duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013


Sunday is the perfect day to intentionally ponder your spirituality, your connection to God/Source/Energy, and what this connection means to you personally. And while it is great to go to church, commune with like-minded people or attend seminars to help you along on your spiritual journey, know that most of the answers you seek are already within you. You know the thoughts, words and actions that would be considered godlike or holy. By the same token, on some level you know what diminishes you. The goal is to put more action behind the things you know to be good, and spend less time pursuing that which is not productive. The Universe does not care either way and makes no such distinction between good and evil, but there can be no doubt that there are certain habits that will promote peace, health, love and joy, and then there are habits that can perpetuate unrest, disease, fear and sadness. The choice is up to you, and you are completely capable of determining what you should be pursuing in your life for it to be a more fulfilling and joyful experience first for yourself, then your friends and family, and finally the world at large. When you make the conscious choice to act in accordance with your spiritual awareness, every day is a sacred day!

Breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 7th chakra/energy center located directly at the top of your head. It may help to visualize a color, so imagine a luminescent violet light hovering directly above you. As you do this, realize that, as an energy being, you need to allow this energy to move in the same way that it moves through a battery or a magnet. It needs to cycle, which means you must knowingly and lovingly release it so that it may return and keep cycling through you. This release is not always easy, as it is an act of letting go and surrendering control, but this is exactly as it should be. We need to know that we can let go of the things that do not serve us: the negative emotions, the desire for a specific outcome, the worry. The bonus is that when these things are let go – unlike our pure energy – they do not have to return. We have released them back to the universe and the realm of infinite possibility. Suddenly we feel much lighter and more open, cleansed and ready to fill ourselves up with what we know serves us: love, gratitude, joy and peace. Blessings to you on this Sacred Sunday!

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