marți, 19 februarie 2013

We were invited to this life and our acceptance means we really want the experience, lessons and growth. We may not be clear on all that is possible, but that is the adventure. There will be challenges, hurt and difficulty, but the possibilities of love, creation and growth are limitless.

Magic Turtle Cake!

Peeled, and thinly sliced kiwis (as many as it takes to cover shell)
Bananas, thinly sliced, lengthwise
Coconut flesh (1/2 cup)
Coconut water (1/4 cup)
Dates, pitted (1/2 cup)

1. Put coconut flesh, coconut water, and dates into a blender, and blend on high until you get an "icing" like consistency (not too liquidy, if it is too thin, add more dates)

2. Start with layered bananas on the bottom, followed by some coconut date "icing", followed by thinly sliced kiwi rounds, and then some more "icing", and then more banana slices. Continue this pattern, moving slowly into the center until you get a 1/2 circle shape on your plate.

3. Next, layer the 1/2 circle with thinly sliced kiwi rounds to make the green colour of the turtle shell.

4. Make the head, feet, and tail, simply by carving out individual kiwis to get the shapes as pictured in the picture below.

Have you ever tried to REMEMBER some fact, theory or information you had been taught in school or in a class or heard from passing by? Sometimes we can remember it & many times we can't. Is it perhaps because the times we can remember, it is because we were AWARE, in the MOMENT & our KNOWING came through when we were learning? So the knowledge becomes us. When we learn & are not focused, aware & in the moment, we very quickly can forget. We don't KNOW, we can just recite perhaps. The difference between knowledge & information depends upon AWARENESS while you are learning & then in APPLYING what you learn, so you experience it & then you know. Have you ever noticed this? Elizabeth Peru

SOUL & BODY SPRAYS : Refreshing, uplifting, zesty & clearing. Hand blended by myself using my favourite essential oils & all natural ingredients. Incl. GODDESS, MEDITATION, NEMESIS, FOCUS & LIFE FORCE. Shipping Worldwide. SEE LINKElizabeth Peru
his weekend is the Aquarius New Moon and Chinese New Year 2013 is the year of the Snake.

According to Lori Reid, in her book on Chinese astrology, the snake is the philosopher and mystic of the Chinese astrological signs — perceptive, intuitive, even psychic. Enigmatic snakes can be secretive, Lori writes, but are undeniably attractive, because after all, who can resist a mystery?

Previous snake years were: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001. The last water snake year was 60 years ago, 1953. Famous snakes: Mae West, Howard Hughes, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

According to Native American lore snake medicine people are very rare and their initiation involves living through multiple snake bites which invests them with the power to transmute all poisons: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. Snake medicine is creative power and embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction and ascension into higher states of consciousness.

There are many correlates between Chinese and Native American snake symbolism!

The 2013 Year of the Snake coincides with the element of water, making the psychic/intuitive snake energy even more powerful. It is interesting to note that this year — in Western Astrology — also has an emphasis on the water element with many planets traversing signs in water, and a special grand sextile aspect pattern this summer that will fall in the two feminine elements of water and earth. Snake medicine indeed!

~ Blue Moon Astrology
Unconditonal Love is Loving Without Attachment

There are many kinds of love but all love that is true is different expressions of the same love, which is Divine love. Whatever love that you feel and express, it is actually the love of the Creator being expressed through you. Who you really are is a messenger of Divne love. Life is a journey for us to discover more of who we really are so that we can evolve to higher forms of expressing love until we can fully love unconditionally. That is when we can fully allow the love of the Divine to flow through us uninhibitedly.

Unconditional love is love that is free. You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated. When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection. You love fearlessly and freely WITHOUT needing anything back. The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love. It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.

When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results. Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth. fearlessly, but always without attachment. ♥
Depending on one’s religious and/or spiritual beliefs, the end-all-be-all of spiritual realization is either “God” or “Emptiness.” These goals of spiritual living seem quite different, so how can both be the absolute destination of one’s divine journey? If we look closer at the topic of duality versus nonduality, we begin the see that all paths are touching on the brink between the dual experience of human existence and the transcendent, nondual experience of spiritual union most often described as “Oneness.”

It is common knowledge that in judeo-christian doctrine, God is comprised of three primary attributes: omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. If we look into these three descriptions of the Divine, we are but a breath away from comprehending how God and Emptiness are signposts pointing to the same human experience.

