continued appearance will dull your senses to how serious the programming actually is. People who are exposed to simulated violence, sex, substance abuse, and drama often become upset, whereas the average person may simply accept these things as easily as they have incrementally conditioned to lose perspective. It’s highly important to be aware of the psychological programming that occurs on a daily basis. People are taught to live in a simulated reality, with pre determined goals, aspirations, and false expectations. Unplug yourself and others from this form of subconscious influence, thereby unlocking your full potential- rather than being unconsciously controlled by a vague ideal or false images.
The greatest adventure that can happen to a human being is the movement from mind to no-mind, the movement from personality to individuality. The no-mind has an individuality: the mind is social. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
When two persons open up to each other just as they are, friendship grows. When two persons are ready to drop their masks, they have taken a tremendous step towards religiousness. So love, friendship, anything that helps you to drop the mask, is taking you towards religion. But the pseudo-religions have done just the opposite. They are against love. You can understand now, why they are against love: because love will destroy the personality, and the pseudo-religion depends on your personality. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
"LATEST CANCER INFORMATION from John Hopkins - (Finally they are waking up to realizing there are alternative options that can WORK!) [Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins ] 1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. 2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime. 3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. 4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. 5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system. 6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. 7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. 8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction. 9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications. 10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites. 11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple. What cancer cells feed on: a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt. b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved. c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer. d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water--best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it. 12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup. 13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells. 14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells. 15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life. 16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells. (PLEASE SHARE IT TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT)"
Love dispels fear just as light dispels darkness. If even for a moment you have been in love with someone, fear disappears and thinking stops. With fear thinking continues. The more you are afraid, the more you have to think. — Osho
In a movie theater, you look at the screen, you never look at the back. The projector is in the back. The film is not really on the screen, it is just a projection of shadow and light. The film exists in the projector, in the back, but you never look at that. Your mind is at the back of everything. Your mind is the projector. But you always look at the screen - at the everything. When you're in love, the person is beautiful. When you hate, the person is ugly. You never become aware of how the same person can be beautiful and ugly. The only way to reach the truth is to learn how to be immediate in your vision. The mind is the problem, because the mind projects its images on the screen you're looking at. What you see is just your projection. And there are as many worlds as there are minds, because every mind lives in his own world. We get caught up in projecting movies of our own making onto the situations and people surrounding us. Instead of taking responsibility for our own expectations, desires and judgments, we attribute them to others. A projection can be good or bad, beautiful or ugly, disturbing or comforting, but it is still a projection that prevents us from seeing reality as it is. The only way out is to recognize the game. — Osho
There are two kinds of witnesses. One kind is the people that surround you. You are constantly aware that you are being watched, witnessed. With so many eyes watching you, you are reduced to an object... And you are afraid because they may not appreciate you. They may not feed your ego, they may not like you, they may reject you. Now you are in their hands. The second kind of witnessing is totally different. It is not that you hanker for others' attention: on the contrary, you start paying attention to yourself. You become a witness to your own being. You start watching your thoughts, desires, dreams, motives, greeds and jealousies. You create a new kind of awareness within you. You become a center, a silent center which goes on watching whatsoever is happening. You are angry, and you watch it. You are not just angry, a new element is introduced into it: you are watching it. And the miracle is that if you can watch anger, the anger disappears without being repressed. Witness the witness itself - and... the ultimate ecstasy is created. Start watching your thoughts but don't stop there... One more thing has to be done, one more step: now watch the watcher... Nothing else is left, only you are. By watching the mind, the mind disappears. By watching the witness, the witness expands and becomes universal. — Osho
Just do two things: meditate, watch your thought processes; become just a spectator of your mind. That is meditation, becoming a witness. And second: follow the law, follow the natural course. Don't be unnatural, don't try to fight with nature -- stop being a fighter. Learn how to relax with nature, learn to let go. Flow with nature, allow nature to possess you totally. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
The Bauls say, "Don't try to force anything." Let life be a deep let-go. See God opening millions of flowers every day without forcing the buds, waiting, never in a hurry, giving their time to them. The Bauls say, "Everything happens at its right time, everything happens in its own season. Wait, don't be impatient, don't be in a hurry. All hurry is greed, and all hurry is a subtle fight." That which is going to happen will happen. Whenever it is going to happen it will happen; you need not fight existence. You can surrender, you can trust. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
While we are sitting in meditation, we are simply exploring humanity and all of creation in the form of ourselves. We can become the world’s greatest experts on anger, jealousy, and self-deprecation, as well as on joyfulness, clarity, and insight. Everything that human beings feel, we feel. We can become extremely wise and sensitive to all of humanity and the whole universe simply by knowing ourselves, just as we are. — Pema Chödron
