joi, 3 ianuarie 2013

Ask yourself in moments of feeling unsettled, is this my stuff or am I picking up on others? If you are a sensitive soul like me, you will know by the feeling you get with a situation that you are faced with. Now not always it is you, however, the more we grow in these times with opening of our hearts, the more exposed our beings are becoming to pick up energy from others if you are not protecting your aura (energy flow of self). So next time you are talking talk you don't normally talk, or feel in a certain way that doesn't flow with how you normally feel, ask yourself, is this my stuff rising or is this someone else? Be still and clear with your asking and you will be shown (if you don't know already.) Trust your innervoice, but also learn how to protect yourself from others flowing through you with their vibes. Of course if its nice and empowering vibes then don't worry, if it is a feeling of attack or draining your energy then learn how to shield yourself ♥ its really easy ♥

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