1. Omniscience (All-knowing)

The first attribute of God is that He is all-knowing, meaning there is not anything within the Universe secret to Him. He knows all, understands all, and has calculated all of Nature. There is nothing outside of God’s grasp, nothing hidden. Neither the conscious nor unconscious can hide from His knowledge. Nothing is mysterious and so He is the ultimate mystery. To experience this aspect of God, one would gain insight into the nature of everything. Sound like Enlightenment? You bet.

2. Omnipotence (All-powerful)

The second attribute of God is that He is all-powerful, pointing to the causal nature of God, that He is the initial and perpetual creative force in everything. For God to have all the power and ability in existence, then God also has the power of all choice. Yet life and death still occur, affirming that the natural cycles are a choice of the Almighty. Even our own ability to choose is a choice of God. Similar to the Tao, God is seen this way as the ultimate reality of Nature itself. because he is all-powerful, Nature must be His will. This is a perfect relation to the natural, elemental forces described by wisdom traditions of the East.

3. Omnipresence (All-present)

The third attribute of God is that He is all-present, of course hitting home the idea that there is no place God does not dwell. He is in all things, because there is ultimately no separation between God and creation. God both is and is not creation. This is where duality and nonduality come into play. Duality is this or that, black or white, good or bad; the function of cognition and rationality. Nonduality is creative and flowing, a confluence of all Reality; it is Oneness. So nondual realization is to be able to rest in the absolute Truth that God Is All and All Is God. Though we are subject to the duality of a separate body and mind, we can still realize our nature as One with God in moments of transcendent experience (click Here for meditation instruction).

So how does this all bridge God and Emptiness? Because the fullness of God is the same as the Emptiness of nothing. One points to everything and the other points to nothing, but each is singularly total. God and Emptiness are both without separation, without contrast. The goal of spiritual practice is to see clearly this nondual reality while also existing in the dual experience of our humanity. Once the nondual is realized, once God and Emptiness are One, the dual reality of life opens into endless Space. This is Oneness.

We are this Thing and this Thing is Us. We are One.

"Intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive. We do not become aware because we perceive; rather, we perceive as a result of the pressure and intrusion of intent" .

"In terms of his connection with intent , a warrior goes through four stages. The first is when he has a rusty, untrustworthy link with intent . The second is when he succeeds in cleaning it. The third is when he learns to manipulate it. And the fourth is when he learns to accept the designs of the abstract"
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link."

"It is a moment of blackness, a moment still more silent than the moment of shutting off the internal dialogue. That blackness, that silence, gives rise to the intent to direct the second attention, to command it, to make it do things. This is why it's called will . The intent and the effect are will ; they are tied together.

We don't feel our will because we think that it should be something we know for sure that we are doing or feeling, like getting angry, for instance. Will is very quiet, unnoticeable. "

luni, 18 februarie 2013

Meditation is the key that will open the door to your inner Self wherein lies all the true power for material manifestation for as sound springs from the silences so does positive action come from inner KNOWING.

It has been said that one must lose one's life to find it. Applied to meditation it means that one must lose (forget) one's mortal body in order to become aware of one's immortality.

That is exactly what happens when we seek the Light of Self illumination in our eternal Selves. The great glory of existence is reached only by Mind awareness. You can only reach supreme heights that way.

In that ecstatic existence is the seed and Source of all power and all knowledge which is yours by just desiring it. 

~ Walter Russell

"There is a well of infinity hidden within each soul. There you will find an incredible energy source, beyond your broadest understanding. It is light and healing. The force of nature. The essence of love."

Royce Addington
"Somehow part of the package of being a living, thinking being is that you get a universe inside of you. You get a galaxy sized object inside you that you can access. And there, there are the mountains, the rivers, the jungles, the dynastic families, the ruins, the planets, the works of art, the poetry, the sciences, the magics, of millions upon millions upon millions of worlds. And this is apparently who we each are. We're a little bit of eternity sticking into three-dimensional space."

Terence McKenna

Your freedom is a supreme value. Nothing is higher than that. But your freedom is possible only if you are not encaged in your habits, unconscious patterns of living. Change your gestalt from unconsciousness to consciousness.