Don’t hanker for too much attention from people — that is an ego trip. Don’t try to become very famous, well-known, this and that — that is an ego trip. But that does not mean start trying to become a nonentity — that nobody should know you, that you should remain anonymous — that is again the same trip on the other extreme. Avoid both. All extremes have to be avoided. Excess is evil according to Pythagoras — and it is. And to be in the middle, to be exactly in the middle, is virtue. Never be an ascetic, and never become indulgent. Don’t eat too much food and don’t go on long fasts. Don’t become too much obsessed with luxury, and don’t become too much anti-luxury, anti-comfort. — Osho
Always ask yourself...what would my higher self do in each and this situation?...Then transfigure yourself...And choose to be your higher self

miercuri, 26 decembrie 2012

‎"Men wrongly lament the flight of time, blaming it for being too swift; they do not perceive that its passage is sufficiently long, but a good memory, which nature has given to us, causes things long past to seem present." Leonardo da Vinci
‎"Cannabis also enhances the enjoyment of sex - on the one hand it gives an exquisite sensitivity, but on the other hand it postpones orgasm: in part by distracting me with the profusion of image passing before my eyes. The actual duration of orgasm seems to lengthen greatly, but this may be the usual experience of time expansion which comes with cannabis smoking." Carl Sagan
To be aware is to be virtuous. And to remain in unawareness is the only sin. You may be doing good things without awareness. But those good things are no longer good, because they come out of darkness, unconsciousness, blindness. And as far as awareness is concerned, a man who is full of awareness, alert, cannot do anything wrong. It is intrinsically impossible. Awareness brings so much clarity, so much perception, so much understanding that it is impossible to do anything that can be harmful to anyone. It is impossible to interfere with somebody's freedom or somebody's life. You can only be a blessing to existence, nothing else. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
The word 'ecstasy' is beautiful; it simply means "standing out." Out of what? Standing out of your ego, your personality, your mind; getting out of the whole structure in which you have lived -- not only lived but with which you have become identified. Standing out of all this, just a pure witness, a watcher on the hills -- and everything is left deep down in the valley. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

face all that makes you suffer

There are two kinds of suffering. There is the suffering you run away from, which follows you everywhere. And there is the suffering you face directly, and so become free. -Ajahn Chah
Just one quality of the buddha has to be remembered. He consists only of one quality: witnessing. This small word 'witnessing' contains the whole of spirituality. Witness that you are not the body. Witness that you are not the mind. Witness that you are only a witness. As the witnessing deepens, you start becoming drunk with the divine. This is what is called ecstasy. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
“I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience, heightened creativity, or exceptional performance by athletes and artists, we harbor a greater life than we know. There we go beyond those limited and limiting patterns of body, emotions, volition, and understanding that have been keeping us in dry-dock. Instead we become available to our capacity for a larger life in body, mind, and spirit. In this state we know great torrents of delight.” Jean Houston
“Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation - in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes
‎"If you were all alone in the Universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth." Mitsugi Saotome
‎"Ideals are like stars, you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guide, and following them, you reach your destiny." Carl Schurz
The birth of Jesus can be an archetype of the cosmic alignment necessary for each soul's materialization. One more carbon atom and you're a rock or a stump, and yet here you are, a confluence of infinite collaboration. Isn't this Life such a miracle? Merry Christmas.
‎"Think about your experience of those moments when you are most creatively engaged. What does it feel like? Being in a creative 'flow' can be ecstatic and, simultaneously, there is an often surprising sense of urgency to bring into being that which you can sense is possible. That’s why great artists or scientists will work day and night, sometimes even neglecting to eat or sleep. They are driven by a vision, something just beyond their reach that will not let them rest until they have brought it into reality. That drive is the very same impetus that caused the whole universe to burst forth, fourteen billion years ago, and is now expressing itself through the body, mind, heart, and talents of an inspired human being. When you feel that creative flow, often you discover a part of yourself you are not normally aware of but which feels more like your 'self' than the person you usually think you are. It’s like plugging in to a deeper source of energy and passion that transcends whatever limitations you ordinarily assume. A deeper, more authentic part of your self is creatively released. That’s why such moments are so fulfilling - it’s not just the creative work you produce, but the experience of being more alive, more connected, more in touch with a sense of meaning and purpose." Andrew Cohen

marți, 25 decembrie 2012

‎"Others in the room may be on their own as well, men and women drinking coffee by themselves, similarly lost in thought, similarly distanced from society: a common isloation that generally has the beneficial effect of lessening the oppressive sense with any on eperson that he or she is alone in being alone. In roadside diners and late-night cafeterias, hotel lobbies, and station cafes, we may dilute our feelings of isolation in a lonely public place and hence rediscover a distinctive sense of community. The lack of domesticity, the bright lights, and anonymous furniture may come as a relief from what are often the false comforts of home. It may be easier to give way to sadness here than in a living room with wallpaper and framed photos, the decor of a refuge that has let us down." - Alain de Botton
Eckhart Tolle Dear Friends, "The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem." (Theodore Rubin) Even if we discount all those pseudo-problems (such as worry), that are created by dysfunctional thinking, there still remains the fact that "having problems" seems to be the norm in most people's lives. Relationships, finances, work, health..... if it's not one thing, it's something else. So, can we accept the possibility that comfort and security are not the ultimate purpose of human existence -- and that consciousness evolves and awakens through facing discomfort and insecurity? Can we accept that we may be here to be challenged, and so no longer resent the fact that we have problems? Can we accept each moment as it is? The paradox is that, when we live like that, with no resentment and no complaining, not only do solutions appear more quickly, but we transcend the entire realm of problems. All that's left then is life and its challenges, and we respond to each challenge with peace in our hearts. Have a wonderful Christmas. With love Eckhart.

