sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

When the mind realizes that only by being still is there understanding - then it becomes very quiet. That quietness is not imposed, not disciplined, it is a quietness that cannot be understood by an agitated mind.

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

The ego is nothing but accumulated tensions between life's
Watch, witness, observe your thoughts - without any judgement, without any condemnation or evaluation...

― Osho
Remember, watching is the only key. Observation is meditation -- there is nothing more to meditation; it is another name for being aware. And the miracle is that when you become aware of something, utterly aware, it disappears. It remains only if you are unaware. Your unawareness is a food for distraction, for indolence. Your awareness means they are no longer being fed, they start starving. Sooner or later they wither away of their own accord.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Unless life is a celebration you have lived in vain. Unless life turns into a Gautam Buddha you have been wasting a tremendous opportunity given to you by existence.

― Osho

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