— Osho

A rebellious man first tries to understand the causes that are not allowing his natural flowering. This basic thing has to be remembered: peace is not a goal, peace is your intrinsic nature. So whatever is preventing your natural growth, that has to be dropped. If it is anger, jealousy, greed, ambition, desiring, then they are not worth anything. You are wasting a tremendous opportunity of finding an inexhaustible treasure of blessings, for stupid things which don’t have any significance. Drop them! It is not renunciation, it is simply understanding. It is not becoming a monk or an ascetic. It is simply becoming a more conscious man.

The more conscious you are, the more peace will arise within the silences of your own heart. It has always been there, there was just no bridge between you and it. And you were running all around, all over the world, searching for it everywhere — except in your own house.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!
Why do you stay in prison,
when the door is so wide open?

‎"In fact, my soul and yours are the same,
You appear in me, I in you,
We hide in each other."


Due to developmental periods, our subconscious minds can take over for reasons unknown to our conscious minds. Some pain is from before memory; some is repressed. We can get clues through the body and then use the breath and thoughts of Love to heal these spots of tension.

Today is yesterday's tomorrow. It's time to take action on those intentions. We're ready for a more fully human Life, and this expansion starts with personal accountability.

What will You achieve today?
As if we didn't already know, we act surprised when an old pattern yields similar results. No need for emotional turmoil; this is as simple as going a different route on the map. We just must change directions.

The more he goes deeper into himself, the more mature he is.

When he has reached the very center of his being, he is perfectly mature.

But at that moment the person disappears, only presence remains.

The self disappears, only silence remains.

Knowledge disappears, only innocence remains.

— Osho

People fear to empty their minds, that they will be engulfed by the void. They don't realize their own mind is the void.

Whenever you are now and here there is no ego to be found. You are a pure silence.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
neither thinking of the past, nor thinking of the future, nor clinging to the present.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

The danger is not to live in totality and intensity, not to make your life a dance, a celebration.

As this era of masculine dominance comes to an end and a feminine understanding of life’s wholeness is included, we are beginning to experience a different world in which physical, mental, and spiritual well-being are interdependent. We see the signs of this in the new age movement. But the new age movement is often limited by its focus on individual well-being. Our real concern is the well-being of the planet and the whole of humanity. Central to this is the understanding that the physical world cannot be healed from a solely physical perspective, but requires a shift to an attitude that contains a multi-dimensional approach.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee 'Light of Oneness'

You have to drop all seriousness. You have to drop this seriousness because it has been forced upon you; this is not your nature. You did not come serious into the world, you came laughing.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Ego and mind and all creations arise out of Self as Self,
even the ugliest of doubts and the most separate of differences
rise from the beautiful source as Isness.
In Self there are no do's and don'ts.
If there is unhappiness you are not unhappy,
... you are the Untouched Awareness of this unhappiness.
As waves are not separate from ocean, nor rays from sun,
you are not separate from Existence.
You are the Moment in which all is.

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want - Lao Tzu

The transpersonal realm are those levels of consciousness where the individual and the cosmos are intimately connected, where all sorts of parapsychological experiences may occur and orgiastic feelings of cosmic proportions, spiritual liberation and enlightenment can appear alongside a mystical union with the creative principle in the universe. Ultimately, the individual may be ushered into absolute reality or the supracosmic and metacosmic void.

- Stanislav Grof -

"The human body literally is a microcosm that reflects and contains the entire macrocosm; thus if one could thoroughly explore one’s own body and psyche, this would bring the knowledge of all the phenomenal worlds."

Stanislav Grof

The "Self" can be attributed to personality, soul, ego, true self, and many other words used to describe either the material or spiritual aspect of an individual. This type of thinking can get very rigid, lending itself to definitions upon definitions. We are now in a time where the material and spiritual are merging, and we no longer need to distinguish the two so adamantly.

In devotion there is duality between the devotee and the divine. Ultimately, the devotee has to surrender completely to the divine. If he surrenders completely, then he has no more business. Then the divine will look after him. But nobody does this. Bhakti is love. It is romance. It can't be just going to the temple for an hour. It is a romance you can never forget for an instant. It's a real romance with your own Self. If you surrender to the divine, your work is done. (Papaji)

duminică, 17 februarie 2013

Touch the side of your head with your fingers.
Thats your 'temple'. A temple on either side.
Enter the temple, and within it, is our connection to source..
Activating the pineal gland is a key point in the next stage of human evolution.