luni, 24 decembrie 2012

As we continue to accelerate into the vortex of transformation, it is fundamental that we deepen our relationship with Oneness. This is accomplished via the cultivation of inner stillness, opening ourselves to our inner oasis or inner kingdom, where we experience the embrace of eternity.
‎"Live one day at a time, and make it a masterpiece." - Dalai Lama

duminică, 23 decembrie 2012

"Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary."
‎"What does 'engaging in spiritual practice' mean? Essentially it means transforming the mind - overcoming delusions and negative actions and cultivating constructive thoughts and actions." Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
“Every normal human being has an inexhaustible store of buried images in his subconscious, it is merely a matter of courage or liberating procedures, of voyages into the unconscious, to bring pure and unadulterated found objects to light.” Max Ernst
Identification with the body, with the mind, with our possessions, with our families, with our friends — any kind of identification takes you outwards. All your possessions will be outwards: your wife, your husband, your children, your body — your body is outside you; your mind — your mind is outside you. The only thing that is not outside you is the witnessing. Just the watchfulness — that is your buddha. Identification means losing witnessing, falling into the trap of attachment. That is our misery, that is our slavery. — Osho
Love is the only real intoxicant. And it has a very paradoxical quality to it: it intoxicates you and yet it makes you more aware. That's the miracle of love. It does not make you unconscious. It it makes you unconscious it is lust, not love. If it makes you drunk and yet in the deepest core of your being you become more and more alert and conscious, then it is love. One can be aware without love, but then awareness is almost like a wasteland, a desert. Nothing grows, no flowers, no trees. Love can be without awareness but then it is simply sexuality, animal lust, nothing higher than that -- something biological, physical, chemical. But when both are together, love and awareness, they create a great harmony. So this has to be your work on yourself, love plus awareness. Be drunk as much as you can and yet remain aware. When this paradox is experienced one has experienced god. — Osho
The world is against individuality. It is against your being just your natural self. It wants you just to be a robot, and because you have agreed to be a robot you are in trouble. You are not a robot. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
The witnessing soul is like the sky. The birds fly in the sky but they don't leave any footprints. That's what Buddha says, that the man who is awakened lives in such a way that he leaves no footprints. He is without wounds and without scars; he never looks back -- there is no point. He has lived that moment so totally that what is the need to look back again and again? He never looks ahead, he never looks back, he lives in the moment. — Osho
Just being empty, you will understand -- there is no other way of understanding. Whatsoever you want to understand, be that, because that is the only way. Try being an ordinary man, nobody, with no name, no identity, with nothing to claim, with no power to enforce on others, with no effort to dominate, with no desire to possess, just being a nonentity. Try it -- and see how powerful you become, how filled with energy and overflowing, so powerful that you can share your power, so blissful that you can give it to many, to millions. And the more you give, the more you are enriched. The more you share, the more it grows. You become a flood. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Truth happens in a state of not knowing, truth happens in innocence. Truth happens where there are no clouds of thoughts moving in your consciousness,when the sky is absolutely clear. ~~Osho ♥
Meditation is only the alchemy of creating more inner light. And when your whole being is full of consciousness, when your inside is full of light, the revolution has happened. The Buddha or the Christ is born. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Existence is made of two energies. On the surface they are polar opposites; deep down they are not opposites but complementaries. One can call them yin-yang or negative-positive or Shiva and Shakti or male and female. In fact yin and yang imply all possible opposites, with the underlying meaning that opposites are not opposites but complementaries. The moment it happens that the opposites meet within you, that yin becomes yang, yang becomes yin, that the male and female inside you meet and merge into one — or in modern psychological jargon the conscious and unconscious meet and merge into one — for the first time you experience your organic wholeness. Yin and yang divided, we are very small; yin and yang together and we contain the whole universe. The art of meditation is to help the man and the woman within you meet and merge and become one. When man meets even with his outer woman, for a single moment a different quality comes to his being. Just for a split moment when you are at the climax of your orgasmic joy, when you are not separate from the woman and the woman is not separate from you, then you are not there, she is not there; suddenly a duality has disappeared and in that disappearance of duality you have the first glimpse of what unity can be. The ultimate secrets of meditation have been discovered through this orgasmic joy. The whole tradition of Tantra is a proof of it. But the meeting with the outer woman or outer man can only be momentary. The same can happen inside you. One of the greatest contributions of Carl Gustav Jung to modern psychology is that he accepted this ancient taoist idea that inside man has both the male part and the female part. And the same is the case with the woman, she has both. But they are separate; a very subtle wall keeps them separate inside you. The wall is really subtle. It is just like a Japanese paper curtain, it can easily be removed. And once it is removed the whole is experienced. To remain clinging to the part is misery, to allow the whole to happen is bliss. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
