duminică, 23 decembrie 2012

Prayer does not need any word. What is there to say to god? He knows it already. And if something is not given, that simply means that it is not needed. He is wiser than you, but people go on advising him: "Do this, do that, give me this, give me that," as if god is not wiser enough. All your prayer is just advice, and people go on persisting everyday. It is a kind of nagging of god. "How long will you not listen? I go on asking morning and evening..." To me prayer has nothing to do with words. It is silent gratefulness; it is utterly silent, but a deeper gratefulness. It is possible only if you learn how to be blissful; otherwise there will be nothing to be grateful for. Let your life be a life of love and laughter and you will start feeling a subtle presence of prayerfulness in you. And that prayerfulness will not be Christain, Hindu or Mohammedan, it will be simply prayerfulness. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

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