duminică, 23 decembrie 2012

Existence is made of two energies. On the surface they are polar opposites; deep down they are not opposites but complementaries. One can call them yin-yang or negative-positive or Shiva and Shakti or male and female. In fact yin and yang imply all possible opposites, with the underlying meaning that opposites are not opposites but complementaries. The moment it happens that the opposites meet within you, that yin becomes yang, yang becomes yin, that the male and female inside you meet and merge into one — or in modern psychological jargon the conscious and unconscious meet and merge into one — for the first time you experience your organic wholeness. Yin and yang divided, we are very small; yin and yang together and we contain the whole universe. The art of meditation is to help the man and the woman within you meet and merge and become one. When man meets even with his outer woman, for a single moment a different quality comes to his being. Just for a split moment when you are at the climax of your orgasmic joy, when you are not separate from the woman and the woman is not separate from you, then you are not there, she is not there; suddenly a duality has disappeared and in that disappearance of duality you have the first glimpse of what unity can be. The ultimate secrets of meditation have been discovered through this orgasmic joy. The whole tradition of Tantra is a proof of it. But the meeting with the outer woman or outer man can only be momentary. The same can happen inside you. One of the greatest contributions of Carl Gustav Jung to modern psychology is that he accepted this ancient taoist idea that inside man has both the male part and the female part. And the same is the case with the woman, she has both. But they are separate; a very subtle wall keeps them separate inside you. The wall is really subtle. It is just like a Japanese paper curtain, it can easily be removed. And once it is removed the whole is experienced. To remain clinging to the part is misery, to allow the whole to happen is bliss. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

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