You can live your life in two ways. Either you can become a man of being, or you can become a man of having. Either you can have yourself or you can have many worldly things instead. Either you can possess many things and be possessed by them, or you can possess yourself and be not possessed by anything. The man of having has a totally different direction. That's what Bauls call 'the worldly man'. He thinks in terms of money, in terms of commodities, in terms of bank balances; he thinks in terms of things. And he thinks that the more he has, the more he is. That is one of the most fundamental fallacies. You can have the whole world and you can remain a beggar. You can have all that the world can give and yet remain empty. The great Alexander died. He is the very symbol of the worldly man. He wanted to conquer the whole world, and he had done it, almost. But before he died he told his generals, "Then let both my hands hang out of the coffin." They said, "We have never heard. It is not traditionally done. And why do you want to do such an absurd thing?" Alexander said,''It is not absurd. It has a certain relevance with my life. I want people to see that I am going with empty hands. So let both my hands hang out of the coffin, so everybody can see that even Alexander is going with empty hands. I came with empty hands, I am going with empty hands, and the whole life has been a wastage." He must have been very perceptive, because many more die still clinging, still not aware that their hands are empty, still not aware that their hearts are empty, still not aware that they have wasted their whole lives, that it has been just a nightmare. The man of having continues to accumulate more and more. What he accumulates is not the point; his emphasis is on accumulation. His soul exists in his accumulations. What he accumulates is not important. He may accumulate money, he may accumulate knowledge; he may accumulate ego, he may accumulate humility; he may accumulate things of this world, or he may start accumulating virtues, things of the other world, but he accumulates. He exists through things. He feels good when he has much, when he feels his hands are full, at least apparently full. He feels good, he feels he is achieving, he is being successful. This is 'the old man' -- in the terminology of the Bauls, this is the old man. It has always existed. This is the rotten man, this is the diseased man. It is a sort of illness, this very idea of having too many things, wasting your time and energy and not knowing at all who you are. The Bauls call that direction noble in which you start thinking in terms of being, in terms of a certain inner solidity, of a certain inner consciousness, of a certain rootedness, centering, of a certain realization of who you are. Have you watched it, that sometimes you come across a person who may not have anything visible, but still you feel a tremendous energy surrounding him? His impact is almost magnetic, mesmeric. He looks into your eyes and you cannot look into his eyes -- a great power. It is not the power of things; he may not have any. He may be just a beggar on the road. It is not the power that comes through politics. He may not be a prime minister or a president because that power is bogus. That power belongs to the chair, not to the man. It belongs to the chair and not to the chairman. Once he is out of the chair, he is as powerless as you. Look at Richard Nixon: a tremendous power was there when he was the president. Now, he is just simply citizen Nixon. All power has disappeared. That power was not his; it was a reflected glory. And you can see it, it is not very difficult. You know men who have much power -- power of things, power of big palaces, power of politics, money, prestige, heritage but you can see that they are poor people. They don't have any personal power. They don't have any magnetism in their souls. If you put their things aside, t]hey are more ordinary than ordinary. All extraordinariness disappears. Kings and queens, once they are not kings and queens, are simply ordinary human beings -- almost empty, nothing in them. But you sometimes come across a person whose power is not derived from the outside, whose power comes from some inner spring, some inner source. He is a reservoir of power. Wherever he sits, the place becomes sacred; wherever he sits, the place becomes a throne; wherever he moves, he moves like a king amongst men. But his kingdom is of the within. That's what Jesus goes on talking about: the kingdom of God is within you. He knows his within. He has come to face his own within-ness. His eyes are turned within. He is no longer dependent on the outside world. His glory is not a reflected glory, it is his own, authentic. He can be thrown into imprisonment, but he will remain a king there. It is said about Diogenes, one of the contemporaries of Alexander the Great, that even Alexander the Great became jealous of Diogenes. He was just a naked fakir: he had nothing. He had renounced everything; he was searching his own inner world. It is said about him that when he renounced the world, he used to carry a small begging bowl. But then one day he saw a dog drinking water from a river. He threw that begging-bowl. He said, "If the dog can do without it, then am I worse than the dog?" Then everything was thrown away. He remained naked. Many stories, rumors, were reaching Alexander that this man had something in him. Finally, fascinated, Alexander went to see him, and he could see that the man had something that he had not. He was just lying down -- it was a winter morning, it was cool and the sun was rising. He was lying down by the side of a river, bathing himself in the early sun, naked. Alexander said, "Can I do something for you, sir? I have much, and whatsoever you desire, I will be happy to do it for you." Diogenes laughed and said, "The only thing that you can do is to please stand by the side. Don't prevent the sun from coming to me. Nothing else do I need. And remember it, because you seem to be dangerous: never stand between the sun and anybody else. Don't disturb anybody else's life. That's enough; nothing else do I want from you -- because all that I want is within me." And Alexander could feel that the man was true, literally true -- the solidity, the crystallized being, the 'vibe' of one who has attained, the surround, the climate of the person who is filled with inner light, inner realization, inner riches. He could see it. He bowed down and he said, "If next time I am to come into the world, I would ask God not to make me Alexander, but Diogenes." Diogenes laughed and said, "There is no need to wait that long. You can become a Diogenes just now! For what are you struggling and conquering people, and moving continuously and warring? For what?" Said Alexander, "First I want to conquer Middle Asia, then India, then the Far East..." And Diogenes went on asking, "Then what? Then what?" Finally, when Alexander said he had conquered the whole world, he said he would then like to rest. And Diogenes said, "You look to me almost stupid, because I am resting without conquering the world. You can rest by my side. See, the bank is so big; we can share it. And nobody comes here. You can rest to your heart's desire. Who is preventing you? And I don't see the point, that one needs to conquer the world first just to rest in the end. You can rest any moment." In that moment Alexander must have felt his poverty. He said, "You are right. I am mad, but now it is difficult for me to come back. I have to conquer, only then can I