miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012

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One has to love life enough to beautify it, to pour one's energy into it. Yes, we are here for a few days, but a few days are more then enough. It is not a question of time, you have to do something in these days.

Try to make it a little cleaner. Try to make it a little healthier, try to make it a little hygienic, try to make it a little happier. That very effort will change you. That very idea i
s what service is.

To be creative is to really be in the service of God. And that is the only true way of prayer and meditation.

If God is a creator, then we can participate with him only when we are creators. In our own small way, painting or poetry or pottery, whatsoever small thing we can do. But while we are creating it, we are participating in the vast process of creation. In those moments we disappear and God is.

Creativity certainly brings peace. And if there is creativity and there is peace, one starts feeling existence is full of Godliness. Then there is no need to go to the church, or the temple, or the mosque.

The whole of life is your temple.

The whole earth is sacred.

Wherever you are, you are on sacred ground.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

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