sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013

The more we look outside of ourselves, the more we will face distortion and manipulation. Same thing applies when we expect a Lover or partner to complete us or rescue us from loneliness. Those relationships don't last and we are lost in a fantasy projection or illusion that leads to heart-break because we don't realize that this outer quest is replacing our chance to find deep connection to Spirit, self-love and inner union of Masculine and Feminine. WE have to find this within ourselves first to create any real genuine outer reflection. Same thing with this World, if we keep looking to our leaders and our government and expect change, we will be chasing a fantasy or hope that hits a dead end or leads us into enslavement. When we focus within on our connection to Universal Love, the true Creation and our self-sufficiency as divine sovereign beings, we have self-responsibility and wisdom behind our thoughts, actions and words, which are the architecture behind all that manifests. Awakening to the true God/ess within allows Source to work through us, which creates harmony, balance and a shift into higher dimensions... When we know that limitation is just a belief and that we have divine power that exceeds anything that holds rulership in this domain, we can start to tap into our potential that is beyond anything we have ever been taught. It is a Mystery we are being asked to embrace and explore because there is no-where else to go if we truly want freedom...

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