duminică, 17 februarie 2013

A man who is really spiritual has tremendous experiences but he never accumulates them. Once they have happened he forgets about them. He never remembers, he never projects them into the future. He never says that they should be repeated or that they should happen again to him. He never prays for them. Once they have happened they have happened. Finished! He is finished with them and he moves away from them. He is always available for the new, he never carries the old.

— Osho

In one sense we are always traveling,
and traveling as if we did not know
where we were going.

In another sense
we have already arrived.

But oh! How far have I to go to find You
in Whom I have already arrived!

— Thomas Merton

Man has accepted conflict as an innate part of daily existence because he has accepted competition, jealousy, greed, acquisitiveness and aggression as a natural way of life. When we accept such a way of life we accept the structure of society as it is and live within the pattern of respectability. And that is what most of us are caught in because most of us want to be terribly respectable. When we examine our own minds and hearts, the way we think, the way we feel and how we act in our daily lives, we observe that as long as we conform to the pattern of society, life must be a battlefield.

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

But when the game has gone on long enough, all of us will wake up, stop pretending, and remember that we are all one single Self, the God who is all that there is and who lives for ever and ever - Alan Watts

We have always had the potential to do anything we could conceivably visualize ! The mind's power is limitless and when every part of your being believes it can, it will ! You are a power house and all that untamed energy when channeled and focused at one point, the Pineal Gland or the Mind's Eye, can make impossible seem like a word in the dictionary of the unaware. The nature of reality is seamless and your belief is what creates your reality. We all have the potential to be able to do anything we want, if only we believe strongly enough

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