Light activates the full potential of the brain bringing forth infinite inherent powers that have remained dormant for millennia. Since the pineal gland is sensitive to light we use solar energy and convert it to physical nourishment. The suns energy is a source that powers the brain and the human eye is the only organ where the sun can either enter or leave the human body. While the eyes are the sun energy’s entry way to the human brain, the age-old healing ritual of solar gazing (practiced by ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Greeks, Mayans, in Tibetan Yoga and some traditions of Qigong, Tai Chi, and by some Native American tribes) enables us to receive nourishment, healing and spiritual enlightenment.

Devoted solar gazers claim better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health as well as being able to sustain oneself on solar energy alone for very long periods without eating any food. Strict long-term fastings under the control and observation of various scientific and medical teams revealed a regeneration of the brains gray cells and the expansion of the pineal gland rather than its typical shrinking. Solar gazing is done only during the first hour after sunrise or the last hour before sunset, when the sun’s rays are most gentle to the eyes. If gazing is not done around dawn or sunset and is performed at other hours it will result in serious damage to the retina.

Once the body is sufficiently aligned with spiritual force, light becomes food, hence the breatharian ideal that uses breath to stimulate the pineal gland by bringing in large volumes of oxygen and life-force into the bloodstream. Oxygen drenched blood causes the pineal gland to resonate and vibrate.
A man who is really spiritual has tremendous experiences but he never accumulates them. Once they have happened he forgets about them. He never remembers, he never projects them into the future. He never says that they should be repeated or that they should happen again to him. He never prays for them. Once they have happened they have happened. Finished! He is finished with them and he moves away from them. He is always available for the new, he never carries the old.

— Osho

In one sense we are always traveling,
and traveling as if we did not know
where we were going.

In another sense
we have already arrived.

But oh! How far have I to go to find You
in Whom I have already arrived!

— Thomas Merton

Man has accepted conflict as an innate part of daily existence because he has accepted competition, jealousy, greed, acquisitiveness and aggression as a natural way of life. When we accept such a way of life we accept the structure of society as it is and live within the pattern of respectability. And that is what most of us are caught in because most of us want to be terribly respectable. When we examine our own minds and hearts, the way we think, the way we feel and how we act in our daily lives, we observe that as long as we conform to the pattern of society, life must be a battlefield.

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

But when the game has gone on long enough, all of us will wake up, stop pretending, and remember that we are all one single Self, the God who is all that there is and who lives for ever and ever - Alan Watts

We have always had the potential to do anything we could conceivably visualize ! The mind's power is limitless and when every part of your being believes it can, it will ! You are a power house and all that untamed energy when channeled and focused at one point, the Pineal Gland or the Mind's Eye, can make impossible seem like a word in the dictionary of the unaware. The nature of reality is seamless and your belief is what creates your reality. We all have the potential to be able to do anything we want, if only we believe strongly enough

Nu mi-e teama de moarte
Caci vad in ea o superba entitate
Ce-mi deschide calea spre eternitate,
Dandu-mi o noua identitate,
Pentru a ma lasa consumat de infinitate.

sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

When the mind realizes that only by being still is there understanding - then it becomes very quiet. That quietness is not imposed, not disciplined, it is a quietness that cannot be understood by an agitated mind.

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

The ego is nothing but accumulated tensions between life's
Watch, witness, observe your thoughts - without any judgement, without any condemnation or evaluation...

― Osho
Remember, watching is the only key. Observation is meditation -- there is nothing more to meditation; it is another name for being aware. And the miracle is that when you become aware of something, utterly aware, it disappears. It remains only if you are unaware. Your unawareness is a food for distraction, for indolence. Your awareness means they are no longer being fed, they start starving. Sooner or later they wither away of their own accord.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Unless life is a celebration you have lived in vain. Unless life turns into a Gautam Buddha you have been wasting a tremendous opportunity given to you by existence.

― Osho

When we let go of our battles and open our heart to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice. Only in this moment can we discover that which is timeless. Only here can we find the love that we seek. Love in the past is simply memory, and love in the future is fantasy. Only in the reality of the present can we love, can we awaken, can we find peace and understanding and connection with ourselves and the world - Jack Kornfield

Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else.
Leonardo da Vinci

At the supreme summit of Love, - which is Mahabhava - exuberance, excessive emotion and the like cannot possibly occur. Emotional excitement and Supreme Love are in no wise to be compared: they are totally different from one another.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

Who Tells Us What To Think? Is The Mainstream Media The Matrix?

