duminică, 16 decembrie 2012

When I say that everybody is a divine king or a queen, I mean you can just declare it this very moment, because no kingdom is needed for it. It is just a change... an inner change of consciousness. Rather than preparing, you start celebrating - that's the only change there is. Rather than preparing for tomorrow, you start living today. Rather than sacrificing the present for the future, you forget all about future, and you dance the dance that is possible this very moment, herenow - and immediately you are a king. And the kingdom is such that it cannot be taken away from you - that's why I call it a divine kingdom. That's what Jesus means when he says again and again, 'The kingdom of god is within you,' He was not talking about the political - he was misunderstood. The Roman Emperor became afraid that he was talking about a kingdom... maybe he was after his kingdom! The priests became afraid - maybe he was after political power. He was not talking about politics at all. So when I call you a king, I'm not talking about politics... not the kingdom of this world, because these kings are just beggars - rich beggars, maybe, but beggars all the same! And by giving you sannyas I declare this. Now it is up to you to accept it and start living or not, but you are responsible. I don't say that you have to prepare for it. From this very moment start enjoying the simple things of life... and they are fantastic! Simple food, simple sleep, simple love... the stars and the moon and the trees... the wind passing through the trees, and the sound of the water... children laughing, and a small girl giggling - all is tremendously beautiful. Just start enjoying.... ~~Osho ♥ ♥

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