duminică, 10 februarie 2013

When it comes to "waking up" spiritually, we are each like rebellious teenagers. If someone tries to wake us up before we are ready, we are likely to resist even more. On the spiritual path, we have to accept how personal the course is to us and mirror that same wisdom to others. This is the only way the flame of awakening can ignite another. If we try to light them up ourselves, we only burn them. Instead, we draw them to our warmth in the same way we have been drawn to those before us.

We are well into an exponentially greater period of growth in every aspect of life. The possibilities are endless. We can eat organic, free-range, vegan, lacto-ova-vegetarian, pescatarian, and any number of diet and lifestyle plans. We can go to church or the synagogue, both or neither. We can study witchcraft and angels and combine them into theories of Christ-Consciousness. We can use many devices, and devices for those devices, in order to accomplish communication and goals.

The problem with all these possibilities is that we can become paralyzed by choice. It is always our responsibility to make choices and actions. The issue that arises with so many choices and possibilities is that we have the ability to constantly look outside, behind, forward, and back with regret or anticipation, missing the present-moment solution that is Life itself.

Our responsibility, due to all this possibility, is to simplify. We must aim for simplicity in order to accomplish our goals, to stay in the present moment, and to be of service to humanity.

Not so long ago, complexity meant success. The more stuff, the better. Now we are cool and collected minimalists. We see what is necessary and we discard what is not. We are kind and gentle with ourselves, knowing that these transitions take time, energy, and mistakes. We see the many generations to come, and we know they’re smiling at us in gratitude for having made the tough decisions to fervently work toward simplicity.

So let’s take a deep breath, and enjoy the simple Life.


(Source: consciouschris.com)

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