miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012

‎"There are many well-meaning people who also see that our world is going through big changes and that we need to make changes within and without. Many of them do their best to look for alternative ways of living, offering more sustainable solutions. However, each of the various Conscious Movements ( The Zeitgeist Movement, Evolver Social Movement, Thrive Movement, etc…. ) can easily be (and may have been already) co-opted (or even created) by COINTELPRO, spread disinformation and ignore/deny important topics even without the conscious intent/awareness of their founders and members/followers because of cognitive dissonance, denial, wishful thinking and ego related issues that are in the way of the pursuit of truth. Again, understanding how the Matrix Control System works through us is crucial and how easily we can buffer up the lies we’re telling ourselves, dreaming to be awake."

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