Tech_Wallpaper_by_tennsoccerdrMichael Snyder, Contributor.
Do you believe that you really think for yourself? Did you come up with your attitudes, opinions and beliefs on your own, or are they continually being shaped and molded by someone else? Could it be possible that you and everyone around you is actually hooked into a real life version of “the matrix” that is constantly defining your reality for you?
Sadly, the truth is that almost all of us have willingly hooked ourselves into a colossal media system that literally tells us what to think. In the United States today, the average American watches 153 hours of television a month. We also spend huge amounts of time watching movies, surfing the Internet, reading books and magazines, playing video games and listening to music. Many Americans are so addicted to being “connected” that they will actually become physically uncomfortable if they are at home and there is total silence.
Unfortunately, as I pointed out in a previous article, somewhere around 90 percent of the “information” that we are allowing to be endlessly pumped into our heads is owned by just 6 gigantic media corporations. So could it be possible that the thousands of hours of “news and entertainment” that you are allowing these gigantic corporations to fill your head with each year is having an effect on you? Does the mainstream media have more control over you than you ever dreamed possible? If you want to continue on in blissful ignorance, stop reading now, but if you want to take “the red pill”, keep on reading because the further down the rabbit hole you go, the stranger that things get.When you go to work or to school in the morning, what is everyone talking about? Usually, people are talking about something that they saw on television or that they heard about in the news.
In our society today, the limited interactions that we do have with other people are usually defined by our mutual connection to the media. The mainstream media literally defines for us what is important and what is not. If the mainstream media does not talk about something, then it simply does not matter.
I don’t know how many times over the years I have heard someone tell me some version of the following statement: “If that was true we would have heard about it on the news.”
Has anyone ever said something similar to you?
The funny thing is that most of the time I won’t even mention something important that I may have heard in one of my articles unless I can back it up with a “mainstream source”, and I don’t even trust the mainstream media.
I know that the mainstream media often distorts the facts and often tells outright lies, but I regularly link to them because that gives my articles more “credibility” in the eyes of those that are still fully hooked into the matrix.
In a world where the big media corporations have so much power, is there any hope for us?
As long as the big corporations that control the media are dominating and controlling the conversation, is there any chance that there will ever be a mass awakening among the American people?
Our young people seem particularly addicted to being constantly “connected” to the media matrix that is being constructed all around us.
The following is a brief excerpt from a recent article by Daniel Taylor
According to a 2010 LA Times report, young people spend on average 53 hours a week watching TV, playing video games, and sitting at the computer.
Facebook users spend about 15 hours a month on the social networking site.
People are walking – and driving – blindly while texting, sometimes walking into fountains and even falling off cliffs.
Wow – our young people spend more than 200 hours a month connected to the mainstream media?
But we only have about 480 waking hours a month to work with.
If they are being exposed to that amount of continuous propaganda, what hope do our young people have?
In the old days, kids actually played with each other in the streets and adults actually left their homes to interact with one another.
But these days we spend nearly all of our time sitting passively in our homes staring at flickering screens.
Is that a sign of a healthy society?
We were created to be social creatures. We were designed to love and to be loved. But these days people “love” their favorite sports teams or they “love” their favorite television shows but we have an increasingly difficult time having real relationships with each other.
Meanwhile, the global elite rely on the mainstream media to keep us distracted and to control the boundaries of public discourse. Most of the time, the mainstream media focuses on the latest celebrity scandal or the latest dogfights between the Republicans and the Democrats and they systematically ignore many of the more important things that are taking place out there.
