duminică, 13 ianuarie 2013

This loops right back on the serenity prayer. We must first realize what we cannot change and then take the needed steps to change what we CAN change, and that's usually ourselves. People say "But what's wrong with me that I need to change?" There's nothing wrong with you, me, or anyone else. But there's always room for improvement. Life is about becoming the best possible version of ourselves that we can be. If we reach a point in our lives where we think we are perfect enough and there's no reason to improve anymore, then that is a definite sign that we need to grow some more. We won't reach a state of perfection on this material plane. The Spirit within us is the perfection. When we whittle away the parts of ourselves that doesn't serve our highest good, then we get closer and closer to that state of perfection which is our Spirit. Change is never bad, nor is it ever good; that's the duality of our human thinking speaking. Change is what it is; it's a natural part of the universe. It will continue to be itself long after we are gone, so why cast our opinion upon it when we cannot change it? Just let the changes come and go, as they will. Our bodies are constantly in a state of flux. Ever growing, ever dying, ever changing. Just go with the flow and you'll find that the path of least resistance was always the right one.

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