come." And when he was leaving, Diogenes said, "Remember, nobody can come back unless one is aware. And if you are aware right this moment, the journey stops. If you are not aware, you will never come back." And Alexander never could go back. He died before he reached back home. The man of being is called 'the novel man', the new man. Why call him new? -- because in a sense he is as old as humanity; but he is so rare that whenever he comes he is always new -- rarely a Buddha, rarely a Jesus, a Krishna -- very rarely. In this rotten mass of humanity, very rarely does somebody arise with an authentic being and declare that his kingdom is of the within, It happens so rarely that Bauls are right to call him 'the novel man', the new man. So this is the distinction to be understood: the man who is after having more and more will go on losing his being -- because the only way to have more is to pay with being. Then you have to cut your being and throw it away. Everything has to be paid for, nothing is free. Even futile things have to be paid for. One day the man of having is almost gone. He has much but he is no more. He has bargained with his soul. He has exchanged: he has dollars, rupees, pounds, but no soul in him. Just a negative emptiness exists. He is the beggar, but he may look to you like a king. Don't be deceived by appearances. Those who look like kings are not kings. Look deeply, watch deeply. They may have achieved much which can be counted, which can be shown and exhibited, but they have lost something of the invisible, something of their being. Have you not observed it? -- whenever you purchase something you have to pay. If you want to compete with people you will have to pay. You will become less and less loving. A man who is a competitor cannot be loving simultaneously; it is impossible. A man who is trying to compete, a man who is ambitious, has to be non-loving. Then he is paying with love. Politicians cannot be loving, they know only war. That's natural; they exist through conflict. So they may talk about peace, but their whole talk is. just nonsense, just gibberish. They talk about peace and they prepare for war. They never prepare for peace. They prepare for war and they never talk about war, they talk about peace. And when the time comes, they even war and fight for peace. They say it has to be done to save peace. But basically, the mind of the competitor is violent. One who is ambitious is violent and cannot be loving. The hippie slogan -- Make love not war -- is very, very meaningful. If the world were more loving, war would disappear automatically, because who would be ready to fight? For what? No country wants its people to be very loving. No country wants its people to be deep in love -- because if they are deep in love they become incapable of war. Their sex, their love, has to be repressed. When love and sex are repressed, people are ready to jump out of their skins. They are so boiling; they are always ready to fight. That's why a poor country can fight better than a rich country. That is the story of Vietnam. The American soldier knows a little of love -- he has the facility, he is not so repressed. That is the problem with America now: America is not so repressed. It has tasted of love. But when you fight with a small country like Vietnam you cannot win, because their soldiers are very repressed. It has always happened in the past: a richer country is always in danger of being invaded by a poorer country. It has happened in India many times. For two, three thousand years, India had been continuously conquered by barbarians who were not rich, who were not affluent, who were not cultured at all. But India was defeated continuously. People were loving -- they had forgotten how to fight, they were not interested in fighting. There was no need inside for them to be continuously at war. Whenever a civilization reaches to the point where it becomes affluent, it is in danger of being invaded by barbarians. This is unfortunate, but this is so. So every country and every politician tries not to allow love too much. It has to be given only in small quantities. If love is free, and people are very loving and they exist in an ocean of love, war is not possible. Without war, politics is not possible; without politics, presidents and premiers are not possible. They will simply disappear. The hippie is the greatest danger signal to politicians yet. In the whole of history, for the first time a new sort of generation is arising. If this generation goes on flowering, spreading, politics is going to be just out of date. The days of presidents and premiers are gone! And the whole thing depends on love, because love is a quality of being. Competition is for things, ambition is for things, ambition is for the kingdom without. The inner kingdom knows no competition. You can simply delight in it this very moment. It needs no future, it needs no achievement on your part. Already, as you are, you are ready to enjoy and delight and celebrate. Nothing is missing. Everything is absolutely available; as it should be, it is. You just have to drop your ambitious mind, and the celebration starts. Can you see this? If you can see this you will be able to understand 'the novel man'. The Bauls say, "The man who has understood the futility of things becomes religious." If you are running after having, you will become a manipulator: constantly in conflict with others, constantly trying to crush others, by any way and any means trying to reach to the top. You will lose all spontaneity. The man of being, 'the novel man', is spontaneous. He lives in the moment, he lives here- now. He knows no other way to live, he is unpredictable. You can predict a man of competition. You can predict, because the mind of the competitor runs like a mathematical formula. It has a logical syllogism in it. But the mind of one who is moving inwards, the man of being, is almost dissolving. The mind of the inward traveller is dissolving; you cannot predict him. He has no mathematical formula about him -- he simply lives in the moment, he responds to the moment. Now let me tell you one thing: the man of having is very clear. The man of having has a destination, very clear, cut. If he wants to become the president of the United States or the premier of India, he has a clear-cut destination. What about the man of being? -- he has a direction, but he has no destination. He has a very subtle direction, but no destination. He has a quality: he has a light inside, and wherever he moves that light falls on his path. He has eyes to see, a direction, but no destination. He is enjoying and he is moving, but his movement is not prefabricated. He has no plan. He is like a river, not like a railway train. Direction is there, but not like a railway train, not running in a fixed pattern. Zig-zag his life will be. Sometimes he will be moving towards the north and sometimes he will be moving towards the