vineri, 25 ianuarie 2013

Remember, if you are criticizing, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling tension, you are not being grateful. If you are rushing, you are not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not being grateful.
Gratitude can transform your life. Are you allowing minor things to get in the way of the life you deserve?

‎"Learning to master your vibration is critical to having a life of joy versus a life of heartache. There will always be events and circumstances in your life over which you have no control. Stuff happens. You can’t prevent negative things from happening to you. But how you react to them determines the quality of your life. You can choose your emotions. You can raise your vibration. You can decide if you’re going with the current or struggling to paddle upstream.

Practice raising your vibration. For 10 minutes a day, be ridiculously positive, happy, and exuberant. Then go back to what you were feeling before. After you’ve mastered 10 minutes, try 20, and so on. Before long, you’ll be more comfortable being in the higher vibrational states and it will be a lot easier to get there. The more time you spend in those states, the more amazing and wonderful your life is going to be."

Erin Pavlina

As soon as you see something,
you already start to intellectualize it.
As soon as you intellectualize something,
it is no longer what you saw.

~ Shunryu Suzuki Roshi

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