Let me just give you one example of how the mainstream media shapes the news. For decades, there was almost a complete and total media blackout on the Bilderberg Group meetings that happen every year. Top newspaper executives from the United States would actually attend these meetings, but then their newspapers would not say a single word about them.
If anyone out there did bring up “the Bilderberg Group”, they were dismissed as wacky “conspiracy theorists” and were told that it simply does not exist.
Of course now we all know that it does exist, although the mainstream media in the U.S. still mostly ignores it. In fact, this has been by design. The following is what David Rockefeller is alleged to have said during a Bilderberg Group meeting back in 1991…
We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
Even today, many prominent “journalists” in the U.S. mock people when they bring up the Bilderberg Group. For example, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC says that he is “way too lazy” to look into the Bilderberg Group and that he “doesn’t know about it, so it must not exist”.
For much more on the connection between the mainstream media and the global elite, please see this article: “Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings“.
Instead of telling us what is really going on in the world, the mainstream media keeps us endlessly distracted. The following are just a few of the headlines that can be found on the front pages of major mainstream news sites right now…
-College student creates condom delivery service
-Michael Douglas is feeling ‘good’
-Golf tournament delayed by kangaroos
-Rock ‘n’ roll hamburger experience
-Lady Gaga cancels tour, set for surgery
Wow – those are some examples of some really hard-hitting journalism right there.
So why do most Americans continue to fall for this nonsense?
Sadly, part of the reason is because we have become so “dumbed down” as a society.
Recently, the Guardian conducted an evaluation of the reading level of every State of the Union address in U.S. history. What they found is that Barack Obama’s State of the Union addresses have had the second lowest reading level average in history, and that in general the reading levels of the speeches have been significantly declining over time.
But it is not just our presidents that appear to be getting stupider. The truth is that our public education system is a total joke at this point. Many of our high school students are as dumb as a rock, and if you can believe it, 23 percent of all Americans cannot even read beyond a fourth-grade level.
Of course the elite are quite pleased with this, because a stupid public is a public that is easier to dominate. When a large segment of the population can barely read and is accustomed to letting others do their thinking for them, it becomes easier to lie.
For example, on Thursday Paul Krugman of the New York Times made the following statement
Growing dependence on government is mostly a myth.
Of course most of you that are reading this know that is a flat-out lie. The charts in this articleclearly show that the number of Americans on food stamps is at an all-time high and the percentage of the population that is on food stamps is at an all-time high.
Back in 1983, less than a third of all Americans lived in a household that got money from the federal government each month, Now, an all-time high 49 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives money from the government each month.
For many more stats and charts that demonstrate the stunning growth of government dependence, please see this article and this article.
Sadly, the truth doesn’t seem to matter too much to the media these days. The mainstream media tends to be incredibly arrogant, and most of the time they don’t even pretend to be “objective” or “neutral” anymore.
Fortunately, more Americans than ever are becoming dissatisfied with the mainstream media and are starting to seek out alternative sources of information. According to a recent Gallup poll, the level of trust that the American public has in the mainstream media is now at an all-time low.
So perhaps there is hope after all.
What do you think?
Always remember that peace is not the goal. The goal is ecstasy. Unless you can dance, unless you can abandon yourself in dance, unless your dance can become a deep orgasm, unless you can bloom, don't stop yourself somewhere in the middle of the journey.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
The ability to trust in the reality that the energy of your world has indeed shifted, and that there is a higher perspective to be attained, heralds the turning point toward which you strive in these times.

