Five strivings for daily effort by G.I.Gurdjieff
1. Preserve your life
Be just to the planetary body; satisfy its needs; treat it as a good
master treats a good servant, not being overly indulgent and conditioned
by physical desires, the stomach and sex organs.
2. Develop yourself
Constant, unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection and
self-knowledge in the sense of Being, striving for the attainment of the
real "I," one's individuality.
3. Find your place in the scheme
Understand the meaning and aim of existence, seeking after truth about
self and the nature of the world, striving to understand the fundamental
cosmic laws which create and sustain life.
4. Pay back
lighten the load of the Creator, pay back in gratitude and effort for
the fact that Evolution has helped you to get this far, overcoming
egoism and striving to lessen the suffering and unhappiness within the
5. Help others to develop.
Assist and help others towards their self-perfection, to attaining real "I."
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