south. He cannot be very consistent because consistency is part of the logical mind, it is not part of the being. He will be found many times to be inconsistent, even contradictory; but those contradictions are just on the surface. If you look deep you will find a subtle direction. Even in contradictions the direction is there. But to know the man of being you need very deep eyes, penetrating eyes. To know the man of having, nothing is needed -- just a little mind will do, a mediocre mind will do -- because the man of having is also of the category of mediocre minds. But when you move into the inner world, all surfaces are lost and depth is infinite. The Bauls call this spontaneous man, SAHAJA MANUSH. The novel man, he's the new man. He is the man as everyone should be. And unless you become the novel man, you will miss -- you will miss treasures, blessings, benedictions which were showering all around you, but you were blind and you could not see it. I have heard.... Mulla Nasrudin was in love with a woman. "Look darling," he said to her, "here is a diamond engagement ring for you." "Oh, it is beautiful!" she claimed "But honey, the diamond has a flaw in it." "You should not notice that," said the Mulla. "Why, you are in love and you know what they say -- 'love is blind'." "Blind, yes," she said, "but not stone blind." Even in love you continue to remain the man of the outside. Even in love you continue to think in terms of money, prestige, power. Even in love you don't allow the unpredictable to assert, you don't allow your innermost being to have its say. Even then you remain a manipulator. Our minds are almost always interested in the very ordinary. It has to be so because mind is outward-oriented. The very orientation is towards the without. That's how Jesus was not understood; he was a Baul,'the novel man'. If he had been born in Bengal, the land of the Bauls, he would have been understood better. They would not have crucified him. For centuries they have known mad people of God. They would have understood his language. Jews could not understand his language. His language was not of the mind, his language was not of money, of the outside. He talked about the kingdom and they asked, "Where is your kingdom? About what kingdom are you talking?" -- because they thought he was talking about the kingdom which is outside. He said, "I am the king," and they were worried. And they suspected that he was trying to sabotage the society, or that he was trying to conquer the society and become the king. They thought that he was a revolutionary. He was a rebellious man, not a revolutionary at all. He was not planning for a revolution; he was not a politician. But the Jews were afraid: they thought that he was trying to conquer this world. And the Romans were afraid. They were afraid because it was thought that he was the king of men -- the king is born. When the king of the Romans heard that a child was going to be born who would become the king of men, he became so afraid that he ordered a massacre: to kill all the children below the age of two years. When the three wise men of the East reached the capital in search of the child Jesus, the king heard of it. He invited them to the palace, and he asked them for what they had come. They said they were looking for the king who had been born in his country: "You should be happy that a king is born in your country, and the greatest king will walk on your earth." But the king was very afraid because he thought, "How can there exist two kings in one country? Then I will be dethroned." But he played diplomatic. He said to the wise men, "I am very happy, so if you succeed in finding him please come and inform me." But he was planning to kill the boy, and the three wise men understood it because they could see in his eyes. He was a cunning man. Politicians are cunning. After they had met Jesus and worshipped Jesus, they had to find another route because they were afraid that the king would be waiting, and they didn't want to become a part of this catastrophe. They didn't want to become part in killing and murdering Jesus. So they had to travel very far. They had to do a long journey because the shortcut was the one they had come by. And they were very old men, but still they took a very long route through deserts and mountains to reach back to their country. They didn't want to go back by the same route because it would pass through the capital, and the king would be waiting. Jesus was crucified because of his terminology, but he was talking about the inner kingdom. He was not talking about the kingdom of the outside, and he was not talking about the treasures that you know, but the treasures of the unknown. As far as the outside world is concerned, all treasures are just false. I have heard a beautiful anecdote.... A man walking along a city street fell through an open sewer hole and broke his leg. He engaged a famous attorney, brought suit against the city for ten thousand dollars, and won the case. The city appealed the decision right on up to the Supreme Court, but again the lawyer won the decision. After the claim was settled, the lawyer sent for his client and handed him a dollar bill. "What is this?" inquired the man, looking at the dollar. "That's your damages after deducting my fee, the cost of appeals and other expenses," replied the attorney. Out of ten thousand dollars, only one dollar! The man looked at the dollar again, turned it over and scanned it carefully. "What is the matter with this dollar?" he said. "Is it counterfeit?" But all money outside is counterfeit: all dollars are counterfeit, all rupees are counterfeit. The real money does not exist that way; the real money does not exist outside. This conversion from the counterfeit to the real is what Bauls call the birth of the novel man. COME IF YOU WISH TO MEET THE NOVEL MAN. HE HAS ABANDONED HIS WORLDLY POSSESSIONS FOR THE BEGGAR'S SACK THAT HANGS FROM HIS SHOULDERS. He has abandoned worldly possessions to become a beggar. Why abandon worldly possessions? The worldly possessions can be abandoned in two ways. Again you have to understand: the man who has lived his whole life in collecting possessions can abandon them out of greed. Then the novel man is not born. He can abandon them in order to get some advance booking in heaven, paradise. He can abandon his worldly possessions seeing that death will take them away. If that is the case, then the old man remains old, even if he abandons all. In India it happens many times, more often than not: people abandon their possessions, they renounce, but if you watch them you will see they have not abandoned their greed. In fact, they have renounced BECAUSE of the greed. I know one man who renounced almost a million rupees many years ago, but he still goes on talking about it. Thirty years have passed, and whenever I meet him, he will again and again bring the subject up that he has renounced a million rupees. And