joi, 6 decembrie 2012

What is Ascension?

Ascension is the process that everything in existence goes through to evolve. We filter and integrate the elements from the Earth and Cosmos, ethericly and energetically, into the body via the chakras so the body and consciousness can continue to function and heal itself to sustain a life force within this dimension on Earth. As we successively incarnate on Earth we continue to
 evolve in body and consciousness, just as the Earth continues to change and evolve through time. This is the process of ascension.

However, periodically on Earth, the energetic nature of all elements within the Universe go through radical vibrational and frequency shifts, because of divinely orchestrated astrological events. At these times of evolution a ‘12 year transition’ occurs to create a ‘Doorway’ opportunity for the energetic consciousness of Earth itself to make a rapid shift in its own ascension process. At these times, rapid cleansing and rejuvenation occurs on the planet because of the intense energies activated within the Universe. These ‘times of transition’ are vital stages of ascension for Earth and humanity.

At ‘times of transition’, large Earth and cosmic shifts or events occur because of the energetic changes occurring within the Universe to support the ascension process; they can include intense stellar gateway activity and astrological alignments through to natural catastrophes. At such times in the past, there have been rapid extinctions of animal species and the completion of civilisations because of the intense Earth and weather changes. However, on a parallel level, those surviving the Earth changes were enforced and energetically supported to ascend by making a rapid evolutionary step in their body and consciousness.

We are presently experiencing a vital ‘time of transition’. From 1999-2012; we are all ascending from the third into the fifth dimension (although this may sound like something out of science fiction, what we are actually talking about is a change in our frequency and consciousness). It is through the whole ascension process that Earth systematically evolves to create the changes within the elements and matter itself so the human body can alchemically perfect and crystallise itself.

So the human body is ascending into a higher state of being because of the shifts and changes the Earth creates in its own ascension process. It is through the changing elements within the Cosmos, that the Earth can evolve into higher levels of existence and as we reincarnate we are given a wonderful opportunity to experience different realities and thereby ascend each time into higher levels of consciousness and being. Therefore ascension is a state of evolution.

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