luni, 10 decembrie 2012

Awareness: An Introduction 
In the last years people are becoming more curious about what happens with their bodies instead of the material things. We are becoming aware and we can watch ourselves and in the same time we can learn about our superficial personality, composed of our mind and body. The mind and body are only our grosser vehicles.
We will discuss its meanings and implication in this topic and it will become more compressible for most people that understand very little about this powerful word.
Before just explain the meaning of awareness I will briefly mention consciousness. All form of life is a channel for consciousness, doesn’t matter if is a plant, an animal or a human. All of these life forms express the potential of consciousness at different level. Man is the only form of life that is able to manifest and blossom to its full potential. Man can increase his awareness and push away the limitations that most of us think to be fixed.
Awareness is the ability of observing what the mind and the body is doing, and if a man is aware then he becomes a spectator of his activities both externally and internally. For many people this awareness is not very inspiring, why make such a fuse over the ability to be able to watch one°s own thoughts ,they may ask. Yet if ones become more aware and starts to witness his activities then incredible experiences occur. He starts to realize things that are completely beyond present comprehension. It can take him into a new dimension of existence. At the moment people are trapped in their mind as an film actor is limited by his role. We imprison ourselves but we also have the keys to become free again. The key is awareness .Consciousness is within each and every of us we can°t expand and develop something what is infinite and all pervasive, we can t create consciousness which lies in the background of all our physical and mental actions. But we can expand awareness, which is a variable that can be developed in all of us .It is the ability that can develop to tune in with consciousness.
Is a common misconception that consciousness is a function of brain, for example if we see a book we naturally assume that is the eyes that have seeing it . But this is incorrect, the eyes are only the intermediary instruments between the outside world and consciousness. It is consciousness what we actually see. If we hear we tend to assume that it is the ears that hear, but actually they too are really only intermediaries. It is not even the brain that sees and hear , in themselves the sensory organs and the brain are no more than receivers, transformers and transmitters . 
How can we develop awareness? 
The first thing is that no indoctrination or autosuggestion is required. But if you practices yoga then it will automatically show itself or to be more exact, if you do your practices correctly then awareness will gradually develop. There are many methods to increases awareness by having a correct nutrition and healthy,by breathing at least 5 minutes a day, by drinking water. Yoga is a very good exercise for the mind and body and for developing awareness as well.

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