you can see the light that starts shining in his eyes -- a million rupees! The last time I saw him I asked him, "If you have really renounced then why talk about it? What is the point? As far as I can see, you have not renounced at all. The novel man is not born. You are as much attached to those one million rupees, or maybe even more than you were before. Now the very idea that you have renounced a million rupees has become your bank balance. Now you are living on it.'' I told him that if he went to God, the first thing he would relate to Him would be his million rupees: "Do you know or not that I have renounced one million rupees?" And he would be expecting something special for himself. This man is the same; the novel man is not born. It has been a miscarriage. You can renounce, but if you enjoy ego through it, if you feel that you are a great man of renunciation, a MAHATMA, a great soul because you have renounced, you are not an ordinary man, you are not worldly, then your renunciation is not true. When is the renunciation true? -- when you understand the futility. Not out of greed, not because you have to earn something in the other world, but just seeing the futility of it all, you renounce. This renunciation has no effort in it, just a deep insight. Every morning you clean your house and throw the rubbish on the rubbish heap, but you don't go declaring and advertising to the whole town that again you have renounced much rubbish, again this morning you have done a great deed of renunciation. No, you know that it is rubbish -- finished. What is there to tell about it? The novel man is born when you have a deep insight that worldly things have no value; they are all counterfeit, unreal diamonds, and unreal real diamonds are also so. Real dollars are also as unreal as unreal dollars. When the whole outside world has no value for you, that is a real renunciation. Then you are not attached at all. And Bauls say, My plaited hair is still intact and dry. Though I stand in the stream and splash and swim about the river, I cannot be touched by the water. Keep your soles dry as you coast the sea. Let attachments share the same home, but live unattached. Groping for the river, Oh my senseless heart! In vain do you wander from place to place. The ocean of your heart bears a priceless gem. What good is life if you fail to contact the spontaneous man who dwells in your own body? Your destiny is shamed. Do not give up gold for a piece of glass, nor leave heaven for a visit to hell. What good is there in rushing round the world? The eternal hero Iives in your own little room. Who is there for you to call your own? My heart, for whom do you shed your futile tears? Brothers and friends, let them be; the world is there. Your own dear life is hardly your own. You have come alone, you will go alone.... The whole idea of renunciation is of a vision, of a great understanding, of looking into things in their reality. You need not escape from the world. You can remain in the world and become absolutely unattached. But if you feel, "Why carry the burden unnecessarily?" you can leave the world also. But remember, the world has no value this way or that. If it has no value, its renunciation also cannot have any value. If it is valuable, only then can its renunciation be valuable. But then there is no point in renouncing it; it is simply valueless. It is like a dream. When you awake, everything disappears. You have come alone, you will go alone, and between these two exists the dream. To understand the dream, to become alert to it, is the birth of the novel man. "Come if you wish to meet the novel man," says the Baul. He invites the whole world: Come to see me; the novel man is born. "His worldly possessions he has abandoned for the beggar's sack that hangs from his shoulder." ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Celebration means: whatsoever happens is irrelevant — I will celebrate. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Don’t invest in misery; invest in celebration. You take one step towards life and life takes one thousand towards you. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
There are no outside causes of happiness or unhappiness; these things are just excuses. By and by we come to realize that it is something inside us that goes on changing, that has nothing to do with outside circumstances. How you feel is something inside you, a wheel that keeps on moving. Just watch it — and it is very beautiful, because in being aware of it, something has been attained. Now you understand that you are free from outside excuses, because nothing has happened on the outside and yet your mood has changed within a few minutes from happiness to unhappiness, or the other way around. This means that happiness and unhappiness are your moods and don't depend on the outside. This is one of the most basic things to be realized, because then much can be done. The second thing to understand is that your moods depend on your unawareness. So just watch and become aware. If happiness is there, just watch it and don't become identified with it. When unhappiness is there, again just watch. It is just like morning and evening. In the morning you watch and enjoy the rising sun. When the sun sets and darkness descends, that too you watch and enjoy. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Existence is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived. And you should be perfectly aware what the difference is between a mystery and a problem. A problem is something created by the mind; a mystery is something which is there, not created by the mind. A problem has an ugliness in it, like disease. A mystery is beautiful. With a problem, immediately a fight arises. You have to solve it; something is wrong, you have to put it right; something is missing, you have to supply the missing link. With a mystery there is no question like that. The moon arises in the night.... It is not a problem, it is a mystery. You have to live with it. You have to dance with it. You have to sing with it, or you can be just silent with it. Something mysterious surrounds you. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous. You cannot be loving if you are not courageous. You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous. You cannot enter into reality if you are not courageous. Hence courage comes first... and everything else follows. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
God is alive when you are alive. If you are not alive, how can your God be alive? Your God is yours. If you are dead, your God is dead; if you are alive, your God is alive. Your God cannot be more than you, because your God is your innermost core of being. So if you want to know what God is, become more alive. If you want to know what God is, become more divine. If you want to know what God is, then don’t try to know — try to feel. He comes through the door of the heart.
