joi, 6 decembrie 2012

Ascension is a much misunderstood concept and really is about merely transforming the lower into the higher. It is nothing to be feared. Everything in the universe changes and shifts. Nothing stays the same. Ascension is a normal, natural process that we’ve been engaging in for all of eternity, perhaps without knowing it. It has nothing to do with our conceptions of “death,” but has everything to do with life. Very simply put, if we can take the energy present in the lower chakras and transform that energy into energy that can be integrated and used with the upper chakras, there you have energy for transformation, and thus, ascension.

Ascension is a full integrating of mind, body, and spirit. It’s a way of living as a whole person instead of just as a physical being in a physical body. Often,people forget that they are not separate from their spirits and focus instead on the physical. But, as we are surely becoming aware, the ascension process requires that we live differently. It requires us to live as “one” and re-learn to co-create. It requires that we call our spirits back to us. It requires that we live as empowered beings who remember our divine right to create and remember our connection to each other, and to Source.

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