sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2013

6 Things to Keep Your Memory Sharp

Coconut Oil
Researchers are growing more and more optimistic about the relationship between coconut oil and memory preservation. One prominent researcher, Dr. Mary Newport, discovered that coconut oil showed exceptional promise with regards to dementia and Alzheimer’s prevention, as the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil fuel certain brain cells that have a difficult time utilizing carbohydrates, the brain’s main energy source. (Read more about coconut oil and it’s benefits for brain health)

Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
While the brain’s main energy source is glucose, it’s building blocks are primary comprised of fatty acids, more specifically, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA makes up 70% of myelin, the protective sheath that lines active, communicating neurons. Without an abundance of DHA available, brain cell communication stands to be significantly compromised, inhibiting recall and jeopardizing brain health.

Crossworld Puzzles and Brain Teasers
Crossword puzzles and brain teaser exercises keep parts of the brain active that may otherwise fall into a rut. The important thing is to become engaged in different types of puzzles as they each stimulate the brain differently, according to Ed Zimney, MD, Medical Director of HealthTalk Inc. He says, “Crossword puzzles challenge the language and memory areas [of the brain] while jigsaw puzzles provide exercise for the parietal lobes.” He urges, however, to find crossword puzzles from varying sources and editors as your brain is otherwise likely to become use to the style and receive fewer benefits.

B vitamins provide a tremendous benefit to brain health. The B vitamin family is associated with healthy nerve maintenance and and the production of DNA. Studies have also indicated that B12 prevents brain shrinkage, making this vitamin and it’s benefits an area of interest for researchers as reduced brain size is commonly seen among those with dementia and Alzheimer’s. (Read more about brain health and vitamin B12)

Among my favorite of the brain and memory protecting substances, the curcumin spice was first discovered for its brain health benefits when epidemiological studies revealed that regions with a high consumption of curry had fewer reported cases of Alzheimer’s disease. It is theorized that the anti-inflammatory spice with powerful antioxidant properties inhibits the formation of amyloid plaque, a major cause of dementia. (Read more about curcumin and it’s potential for brain health)

The antioxidants in berries provide incredible cell protection throughout your entire body, but the antioxidant family known as anthocyanidins, found in fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, cherries and elderberries, have proven to provide powerful protection to brain cells. Unlike several other antioxidants, anthocyanidins have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, providing exceptional protection the brain cells.

Read more: http://wakeup-world.com/2013/01/30/6-things-to-keep-your-memory-sharp/

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