sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013

Is it [eros] egocentric—Are you identifying merely with your own self, your own limited awareness? Or is it ethnocentric and you are identified with a particular group, cause, or set of values, excluding all other groups and values? If this is the case you will likely have a fundamentalistic identity with a particular cause whether that cause is fundamental religiousness: Christian, or Muslim, or Hindu. Or favorite movement: Marxist, feministic, patriotic. Or favorite philosophy: scientistic, rationalistic, or reductionist. Or do your chosen values transcend all limited values and identify instead with a post-conventional sympathy with all humanity, regardless of race, color, sex or creed? In this world-centric orientation you feel a fundamental unity with all of human kind. Racist, or sexist, or ethnocentric remarks actually embarrasses you as something as essentially alien to your level of unity…The point is that you no longer hold merely conventional or ethnocentric values, but have expanded your identity to world-centric levels of love and unity. Or have you gone further yet and find your identity transcending the merely human to all of manifestation itself? To all sentient beings and the ground of all being. Here you no longer look at a mountain. You are the mountain. You feel fundamentally one with all of experience. All of manifest and unmanifest existence, a truly cosmos-centric unity…driven top to bottom by eros, by love, by a drive of evolving unity at all levels. And one’s very sense of being expands to a oneness with the All itself, with every aspect of reality, inside and out, individual and collective, being and becoming. In the deepest part of your existence you realize this love and you realize this love is timeless and eternal, present from the very beginning and continuing to drive evolution right now…[eros is] the leading edge of your own evolution. -Ken Wilber

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