This is what enlightenment is all about - a deep understanding that there is no problem. Then, with no problem to solve, what will you do? Immediately you start living. You will eat, you will sleep, you will love, you will work, you will have a chit-chat, you will sing, you will dance - what else is there to do? ~~Osho ♥ ♥
Prayer does not need any word. What is there to say to god? He knows it already. And if something is not given, that simply means that it is not needed. He is wiser than you, but people go on advising him: "Do this, do that, give me this, give me that," as if god is not wiser enough. All your prayer is just advice, and people go on persisting everyday. It is a kind of nagging of god. "How long will you not listen? I go on asking morning and evening..." To me prayer has nothing to do with words. It is silent gratefulness; it is utterly silent, but a deeper gratefulness. It is possible only if you learn how to be blissful; otherwise there will be nothing to be grateful for. Let your life be a life of love and laughter and you will start feeling a subtle presence of prayerfulness in you. And that prayerfulness will not be Christain, Hindu or Mohammedan, it will be simply prayerfulness. ~~Osho ♥ ♥
What is Neurosis? Not being happy with yourself is Neurosis. Just see the ordinary people. But it is very difficult to find ordinary people, very difficult, because everybody has become extraordinary. It is very difficult to find a sane person, because everybody has become insane. Centuries of priests, mahatmas and saints have driven everybody out of his soul, out of his home. There are only neurotic people on the earth. Friedrich Nietzsche is reported to have said that everybody is neurotic — and if you think you are not, then that must be another kind of neurosis. But everybody is neurotic. What is neurosis? Not being happy with yourself is neurosis, not being contented with yourself is neurosis. And then you get into turmoil and trouble. Then you lose all peace of mind, all joy of life. Then you exist in anguish, then you create hell for yourself. Become ordinary. That’s my teaching too, if it can be called a teaching — because up to now, teachings have been to drive you towards some extraordinary goal. But if you ask the awakened, they have always been saying: Just be ordinary. Don’t strive. Live effortlessly, live in a let-go. And then nature takes possession of you. Your life becomes spontaneous, you live moment-to-moment — with no ideology to follow, with no conclusions. You live without conclusions; each moment brings its own reality and you respond to it. And you respond out of your total being — every cell of your body and mind and soul is involved in it. Then you never repent — because how can you repent? You responded totally, so whatsoever happens is okay, because nothing else was possible. You had done ALL — you responded totally, you took the challenge. You can’t repent if you live spontaneously. The people who repent are the people who live through conclusions. Then one mind says “Do this”, another mind says “Do that” — because they have heard so many mahatmas and they have read so many books and they have listened to so many ideologies and so many teachers, and all those things are roaming around their minds, trying to impose themselves on the mind. You choose one thing against something else. If you fail, then that something else which you had denied will take revenge with a vengeance. It will come back to the mind and will make you repent. It will say, “I have been telling you, choose me. And you were a fool to have chosen the other. Now remember in future.” And you take a vow: “Then now I will listen to you.” You repent. But you have not understood yet. Repentance will always come if your decision is partial. And no decision lived out of conclusions can ever be total, because the conclusion has been carried from the past, and the situation is new — how can it fit totally? You have to respond again out of your newness of this moment, then the response is total. And total response is joy — whether it fails or succeeds, is irrelevant. In its totality it has succeeded already, and there will be no repentance. Walt Whitman says, “Only what nobody denies is true.” Just listen to your innermost core, your ordinary nature, and you will know what truth is. The Christian denies the Hindu, the Hindu denies the Mohammedan, the Mohammedan denies the Christian, and they go on fighting and arguing. But look at the ordinary natural man, he is neither Christian nor Hindu. When he feels hungry he eats — and that is true for a Christian and that is true for a Hindu and that is true for a Mohammedan. Nobody denies it: this is truth. When you feel tired you fall asleep — nobody denies it. This is truth. Truth is simple. Theories are complex and complicated. Theoreticians go on arguing, truth remains unargued. Don’t listen to what people say, listen to what they are. And you will be surprised — there is no difference between a Hindu and a Mohammedan and a Christian and a Jew, no difference at all. They go to different churches, obviously, and they read different books, certainly — but look into their nature. When it is hot the Hindu perspires as much as the Mohammedan; that is natural. The Mohammedan cannot say, “I am not a Hindu, and Hindus are perspiring. I cannot perspire, not at least now; that will be agreeing with the Hindus.” When it is cold the body shivers — the body knows not whether it is a Christian or a Jew or a Jain; it shivers. Just watch natural things, look into nature. And slowly slowly, you will understand Dhamma — the real religion, the Law of Buddhas. ~~Osho ♥ ♥