luni, 18 februarie 2013

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!
Why do you stay in prison,
when the door is so wide open?

‎"In fact, my soul and yours are the same,
You appear in me, I in you,
We hide in each other."


Due to developmental periods, our subconscious minds can take over for reasons unknown to our conscious minds. Some pain is from before memory; some is repressed. We can get clues through the body and then use the breath and thoughts of Love to heal these spots of tension.

Today is yesterday's tomorrow. It's time to take action on those intentions. We're ready for a more fully human Life, and this expansion starts with personal accountability.

What will You achieve today?
As if we didn't already know, we act surprised when an old pattern yields similar results. No need for emotional turmoil; this is as simple as going a different route on the map. We just must change directions.

The more he goes deeper into himself, the more mature he is.

When he has reached the very center of his being, he is perfectly mature.

But at that moment the person disappears, only presence remains.

The self disappears, only silence remains.

Knowledge disappears, only innocence remains.

— Osho

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