miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012

Relationship Between Pineal Gland And The Third Eye

The Pineal gland | Pineal Body

The pineal gland also known as pineal body is a tiny, pea-sized endocrine gland in the brain, which is responsible for regulating the wake and sleep patterns of humans. This gland resembles a tiny pinecone, sits near the middle of the brain, between the two hemispheres behind, and just a little above the pituit
ary gland. It regulates sleeping and waking patterns by secreting melatonin. The pineal gland produces melatonin relative to the absence of light. Melatonin is produced in the dark, while light inhibits the production of this natural happy drug(melatonin). Pinealocytes are photoreceptor cells like those of the retina, which postulates that mammals had the third eye.

The Third Eye

The pineal gland is in fact the part of the third eye, where by the sixth chakra or ajna. In this chakra we are able to acquire many psychic abilities, and it varies on which level you open your third eye.

The Pineal Gland , The Third Eye in Different Cultures

According to New Age spirituality, the pineal gland is also thought to be our connection to deep thought.Upon opening of the third eye one achieves enlightenment in Hinduism and Buddhism. In India, the eye of wisdom is believed to be possessed by wizened yogis and teachers who have successfully opened their third eyes. According to Indian myths, the opening of Shiva’s third eye resulted to the total annihilation of the physical world. In the book Thiaoouban prophecy the author was taken by aliens to the ninth planet, and these being touched his pineal gland then he could see auras.

It is the gland’s control over the endocrine system, which translates to its influence over the energy channels of the body according to Chinese medicine. This gland is thought to be responsible for kundalini awakening, shamanic states, and visions, as well as astral projection. The third eye has also been linked to the legend of the Cyclops, a one eyed being in Greek mythology, when you examine their legends you find out that they have psychic abilities and are able to see beyond the physical realm, this can literary imply opening of the third eye. In modern times, shamans and New Age practitioners have been exploring the significance of the third eye. Among the most influential is the Enigma video of David Wilcox where he exposes the various symbolisms of the pineal gland and the third eye.

DMT- Natural Compound that activates The Third eye

DMT or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine is the natural occuring chemical compound found in variety of plants, is it also secreted by pineal gland during the deep relaxation and sleep, even during meditation. alters the brain chemistry and shift a persons consciousness. The shamans of the amazon uses ayahuasca as their main source to connect with the spiritual world.Rick Strassman did an extensive research on DMT. and found out that Pineal gland appears in human embryo about 49 days of gystation, where in tibetan they believe 49 days is required for a soul to reincarnate to the next life, the same time when you can differentiate if the human embryo is male of female

How to Activate Or Opening the Third Eye

There are various methods on which you can activate or open your third eye whereby your pineal gland is stimulated some of them are;

Extreme pressure on the area of the brain where the pineal gland is located can activate this pineal gland. Head injuries are commonly thought to open the pineal gland so that patients awaking from these injuries often feel a more open reception to deeper realms of thought compared to other people.

Meditation is also another way to open the third eye, remember deep relaxation stimulates your pineal gland to produce melatonin so while meditating a practitioner would stimulate on the third eye. Deep breathing exercises as well as visualization of the seven chakras will help a person reach a certain meditative state where all negative emotions are released and one is able to see through the third clearly more clearly than before. The use of crystals such as amethysts and lapis lazuli, as well as aromatherapy oils, can also help in the meditative process of opening a blocked third eye.

What Happens When You Open The Third Eye

If one has successfully opened their third eye, they are able to see the Universe as it is, (in it’s true nature) people can see both the large celestial bodies and the microscopic level, charles webster, Madam Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner and Charles Webster Leadbeater are among many who succeed to open their third eye and were able to see what ordinary people can’t see. It brings fourth the ability to see people’s auras, where one would be able to know a persons intentions. Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant publish the book occult chemistry which was the product of their third eye (yogic powers) observation of nature of different elements.

However opening of the third eye takes time to some it may take day and some it may take decades depending on a person himself, and according to experts you must improve your moral character before you try to stimulate your pineal gland or opening your third eye. this is our natural innate abilities just because of the decline of moral values among the society these abilities diminishes with time.

Factors that Block the Effective Function of the Third Eye

While there are methods to open the third and stimulating the pineal gland, there are certain factors, which block the third eye and hinders proper function of the pineal gland as well. Grief is one of the main causes why the third eye becomes blocked. Severe emotional states and genetic predisposition to negative energy will also cause blockages to the third eye. Individuals whose third eyes are blocked may experience nightmares, headaches, poor eyesight, and lack of concentration.

Calcification and Fluoridation of Pineal Gland

In this modern society we use calcium in various things such as toothpaste, and for fluoride which clogs pineal gland which causes;
Genetic DNA Damage
Thyroid disruption, which alters the entire endocrine system leading to obesity
Neurological functioning which causes learning disabilities, lack of focus and concentration
Alzheimer’s disease

Pineal Wave Meditation

“Once we engage ourselves in the Universal law of one, all human suffering will come into a halt”.

Some people Believe that the pineal Gland is responsible (David wilcock )believes that the military underground base reverse engineered it for some kind of a “time machine” device) such as seeing precognition, telekinesis and many more Mental abilities, According to Stewart Swerdlow it’s the third brain, According to the life in the universe there are basically three tipes of beings, One brained, two brain (humans can be grouped here), and the tree brained beings, We solve our daily problems and perceive the would within and around us using two hemispheres of our brain, those of the three brains are more complex and spiritually based being and it’s marvel and intimidate humans on how they ‘navigate the world around them. this meditation exercise is based on the principle of correspondence (as above so below, as within so without), we are part of our planet and we have to be in harmony with the planet to align cosmic energies.

The Pineal Wave.

There is a connection between earth’s ionosphere frequency and living organisms frequency, they operate between 6 hertz to 8 hertz, when you intune your brain wave with the ionosphere you connect with the earth’s spirit (Gaia).

The pineal wave is a technique that dates way back to the earliest days of the Atlantis, Children of the Law of One. In fact, it dates back to a time before we even had fully physical, (according to many different sources Edgar Cayce, ancient scripts etc) Its purpose is to empower and cleanse our soul in the very center of the Earth. It also provides rejuvenation and attunement with the energies of the Earth and grounding.


Stand erect, feet together.
Visualize and focus your attention on your pineal gland (look the image above).
Visualize your pineal as a ball of white light energy vibrating with the same frequency like that of earth ( between 6 hertz tp 8 hertz ).

When visualizing the vibrational frequency just feel that harmony with the planet, as your subconscious mind can’t understand numbers but the impression of feelings, images and intention

Inhale,maintaining the visualization, then exhale sharply,
Shooting the ball of light down through your body,
Deep into the very center point of the Earth.
The center of the Earth is beyond molten lava, it is like an inner Sun, it is a significant energy center.
After “shooting” your “ball of light” down into the Earth, allow it a second or two to reach the Earth’s center,
then begin to inhale again slowly, feeling the energy come up from the Earth, then up into your body, and back to the pineal.
Repeat at least three times.


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