marți, 29 ianuarie 2013


 The universe is fractal: this is the dynamic of self-similarity at different orders of magnitude. We are living fractals, miniature versions of the environment that we find ourselves embedded within. Organisms convert the dominant informational stream from their environments into form, function, and patterns of behavior. Through entrainment and iteration a system can produce smaller and smaller versions of itself. A story can function the same way, if it is the only informational stream that a person is exposed to. At each level of iteration, it becomes harder and harder for people to see the Big Picture, and fewer and fewer people do. Ironically, it's their narrow focus that makes them feel so powerful. That is what a deductive mindset does. It reduces everything to a narrow focus and with laser-like precision destroys everything in its path. The opposite would be to have an holistic mindset, to use inductive reasoning to see how all things fit together. Formerly opposing forces would now be seen as complimentary. Energy and learning would now be more diffuse and available to everyone. We must cultivate a different mindset if we are to see the Big Picture. The heart is literally an organ of perception. The heart is electromagnetic, neural, and hormonal. While the brain has direct neural connections to the emotional centers of the brain and indirect connections to other neural structures, 50% of heart cells are neural and form their own neural network -- the intelligence of the heart. The heart uses inductive reasoning while the brain uses deductive reasoning. It is for this reason that I say that to have an open heart is to be truly alive, and moving to a heart-centered consciousness could heal not only the planet, but the whole universe. To understand what keeps us from accessing this information, think about the relationship between electromagnetic waves, the pineal gland, and sleep. When the strength of the electromagnetic field decreases, the pineal gland opens and melatonin is produced. This allows us to tune into the extremely low frequencies within the biosphere. The information encoded on these waves helps us to reset our own biorhythms to be in harmony with the larger system, of which we are a fractal. When the strength of the electromagnetic field increases the pineal gland closes, no melatonin is produced, and we lose access to the information encoded on the extremely low frequencies of the earth. It’s not that the information contained within these extremely low frequencies is gone; it's just that the strength of the sun’s electromagnetic field is so strong that you can't tune into the earth’s frequencies, which are extremely low. The pineal gland is not going to open until "it's quiet". There is a similar relationship with the heart and the brain. When the brain is too active, the heart closes and we lose access to an important informational stream. When the brain relaxes the heart opens and information flows into the whole psychosomatic network. With this information we can reset our behaviors to be in harmony with the larger system, of which we are a fractal. That larger system is our social network and the culture as a whole. The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is that the heart’s electromagnetic field is so much stronger than the brain’s electromagnetic field. You would think that the heart’s stronger electromagnetic field would "win out" and its information would get through. The only thing that I can come up with is, once again, fractals. Fractals are a repeating pattern; the more iterations there are, the smaller they get and the more energetic they become. When you rethink a thought over and over, you are “fractalizing” it and making it more and more energetic with each iteration. This would explain how the brain’s relatively weak electromagnetic field could overwhelm the heart’s. Yes, something must be amplifying the brain’s signal. Maybe that’s the difference between the brain and the heart -- the brain amplifies and the heart simplifies.


The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles, by Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, by Joseph Chilton Pearce

The Genie in your Genes, by Dawson Church, Ph.D.

Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, by Bruce Lipton 

The Institute of HeartMath,

Spirit Science,

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