~ Oneness

vineri, 15 februarie 2013

Mind is good when money is concerned, mind is good when war is concerned, mind is good when ambitions are concerned, but mind is absolutely useless when love is concerned. Money, war, desire, ambitions -- you cannot put love in the same category. Love has a separate source in your being..

― Osho

Our difficulty is that each of us is so identified with a particular belief, with a particular form or method of bringing about happiness, economic adjustment, that our mind is captured by that and we are incapable of going deeper into the problem; therefore we desire to remain aloof individually in our particular ways, beliefs and experiences. Until we dissolve them, through understanding - not only at the superficial level, but at the deeper level also - there can be no peace in the world. That is why it is important for those who are really serious, to understand this whole problem - the desire to become, to achieve, to gain - not only at the superficial level but fundamentally and deeply; otherwise there can be no peace in the world.

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Genuine love is rarely an emotional space where needs are instantly gratified. To know love we have to invest time and commitment...'dreaming that love will save us, solve all our problems or provide a steady state of bliss or security only keeps us stuck in wishful fantasy, undermining the real power of the love -- which is to transform us.' Many people want love to function like a drug, giving them an immediate and sustained high. They want to do nothing, just passively receive the good feeling.”
― Bell Hooks

Your conditioned mind, your way of life, the whole structure of the society in which you live, prevent you from looking at a fact and being entirely free from it immediately. You say, `I will think about it; I will consider whether it is possible to be free from violence or not. I will try to be free.' That is one of the most dreadful statements you can make, `I will try'. There is no trying, no doing your best. Either you do it or you don't do it.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti

There is an extraordinary freedom when one understands the whole process of belief, why the mind is attached to a belief. When there is freedom from beliefs, there is simplicity. But that simplicity requires intelligence, and to be intelligent one must be aware of one's own impediments.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti

Have you ever sat very silently, not with your attention fixed on anything, not making an effort to concentrate, but with the mind very quiet, really still? Then you hear everything, don’t you? You hear the far off noises as well as those that are nearer and those that are very close by, the immediate sounds—which means really that you are listening to everything. Your mind is not confined to one narrow little channel. If you can listen in this way, listen with ease, without strain, you will find an extraordinary change taking place within you, a change which comes without your volition, without your asking; and in that change there is great beauty and depth of insight.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti
Five strivings for daily effort by G.I.Gurdjieff

1. Preserve your life
Be just to the planetary body; satisfy its needs; treat it as a good master treats a good servant, not being overly indulgent and conditioned by physical desires, the stomach and sex organs.

2. Develop yourself
Constant, unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection and self-knowledge in the sense of Being, striving for the attainment of the real "I," one's individuality.

3. Find your place in the scheme
Understand the meaning and aim of existence, seeking after truth about self and the nature of the world, striving to understand the fundamental cosmic laws which create and sustain life.

4. Pay back
To lighten the load of the Creator, pay back in gratitude and effort for the fact that Evolution has helped you to get this far, overcoming egoism and striving to lessen the suffering and unhappiness within the world.

5. Help others to develop.
Assist and help others towards their self-perfection, to attaining real "I."

All reality is yours. We have an incredible responsibility to co-create this existence. Ultimately, our perceptions of reality are what dictate the "truth" of Life.

"Whether we use psychological or esoteric terminology, the basic fact remains the same: human beings do not earn free will except through self-discovery, and they do not attempt self-discovery until things become so painful that they have no other choice. If the individual makes no effort to expand his consciousness so that he can understand the nature of his total unfoldment and can begin to cooperate with it, then it will seem that he his the pawn of fate and has no control over his life. He can only earn his freedom by learning about himself so that he can understand what value a particular experience has for the development of his whole self."

- Liz Greene

joi, 14 februarie 2013

You'll only need a few simple ingredients for your All-Natural Deodorant:

1/4 Cup of Baking Soda (neutralizes odor)
1/4 Cup of Arrowroot starch (absorbs moisture)
4 Tb Coconut Oil (anti-bacterial and moisturizing)
1/4 tsp Tea Tree Oil (anti-bacterial)

Mix all ingredients together to form a paste/cream... and that's it!

Did you know that your favorite deodorant might contain dangerous ingredients that are known to cause cancer, brain damage, and liver abnormalities? Here are three of the worst:

Parabens: Parabens (look on the label for methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben or isobutylparaben) are used in many skincare and cosmetic products. They function as a preservative to discourage bacteria and fungus. Research indicates that parabens from lotions or deodorants absorb into the body and weakly mimic estrogen, wreaking havoc on the endocrine system. Parabens have, not surprisingly, been found in breast cancer tumors- did you know that over 55% of breast tumors are located on the upper outside of the breast, near the underarm? That fact alone is enough to reconsider your paraben-ridden deodorant!

Aluminum: The active ingredient in many deodorants/antiperspirants is aluminum, which actually blocks the body from producing sweat. I'd really hesitate to use any chemical compound that inhibits a normal and useful bodily function... but aside from that, aluminum can cause neurological damage and contribute to diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Aluminum can enter and remain in a human bloodstream for up to two weeks after just one application of deodorant/antiperspirant.

Propelene Glycol: Propelene Glycol, often used in deodorants, is an ingredient in antifreeze. Factory workers who are exposed to it are warned of the danger of kidney, brain, and liver damage through skin contact.

marți, 12 februarie 2013

This moment is all. Now is the only time and here is the only space. And then suddenly the whole sky drops into you. This is bliss. This is REAL happiness.

Seek bliss; it is your birthright. Don't remain lost in the jungle of pleasures; rise a little higher. Reach to happiness and then to bliss.

