joi, 6 decembrie 2012

We are much more powerful than we ever imagined. As eternal light beings we have the ability to maniofest anything we desire, just by continuosly holding our positive attention upon it. This one tiny piece of knowledge is enough to create a massive transformation in our own life, and enlighten millions of people all througout the planet.

We are a powerful divine beings who can easily sculpt the
 world around us just like an artist sculpts a hunk of clay. We have always been and will always be human and divine. We are both! Yet, the most important thing is to realize we are already a natural manifesting being who has the power to instantly and effortlessly sculpt this beautiful world we live in.
It's very important that we each understand how we were born powerful beyond measure, because it is something that cannot be taken away from us. There is nothing we can do to change this. No matter how low we feel, we will always be the one creating our reality. Every thought we think is forming the world around us and inside us. And best of all, it is all coming from a divine unlimited source that is all-loving.
This intimate connection to an Unlimited Source of Energy, Love, Divine Intelligence and a Universal Wisdom is within us at all times. The moment we own this hidden "enlightening" power within us, it will be unleashed. As we let it out onto the world around us, we see that we are able to manifest anything! The more often we give it away, the deeper we realize that it is a power that no one can take away. With this understanding we are truly free.

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