luni, 11 februarie 2013

The waters of emotion flow whether we choose or not. It's easy to confuse spirituality with not feeling, but we are actually becoming very comfortable with our emotions; so comfortable that one may appear to not be feeling at all. We know better now. Like a cool river stream, we smoothly glide through Life in full acceptance of reality.

What is love with most of us? When we say we love somebody, what do we mean? We mean we possess that person. From that possession arises jealousy, because if I lose him or her what happens? I feel empty, lost; therefore I legalize possession; I hold him or her. From holding, possessing that person, there is jealousy, there is fear and all the innumerable conflicts that arise from possession. Surely such possession is not love, is it?

Obviously love is not sentiment. To be sentimental, to be emotional, is not love, because sentimentality and emotion are mere sensations. A religious person who weeps about Jesus or Krishna, about his guru or somebody else, is merely sentimental, emotional. He is indulging in sensation, which is a process of thought, and thought is not love. Thought is the result of sensation, so the person who is sentimental, who is emotional, cannot possibly know love. Again, aren't we emotional and sentimental? Sentimentality, emotionalism, is merely a form of self-expansion.
Love is the matter what the question is.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

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