duminică, 23 decembrie 2012

Love is the feminine part in you and awareness is the masculine part in you. And they both have to meet and merge into each other. If one only knows how to love and is not aware, one remains half. If one knows how to be aware and does not know how to love, again one remains half. And to be half is to be in misery. Hence the so-called worldly man is in misery and the man who lives in the monastery is in misery. They have chosen different kinds of miseries - that is true - but misery is misery. From what end you progress towards it makes no difference. There is only one bliss in the world, and that bliss comes by becoming whole. And this is the most fundamental thing in becoming whole: your man and your woman inside must fall in love and disappear into each other. The inner being should become androgynous - neither man nor woman. Then one is integrated, one is one. Otherwise one is many, otherwise one is poly-psychic, and to be poly-psychic is to be neurotic. To be poly-psychic means that one has many minds, one is a crowd - a thousand and one voices, and each dragging one in its own direction. One's life remains just a constant struggle... for no purpose. One rushes into one direction and then into another and then into another. This goes on and on and then one falls into the grave. From the cradle to the grave one rushes, runs too much, but reaches nowhere. To become one is to arrive. And it is easier to choose one of the two; that's why people have chosen one. The worldly people have chosen love, the other-worldly people have chosen awareness. It is easy to choose one - it seems simple, less complicated, but then your being remains poor too. Richness is always complex. One need not be afraid of complexity; one should be afraid only of a crowd. Complexity is perfectly good if it is centered in oneness, if it is a harmony. If you listen to people's hearts they are like single notes - repeating the same. Very rarely do you find a man who is an orchestra. But an orchestra needs a great order. If every player in the orchestra goes on his own way then it will be maddening... unless there is an order and a harmony in which they are all separate and yet falling into one, all centered and rooted in oneness. Then life has richness. So let love and awareness merge into you. Be more loving and be more aware at the same time. Be aware and be loving at the same time. And great richness follows, great fulfilment, great fruition. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

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