Pleasure is animal, happiness is human, bliss is divine. Pleasure binds you, it is a bondage, it chains you. Happiness gives you a little more rope, a little bit of freedom, but only a little bit. Bliss is absolute freedom. You start moving upwards; it gives you wings. You are no more part of the gross earth; you become part of the sky. You become light, you become joy.

Pleasure is dependent on others. Happiness is not so dependent on others, but still it is separate from you. Bliss is not dependent, is not separate either; it is your very being, it is your very nature. To attain it is to attain to God, to nirvana.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

The feeling of gratefulness can arise only if we become aware of what existence is giving us. We have nothing to give in return, hence we feel deep gratitude. We are not worthy of it all, we don’t deserve it. Still the flowers bloom, still the sun rises, still the moon comes, and the stars…. Still existence goes on giving, whether we take any note of it or not.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

luni, 11 februarie 2013

It is only when we know how to love each other that there can be co-operation, that there can be intelligent functioning, a coming together over any question. Only then is it possible to find out what God is, what truth is. Now, we are trying to find truth through intellect, through imitation - which is idolatry. Only when you discard completely, through understanding, the whole structure of the self, can that which is eternal, timeless, immeasurable, come into being. You cannot go to it; it comes to you.

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Meditation has only one meaning, and that is going beyond the mind and becoming a witness. In your witnessing is the miracle - the whole mystery of life.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Misery makes you more and more impotent, hollow, it is a kind of negative emptiness. One simply feels useless, meaningless; one does not live, but only vegetates. But that is the story of millions of people: they all live in misery, and to live in misery is to live in hell.

Hell is not somewhere else -- it depends on you. You can live in it right now or you can transcend it. It is our choice; but the choice is such that you cannot make it once for ever, you have to make it every moment. You cannot make it once and then go to sleep. You have to be alert, watchful, because each moment these two alternatives are present: to be miserable or to be blissful. And you become whatsoever you choose.

Choosing blissfulness brings strength, rootedness, centeredness, gives you an inner plentitude, a fullness. Not that misery disappears -- the world goes on living in misery, and you are in the world and you are surrounded by miserable people and they are all like dark clouds, not even a silver line in them -- but it no more touches you, it no more influences you. It no more has any impact on you. You remain in the world of misery and miserable people and yet you are above it.

Life can never be just a bed of roses. The roses come with thorns, because life is a duality. It is night and day, birth and death, summer and winter; it is happiness, unhappiness.

Remember, by being blissful I don't mean being happy. Happiness is another polarity of unhappiness. The happy person is bound to become unhappy sooner or later; the unhappy person will become happy again -- it is a vicious circle. It is like a wheel: you go on moving in the same circle again and again.

Blissfulness is a transcendence: seeing the duality of life, seeing the constant conflict of polarities in life, one becomes only a witness. The world remains the same but you are no more the same; you live in the same world but you are a totally different person. You are reborn.

That's exactly the definition of sannyas: a rebirth.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Life exists without rules; games cannot exist without rules. So real religion is always without rules; only false religion has rules, because false religion is a game.

— Osho

Only come to know the nature of your own mind,
in which there is no self and no other,
and you will in fact be a Buddha.

~ Huang Po

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.

— Lao Tzu

One can not reflect in streaming water. Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.

— Lao Tzu
The waters of emotion flow whether we choose or not. It's easy to confuse spirituality with not feeling, but we are actually becoming very comfortable with our emotions; so comfortable that one may appear to not be feeling at all. We know better now. Like a cool river stream, we smoothly glide through Life in full acceptance of reality.

What is love with most of us? When we say we love somebody, what do we mean? We mean we possess that person. From that possession arises jealousy, because if I lose him or her what happens? I feel empty, lost; therefore I legalize possession; I hold him or her. From holding, possessing that person, there is jealousy, there is fear and all the innumerable conflicts that arise from possession. Surely such possession is not love, is it?

Obviously love is not sentiment. To be sentimental, to be emotional, is not love, because sentimentality and emotion are mere sensations. A religious person who weeps about Jesus or Krishna, about his guru or somebody else, is merely sentimental, emotional. He is indulging in sensation, which is a process of thought, and thought is not love. Thought is the result of sensation, so the person who is sentimental, who is emotional, cannot possibly know love. Again, aren't we emotional and sentimental? Sentimentality, emotionalism, is merely a form of self-expansion.
Love is the matter what the question is.

Jiddu Krishnamurti