duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013


People come in and out of our lives through this beautiful dance of life. Each of us create and play roles for one another to show us things about ourselves. Our relationships in general, are a mirror of our consciousness. People can show us what we hate, what we fear, what we judge, what and why we fight, why we feel we need to control things, people and our past and future, why we desire to own stuff, what we compare and categorize and put value on...All of it, every single experience, is created to give us an opportunity to grow, to expand our consciousness and move towards a grander, less limited experience. But all of the emotion and stories we hold on to of who we think we are and need to be, who and what we need to protect...limits us. It drives us. We can become enslaved to it if we let it. It takes us away from really just enjoying and loving what's infront of us and we can become blind of the beauty of what's there.

The only way to change this is doing internal work. Looking at and choosing to let go of this stuff which can lead us to experience things in a new level of consciousness without the limitation. It's a process and it's a journey and one of my strongest desires is for us to band together and talk about these things so that we can understand each other and help and support one another through love. Closing ourselves off and running and being afraid to share our experiences and truly be ourselves in the world is one of the most confining and darkest places we can be as humans. Suppressing who we are and where we're at. We don't need to live up to the standards of what society dictates as a person of value and beauty or what any individual does either and at the end of the day, everything is always a choice.

We're all different in what we enjoy and the choices we've made and everything and everyone on this planet is perfect. None of us have made mistakes or done anything wrong. We've all done things that can be easily judged and the reason why we judge others is because we judge ourselves. However, life doesn't have to be this way. We can create something new that benefits everyone in a positive and unconditionally loving way. We can stop judging and fighting. We can stop struggling. We can stop chasing freedom and create it instead. We can all have our basics needs met and supported through shelter, food, clean water and clothing. So much love and so much technology is being suppressed because we're locked up in fear and survival mode, but it doesn't have to be like this. We have the power to let go, the power to create anything. ((( ♥ )))

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