sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2012

“Some souls who recently came in have bodies with crystalline cellular structure, and those who don’t will experience less upsetting physical and emotional symptoms than adults whose bodies also are changing from carbon-based to crystalline.” (2)

“Yes, the children whom you call Indigo or Crystal came in with or have acquired crystalline DNA.” (3)

Nonetheless, children are not as heavily indoct
rinated as we are. Their bodies do not carry burdensome memories at cellular level that ours do, Matthew says. Some of the new children even know their divine identity, which is the very lesson that incarnation is designed to teach.

“Part of adults’ adjustment is the uprooting and discarding of thought patterns that form belief systems and behavior patterns burdened by cellular memory. Children simply have not lived long enough to be as heavily indoctrinated and they respond more quickly and positively to the higher vibrations than most adults.

“Many souls who embodied during the past few years consciously know their God connection and are aware of their rightful place in our universal family—that innate knowledge did not get ‘lost’ in their third density bodies.

“It is devoutly hoped that the parents chosen by these infants and youngsters will preserve rather than thwart their children’s unusual degree of curiosity that is born of ancient wisdom.”
“Among the children who have come during the past two decades are those with extraordinary capabilities and ancient wisdom and the mission to solidify the reforms that are being initiated by older generations who came with the purpose to do that. Some of these highly evolved souls know who they are and exactly why they are there, and others are discovering this about themselves.

“You will know these new leaders by their demeanor and actions—trust your intuition about them!—and if you are in close proximity, you will feel uplifted and energized by the energy emanating from them. When these souls are in leadership roles and the light-filled multitudes are cheering them on, you and Earth will know that she is in good hands!”

Far from us having to assist them to ascend, they will assist us. Though children, they are in reality “Elders of Light.’ We are told to honor them and allow them to do their job.

“The most powerful among these will emerge as Teachers, Leaders and Thinkers in all fields of Human Life on Earth. They will begin to be perceived and experienced as a transformational force or energy on all levels. It is this generation, in their thirties, who will start to assume leadership roles in the creation of a new society. And, they will be guided by the ‘Elders of the Light’, those who have gone before them and created the Path or Bridge of Light into the New Earth.

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