miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012

When the universe aligns on the 21st, (which really will be a 3 day event like the full moon and will only be perfectly aligned for 8 minutes) this alignment will create many anomalies in space and also here on earth where every living thin
g will be affected. In humans it will affect the pineal gland, it will make vast amounts of DMT, we will experience bliss beyond anything any of us have felt before, we will experience at-one-ment (atonement)...
After this time it will be important to continue on this vibration and act upon the revelation to erase the suffering in the world. Action in the physical, such as doing away with false monetary systems around the globe, and getting rid of monarchies and false religions... doing away with the old world order masquerading as a new world order... the new world belongs to the masses... it is the same thing that is written in revelations but Christians only believe that book in usually a very literal sense and fail to see what is really happening and seeing that it is the same thing...remember the NWO is the OWO it is up to us to save ourselves from that system. The rapture is not where Jesus comes to pick people up, the rapture is in the alignment that will cause the evolution and change in humans drastically. It is extremely important at this time to understand real truths because if we don't, the world will continue on as the hell-mouth it has been for at least the last 10,000 years.
So, pay attention to all your senses on the 21/12, and wake the fuck up!

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